About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Oh, this is great. He lied about every aspect of this.
So, Bill showed up THREE DAYS before she did. Despite this, she said:
Even the part about sending her ‘because it was too small, too poor, and too dangerous’ for the president was a goddamn lie.
Of course it was a lie. Like Sinbad said, what kind of guy says, “Well, it’s too dangerous, so send the wife and daughter”? For it to be true, Bill Clinton would have to be a special kind of scum.
This is just hilarious. I haven’t stopped laughing since I first saw it. Well done to the folks at The Jed Report.
Bill had a few other special engagements back at the WH at the time.
yeah, and coming in May is an expose of Hillary’s ‘long standing connection to the fascist-leaning Family.’ It may win her fundamentalists’ votes but she’ll likely loose women who are pro-choice.
Add another whopper?
lookie here This is just too rich.
Hillary’s Ties to Religious Fundamentalists
In other words, what we’ve got here isn’t just a contest for the ideological future of the Democratic party, but the spiritual future as well. Obama promises a closer connection with the United Church and other progressive, tolerant, and growing religious institutions. Clinton promises still more selling out to pander to the shrinking, desperate right-wing lunatic fringe. Wonderful strategy, that!
with all due respect you misinterpret Obama on religiosity if that’s what you took away – that “he promised a closer connection to the United Church.”
Imho, Obama promised no such thing.
What the writer of this piece alludes to in Conservatives on race is what Christohper Caldwell, senior editor of The Weekly Standard, uncovered in Obama’s speech: – in that he brought the subterranean racial narratives into light of day, to be debated and healed. “No one has demonstrated any political affinity between the two men.”
the link to the Caldwell essay in the FT: Obama breaks the secret code (registration required.)
It’s a must read. Here are excerpts:
a historic speech and its true essence is largely misunderstood.
You misunderstand me. I’m not using “promises” in the sense of a spoken, or even intentional promise. I’m using “promises” in the sense of “an indication of something that is likely to occur” or “something that is expected to happen”. Note that I used “United Church”, referring to the wide-spread, diverse, and largely progressive denomination, rather than “Trinity United Church”, referring specifically to Reverend Wright’s Church.
Basically, I’m saying that Obama in the White House would probably lead to closer ties between the Democratic party and the United Church, a natural ally, and an increased prominence of both in national affairs. Not due to Obama’s beliefs, as such, but due to his influence on rhetoric and narrative.
I think this is correct. The liberal denominations have been getting much more active around issues organizing and voter registration over the last few years. They are more vocal, more organized and more willing to build coalitions since probably the 1960s.
As a secular humanist, the church a candidate attends is of no matter to me and shouldn’t be. Obama has taught a course on the First Amendment and he full well understands the importance of the establishment clause and the free exercise clause. Madison and Jefferson, among others, felt very strongly about separation between the secular government and its functions and the free exercise of religious belief (including non-belief) which was a matter of individual conscience.
This is also true. However, movements and change require coordinated efforts. And who on the left (besides labor unions) has the institutional scale and public voice to challenge the right’s “moral authority” and all these crazy memes they have been perpetrating for the last 30 years?
Love secular humanists, there are many in my church. Buy you guys don’t have the organizational heft or the street cred with mainstream America to move the Overton Window.
Honestly, at this point, the United Church is probably farther to the left than most labour unions.
Yup, on the social and identity issues, the UCC and the UUs are probably the most progressive of the traditional U.S. religious denominations.
Some Catholic parishes are reviving the social justice emphasis – especially in larger northern cities and of course there are the liberal Jewish congregations who have always been social action oriented.
The religious left is arising from its long slumber and I think that’s one the reasons Obama’s resonated so much this year. He touches what’s deepest in people’s hearts by tying into that older New Testament politics of hope, justice and resurrection.
This will be the sound of the starting gun of the sport of taking Hillary to the woodshed. No more media cover that fell for the vetting lines, they just realized she made a fool of them. Dripping faucet just became a fire hydrant.
LOL…so does that mean they were using the 8 year old as a human shield?
The next debate should be full of smackdowns and debunking – there’s also the NAFTA whopper
Clinton Lie Kills Her Credibility on Trade Policy
“When it comes to the essential test of the trade debate, Clinton has been identified as a liar — a put-in-boldface-type “L-I-A-R” liar. “
I thought the eight year-old handed her a bouquet. Maybe that’s when the bullets started. Or maybe before. Maybe the tape cut out the exciting parts. Where was Sinbad? Maybe he was holding off the incoming fire. Maybe Gallagher was lobbing watermelons at them. The possibilities are endless.
Well, Gallagher’s watermelons could be classified as IEDs… :o))
I like how she was grinning during most of her statement. Landing under sniper fire, running with her head down. It’s Hillarious!
Apparently this morning Timmeh talked about the subject but didn’t show the video. If that’s all the media does, mention it and move on (or not talk about it at all), they can still accomplish their goal of portraying this horserace as a close contest with a photo finish.
Here’s the transcript from MSNBC:
Russert then shifted gears to the superdelegates.
Years from now we’ll be hearing how crack “First Ladies” squads took positions in the Iraq war. Grizzled, war beaten, ex pres. wives will tell stories oh how they met up with those Delta Force and Green beret wimps for the larger jobs :/
Shhh… You might blow Laura Bush’s cover in Basra
In July 1995 the Serbs (Mladic) overran Srebrenica and killed 8,000 men and boys. The women and elderly were transported by bus to Tuzla and the U.N. HQ. Security at Tuzla AFB had been established for a long time.
