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- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
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- Day 36: German Conservatives Win, Denounce American Conservatives
to start the week with…
My condolences on the demise of your vacation, Andi.
and just accept that it’s water under the bridge … but it’s not working. ::weeps::
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Are those your tears, running like a river?
You’re up early — I guess CBtY will be on time for his bus.
Not if he has anything to do with it…I’ve told him to get out of bed no less than 10 times already. Argh.
ah the resiliency of youth
Try this trick for waking someone up. rd time is finished with a large amount of ice water dumped on them at the time you ask. LOL
What a beautiful picture!!!! I love the air bubble as the water cascades over the large rock. You can almost hear the water as it moves over the rocks.
that your cafe picture is really fantastic.
And it’s from the cave you went to, right?
Yep, thanks. I have a bunch of cool ones from the caves.
Good morning, ladies!
Young asklet starts a 2-week break today; the joys of keeping a teenager busy…
I thought all you needed was the internet, text-messaging cell phones, and a game console. 🙂
That only works for about 3 days, then they become grumpy zombies who snap at you when you pry the electronics equipment out of their hands.
That is when you stick a rake or a paint brush in it and put them to work. LOL or at least that is what my mom did when I was growing up.
Actually, I think this week has some gardening in it for CBtE (rototillling our little plot and getting things ready), and some campaign volunteering, and maybe even a little work with my mom. He’s had a 3-week vacation, and he says he’s ready to go back to school now.
CG is right, also, their muscles would atrophy if left to their own devices (growing up in the city, little to do outdoors).
Morning Miss Andi, Cabingirl and Ask!!!!
How goes it with you and the Diva Dogs?
(And thanks for the compliment on the pic)
Morning!!! Going pretty well. Keeping extremely busy looking for a new job and volunteering at Obama Headquarters and planning strategy with my delegates for this Saturdays convention. LOL
Why how shocking! Refinish is busy! 😉
ROTFLMAO!!!! I don’t know how to live otherwise. I am also baking cookies again this am to take to Obama Headquarters. You would have thought I had hung the moon yesterday when I took in a batch of chocolate chunk cookies.
Sounds like fun to me. 🙂
I’m baking white chunk macadamia nut ones today. LOL
Well now that my vacation is over, I’ve got to go “make like Refinish” and get busy on catching up on work.
See ya.
I have to head out for coffee (and whatever else) before putting my nose to the grindstone and meeting today’s deadlines.
See y’all a bit later.
have a great day Miss Andi!!!!
Good morning all. Everybody have a great day. Those cookies sound mighty tasty.
Hope you’re having a good one too, b2.
Obama is chilling in the Virgin Islands, perhaps poaching a superdelegate or four?
I love it.
and the damn dogs just have to go out and bark at everything that is awake in the woods.
Good morning!
The joys of forest life…
Somehow, I do not feel particularly sorry; it’s better than hearing rowdy night revelers at 2.30 (better since the pub down on the corner burned down in January), or the garbage truck at 4.
No, I have to admit it’s mostly barking (or howling) dogs around here, though not always mine. Fortunately, the neighbor that used to go hunting with his coonhounds in the middle of the night moved away several years ago.
He hunted in the dark? Somehow that doesn’t seem like a good idea….
Well, you don’t hunt raccoons in the day light. LOL Morning everyone!!!!
Morning, RF! It’s good to see your smiling face around here again. 🙂
Hi Second Nature!!!! Ty. I have missed you folks. I think I might have a new job or at least an offer being made this week. LOL Volunteering and busting your ass for free does pay off sometimes. I will let you know more as things evolve. LOL
It is nice to have you back, spreading all your energy and enthusiasm in the cafe, RF. I hope your new job lead pans out, and that it’s a good fit for you this time.
What kind of cookies are you baking today? 🙂
TY. Todays cookies are chocolate mint cookies and damn do they smell good. LOL
Your energy puts me to shame. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you get a great new job.
TY!!! I need all the good wishes and luck I can get right now. I will be heading back to Obama Headquarters to finish getting out a 4000 piece mailer this am and then working on herding cats(getting Obama delegates and alternates ready for the county conventions) the rest of the day. LOL
I hate it when the dogs are so restless they keep waking me up. Barking would send me over the edge.
So, today is the big day: CBtE gets his braces off at 9:10 this morning. I think I’m more excited than he is.
It is a great day — I still remember how happy I was all these many, many, many years later.
He’s much more low-key about it. I offered to go buy him some of the sticky stuff you’re not supposed to eat when you have braces to celebrate with, and he declined.
Busy work day today?
And the end of related dental bills too! 😉
Not quite the end, but we’re down to $155 a month for the other CB’s braces, and that’s more than halfway paid for now. It will be such a relief when everybody’s finished.
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It might be soggy but still a beautiful picture. LOL Morning Miss Andi!!!!
Good morning, Andi and rf!
It’s still dark out – I take that as a sign that it is cloudy. But a hint of spring since we’ll hit 60 today.
Our forecast has temps all over the place from 60s today and tomorrow to 40s for Friday and Saturday and then back to the 60s on Sunday. But I guess unsettled weather is a sign of spring, too.
Woo-hoo. Today’s supposed to be our nicest day this week.
How is CBtE without braces?
