Nearly two millenia ago a great teacher and prophet and (as many Christians believe) the Son of God walked the earth and taught people that they should love one another, even their enemies, even those they despised. It was a radical teaching then and it remains a radical teaching today, but that only makes it all the more essential that we remember it on this day when the world over Christians celebrate the Good News of Jesus’ resurrection and the salvation he gave to humankind.

What would Jesus be doing today if he were alive on this earth, here in America? I suspect he would be preaching in front of the White House, telling everyone who would listen to end the occupation of Iraq. He would, in short, be advocating peace. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. His words, not mine. Words to consider today when all our leaders, and one of our presidential candidates advocate more and more and more war. Words that bear repeating: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

God bless all of you who have opposed this terrible war and sought to bring an end to it, and all my love to those who have suffered as a result of it, even and especially those who consider themselves our enemies. For that is what Jesus asks us to do. That is what Jesus would do.