TUZLA, BOSNIA, Jan. 3, 1996 – The Tuzla 10 came to town just less than a month ago. Their mission: set up a base camp for Task Force Eagle, mainly comprised of a 20,000-strong U.S. armor division, at a former Yugoslavian air base in Northern Bosnia.
The American advance team turned a quiet, tree-lined base into a bustling, beehive of activity. Within 72 hours after the team arrived Dec. 6, the airfield was operational, according to Army Maj. Joseph Austin of the 18th Military Police Brigade in Mannheim, Germany.
Today, nearly 2,000 U.S. soldiers, airmen and Marines are at the base preparing for the arrival of the rest of the combat force. Force protection is a top priority. Troops from the 3rd Battalion, 325th Infantry (Airborne), in Vicenza, Italy, guard the base, man gates and patrol perimeters.
Austin said the advance team received a warm reception and cooperative support from the U.N. forces and the local Bosnian population.
Task Force Eagle
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
In April 1994, President Clinton gave the government of Croatia what has been described by Congressional committees as a “green light” for shipments of weapons from Iran and other Muslim countries to the Muslim-led government of Bosnia. The policy was approved at the urging of NSC chief Anthony Lake and the U.S. ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith. The CIA and the Departments of State and Defense were kept in the dark until after the decision was made.
Dutch report: Croatian Pipeline
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I’m not sure of your point, Oui. That H. Clinton went to some place where people came to from another place that was dangerous? That Tuzla itself had at one time been dangerous?
I went to Paris in the early seventies, but by then the Nazis had withdrawn. In 1945.
H. Clinton’s version of events upon her arrival at Tuzla doesn’t seem to agree with the facts. Or maybe it’s my lying eyes again?
What super-delegate could vote for Hillary now, she just threw the kitchen sink at herself.
of the words “sniper fire” and “greeting ceremony”.
Thank God Obama the Pure would never exaggerate anything to make a better story.
So basically Obama should have mentioned that he didn’t have to wear a tie and wasn’t paid well. And he wasn’t the only black guy–he was the only professional one. There was another one downstairs in the mailroom. A whopper!
That’s exactly the same as saying you were under sniper fire, but weren’t. Thanks! 😉
Oops, he did it again!
I’m really severely unimpressed Susie.
Are you equating a story told on the campaign trail by Hillary that is meant to illustrate her strong suit – experience, which has now been debunked by several first-hand accounts to a series of stories in the Chicago Trib where Obama claims to be a black child that interacted with different races as he grew up and from time to time the kids had fonder memories of him?
those Hillary supporters are trying to compare Hillary’s outright lie to other things lie = conflate, to being in a C-17 that does spiral dive, to snipers in the hill, and “maybe” the greeting ceremony will be canceled. And when that doesn’t work they attack Obama.
Where’s the part where Obama was shooting at Hillary at Tuzla Airport, Susie?
And while we’re at it, how do you like Clinton’s sponsoring that bill that allows pharmacists to deny birth control pills to customers because of their own religious beliefs? Pretty cool, eh? Almost as cool as that anti-flag-burning Constitutionaly amendment that Hillary was pushing, eh?
What a whopper – and on top of all of this, here she is positively BEAMING about the U.S. launching a war of aggression against a sovereign nation. Makes me want to puke, the whole thing.
Gasp! You mean he lied about his legislative accomplishments, too? We may be looking at one of those “character gaps” I’ve heard about lately:
I thought everyone loved him because he was so different from plain old politicians…
You still haven’t addressed your own candidate’s whopping credibility gap…
And while we’re on the subject of credibility: LINK
Susie, Obama is different from Clinton in that he wasn’t praying in a secret sex-segregated circle of spouses of reactionary Rethugs. You support “The Family” and its members and its goals?
Do you support Clinton openly lying about her “leadership” ability? After all, her intentional lie arises out of her defending her own narrative about how she got all this experience traveling around the world as first lady. This was all part of the “three a.m. phone call, Me and McCain” meme that she beat on to diminish Obama. It’s fraudulent advertising injected into the campaign, it’s not pouring through memoirs to find something that may be interpreted as different from some vague attribution.
Susie, the Clinton boosters, certainly those who represent themselves as feminists and who support her because Hillary is a woman, have to examine Hillary’s prayer life if they want to honestly address who Clinton really is. The whole “3 a.m.” schtick was a right-wing Republican attack meme. It is incumbent on you to look at Clinton’s prayer life compared with her legislative history compared with her public statements to come to some kind of rational, fact-based conclusion on who your candidate really is.
If Hillary actually believes in secret sex-segregated prayer circles with the wives of powerful reactionaries (do you believe in sex-segregated prayer circles?), does that have something to do with her sponsorship of allowing pharmacists the right to deny patients birth control (do you believe women should be denied birth control because of the religious beliefs of a pharmacist?), is the flag-burning Constitutional amendment (how far should your right to free speech extend?) a true plumbing of her belief system? Or is all of this just a political ploy? If someone prays with the oppressors, and then legislates like the oppressors, how is she your liberator?
This future commander and chief thinks C17s and C130 are designed to manuever away from incoming fire. They are fucking huge cargo planes(hence the C designation) designed to carry heavy loads and land/take-off on short runways. The C130 is especially designed for short take off/landing. The C17 is mostly just a big ass freighter.
Yes that heavy lift capability allows for rapid ascent and decent but they are big slow planes that by they’re very nature are big fat easy targets.