He’s good. We keep asking him to smile at us so we can look…I think he’s getting tired of that part.
How is the young asklet making out with the vacation?
Do they still have to use those awful big rubber thingies at night that you’re supposed to bite down on but still be able to sleep? (Gawd, it’s amazing how things you hated stick with you for decades.)
A retainer? Yup. And now they come in all kinds of colors with little pictures in them. We pick that up tomorrow; he picked bright pink with black clovers for his.
No, what I was talking about was different than a retainer (I had that too but didn’t mind it). This was called, I think, a tooth positioner and it was a big black tooth mold that you put in your mouth and bit down on and you were supposed to be able to sleep with it (oh sure).
Eww. Luckily, we’ve never had one of those, because no one here would cooperate with that. 🙂
Yup, I wore my twice and then never wore it again.
I think he’s bored, but I am just checking out skiing conditions in the Berkshires and it looks OK so we may go for a long weekend (Monday added).
That sounds like fun. I guess it’s still cold enough there to make snow?
I think we’re going to get outdoors this afternoon. My daffodils are finally starting to open up, btw.
Hi ask!!!!
Did you get the big deluge down there last week? I was pretty sure that some part of Texas got walloped. The ground is still really saturated here from the 8″ we got so if we get the amount they’re forecasting, it’ll probably flood again (well we won’t but the low lying areas along rivers and creeks will).
We got some heavy rain but we are dry here so could use some more. LOL I will check back in a few as I am starting my cookies for today.
Hmm, so that’s the lovely aroma I’ve been smelling. 🙂
Happy baking.
NO baking just stirring this am. LOL I am being lazy I guess.
I’m copying you today, RF. I’m going to bake cookies to take over to our campaign HQ. 🙂
I thinking snickerdoodles.
I just made boiled cookies or no bake cookies. I did the first batch and will do another batch in a few minutes. This is one recipe you can not double as you have to spoon the cookies out on wax paper before they harden too much. LOL
I do add a teaspoon of vanilla and use 1/4 cup cocoa instead of 1/2
You can also add a cup of flake coconut if you like. LOL
i’ll trade you that recipe for the al pastor marinade i think i’ve finally perfected 🙂
A designer sent me this bear with one of my saying and a rainbow figure of me.
Good morning everybody! I’m on break this week and I have the house to myself today.
What are you planning to do with all your “me time”? Bask in the solitude?
so where have you sent hubby and Andrew?
I sent the hubby to work and Andrew off to daycare. I will spend tomorrow at his montessori as part of a Bring Your Parent to School Day.
How are you and Jim doing?
A day of solitude sounds like a good prep for bring you parent to school day.
We’re doing okay. Jim has had a pretty good class this year so big improvement over last year. And next week is their big annual three-day field trip to the outdoor education facility so he’s all wound up about that
Are your woods flooded?
They are soggy muck but we’re up too high for flooding (about 600 ft above the low-lying areas) but there was certainly lots of flooding in the area, especially to the east and south of us.
Yes! Solitude. Plus, grade some of the papers I collected just before vacation.
What’s new with you?
Not much. Been busy with the kids being off from school (driving everyone around), getting braces on (CBtY) and off (CBtE), did a little voter registration last week, and I’m looking forward to the end of CBtE’s 3-week long spring break next week so I can have some quiet during the day, because I’ve been having to hang out at the library to get my work done. Wishing the spring weather would arrive so we can play tennis…
How’s your little cutie?
The little cutie is great. He’s getting tall. Still no toilet, sigh…
by the time he goes to college he’ll be <insert one of the following: sleeping through the night, sleeping alone, no longer sucking his thumb, no longer wearing a diaper…>
It’ll happen. We had good luck with m&ms and stickers for rewards (I had 2 people in diapers for a few months and was getting desperate-it felt like every time I was almost ready to leave the house, somebody would need changing again).
Is it just me who feels like it was only last week that you posted your diary about going to get him?
Ha! Seems like now that I have all four of my kids potty trained it’s me who needs to go all the time. 🙂
From Pampers to Depends! Woo hooo! I can’t wait!
It’s one of the lesser celebrated joys of motherhood. 🙂
Well, I’m sure if you go smell a baby’s head …
I can’t believe it, but it will be three years in August! Plus, he’ll start Junior Kindergarten in September. I’ll be on leave for his first year of school. I can’t wait. My only concern is that we’ll be really broke and spend a year eating rice and beans.
Good luck with that. My son didn’t learn until he was 4 years old. By that time he was nearly too big for the largest size of diapers. Yikes!
Somehow, that doesn’t make me feel any better.
But wait, one day when he’s 9 years old and telling you “I hate you!”, you’ll look back longingly at those diaper-changing days. 😉
Pouring rain, power outage in the middle of the night, no satellite internet.
Not really a Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening all.
Good morning and outch!
The day can only improve from now on.
Oh, I don’t know. I’m pretty much fatalist and believe it can always get worse. 😉
Yuck. I’ll put up a new cafe so it’ll load faster for you.
We’re supposed to get the same crap weather here today.
Wakes you up when it happens, wakes you up when the power comes back on.
This isn’t as bad as the last big rain but it’s coming down pretty good and the way things are already saturated, I’m betting the low-lying areas are already flooding.