So, does Senator Obama think he can try to whine and lie his way in to the Presidency because he has nothing else to offer?
Senator Obama has called both Senator Clinton and former President Bill Clinton so many horrible names and accusations, but he apparently feels left out from not receiving the same treatment back from the Clintons, so he makes things up. AND, he has his campaign surrogates attack the Clintons at rallies for something they didn’t even say? Nice different kind of politics Obama. What’s that old saying? With friends like this, who needs enemies? Bill Clinton can’t even address a question of talking about the issues that matter to the voters on the General Election without Obama trying to inject himself in to their comments and then claim something was said of him that wasn’t. Does Senator Obama think he will be able to call Leaders around the world names and that will move them to submission for his own desires? We’ve already had an inexperienced Bully doing that and we are suppose to be moving forward with positive change, not backwards.
Actual words former President Bill Clinton said, video on the General Election issues:
“I think it would be a great thing if we had an election year where you had two people who loved this country and were devoted to the interest of this country and people could actually ask themselves who is right on these issues, instead of all this other stuff that always seems to intrude itself on our politics.”-Bill Clinton
Senator Obama on stage (this time) with McPeak as he attacks Bill Clinton with false accusations of attacks:
Is this grand standing on a LIE or what?
This is just a sample of Obama’s pattern.
Obama claims you can’t trust Senator Clinton?
“Ask yourself,” Obama told the crowd, “Who do you trust to end a war: someone who opposed the war from the beginning, or someone who started opposing it when they started preparing a run for president?”
“Obama camp: What’s Clinton hiding?”
“Obama strategist David Axelrod today said Clinton’s statements in Ohio are the political equivalent of consumer fraud”. Mighty strong accusation, besides being a lie.
Obama supporter Roger Tauss, “The only thing I find more disappointing than her supporting NAFTA in the ’90s is she can’t tell the truth about it to this very day.” Another slanderous lie. And, what happened to Obama promising not to make personal attacks?
THis one’s a gem! On Obama’s Iraq War voting record that former President Bill Clinton talked about, Obama states “You know, he continues to make statements that aren’t supported by the facts, whether it’s about my record of opposition to the war in Iraq, or our approach to organizing in Las Vegas.” Really? And what part isn’t true Senator Obama? The Bill you voted against in ending the occupation in Iraq of June 2006, after arriving in the Senate in January 2005, when you weren’t even there to have a vote on the war that took place in October 2002? Or was it all the other votes to keep the war and funding going you you voted in favor of? You still can’t give one honest reason as to why you claim the former President is lying that your votes aren’t as they are after you campaigned for your US Senate seat on ending the war in 2004.
We all remember when Obama claimed that Bill Clinton was calling his presidential candidacy run a Fairy Tale, instead of what Bill Clinton ACTUALLY said, which was his War votes record. Thank goodness the real video of his entire comments was made.
Senator Obama’s Iraq War Record
I am just too tired of Senator Obama’s continuous lying and false accusations. Is this all he has to offer?
Sorry – when you put the biggest liar of all time up as some sort of model citizen who is being attacked, you lose all credibility.
Big yawn here.
I’m narrowing this down just a bit for brevity, but also to focus some clarification, which I would really appreciate.
This is from the Globe link you provided:
“Records from Clinton’s time as first lady were released yesterday. They show that she helped woo congressional support for the North American Free Trade Agreement, which she railed against and used to mobilize voters to win Ohio’s primary earlier this month.”
Then you offer two quotes:
“Obama strategist David Axelrod today said Clinton’s statements in Ohio are the political equivalent of consumer fraud”.
“Obama supporter Roger Tauss, “The only thing I find more disappointing than her supporting NAFTA in the ’90s is she can’t tell the truth about it to this very day.”
You call these “lies.”
Here is where I need the clarification. Did Clinton say in Ohio that she was opposed to NAFTA from the beginning in the 90’s or not?
as to what your explanation for the discrepancies between Hillary’s recent recollection of being under gunfire when she landed in Bosnia and the news footage from that time showing her and Chelsea hanging out on the tarmac with an 8-year-old girl. Personally, the sniper fire story has always struck me as odd because what sort of man would send his wife and teenage daughter into an unsafe environment like that? I’ve attached the YouTube of both clips for your convenience.
well, you know it depends.
HRC’s supporters are winning the state of denial.
I liked this montage by JedReport@Dkos
Who is lying, again?
Help spread it!
Much better! I’ll be emailing that version…
to have been at Normandy on June 6, 1944. She is looking increasingly desperate, and she is simply losing all credibility.
8 years of pouring tea while licking your health care scabs is not experience in leadership. It’s experience in rehabilitation. It shouldn’t be counted in the POTUS experience thing. Besides, all the lying that Hillary is doing is just making McCain look better.
I’ll try to say this with respect. Your litany of so-called Obama lies demonstrates that you are captive to the Clinton strategy of sliming an opponent, and then when that opponent defends themself, claiming that said opponent is now engaging in the “politics of pesonal destruction.” You have drunk the Kool Aid and simply can’t recognize truth. What Clinton is good at is claiming to be a victim. That’s not exactly a Presidential caliber qualification.
are becoming unhinged.
Unfortunately, what they do is write crappy, turd-filled diaries like this.
Diarist, in between your whining, kvetching, and moaning, I invite you to contemplate three things which have doomed Hillary:
I just wish Hillary-bots would accept the inevitable, instead of pushing Republican talking points. What is the difference today between a McCain supporter and a Hillary supporter?
Learn to genuflect before the Great God Obama and your life will be much happier.
I imagine it’s like going to sleep with the pods in “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” – a film about politics and Kool-Aid drinking and so much more (the original with Kevin McCarthy, not the remake which was a POS).
We who support Barack do not make statements like “I will kill myself if Hillary is not the candidate” or “I will vote for McCain if Hillary is not the candidate”
Those statements are made by Hillary-wacks. Are you a Hillary-wack?
Cuing David Geffen: The Clintons lie with such ease, it’s troubling.
It’s also troubling that the Hilbots are so stupid as to not know what an inference is. Especially an obvious one.
You do know what that is, don’t you? Or maybe willful ignorance helps you believe Bill’s BS.
Bill Clinton said that two candidates in the race that love this country. There are three candidates in the race. That was a lie and an insult that needed to be responded to.
About ending the war, yes, Hillary is more tied to it and has been hesitant to call it a mistake and hesitant to advocate a full withdrawal.
What’s Clinton hiding? her tax returns.
Hillary was out there supporting NAFTA when she said she opposed it.
Yes, Obama voted for funding. But he opposed it from the start, and she didn’t. Hillary also said we had to go to Iraq because of 9/11. So their records aren’t the same in the least.
The only statement here which was a stretch was Axelrod’s comparison to consumer fraud. A little over the top. That’s it.
Okay, so my first guess was wrong, this really isn’t snark. All I can say is put down the kool-aid.