Can someone send a pony to the Clintons?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’ll send a rattle! The 2yo nephew hasn’t used his in awhile.
My 9 year old, the eloquent boran2 boy, would say that they should be sent a poopie.
Clinton needs to find a mule.
I’ll send her one so she can have a nice ride.
This Obama/Clinton battle has an element of Rudy Guilliani’s campaign strategy to it. He sat out the first primaries down in Florida, muttering to the Party that FL would proclaim him winner, turn the tides for him, so arrogantly certain of the electorate that he gave the finger to the people. After FL he had to hitchhike home.
Will the leaders allow this fight to erode our Party to the point where we have nothing left to win with but the equivalent of Mrs Guilliani’s Prada purse?
Hillary doesn’t need a pony, she’s got Denial in her stable.
she’ll have to bring her own binky
Clinton’s super-delegate U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell just sent Hillary some baaaaaad news:
via Ben Smith: Cantwell supporting Clinton — for now- says she’ll vote for pledged delegate leader at the convention
I just hope Patty Murray is listening. I’m sure they both have their reasons for supporting Clinton, but to continue to do so when their state went 2-1 for Obama seems like a bad idea.
I am never giving money to Emily’s List again.
First of all, there are many, many women candidate who need some early money that’s like yeast – Hillary Clinton wasn’t one of them. She had her husband’s entire fundraising list and raised over 100 million dollars last year.
But more importantly – why throw any more money on a sinking ship? What a waste of resources.
Of course, in the interests of full and fair disclosure I stopped giving money to Emily’s List year’s ago because I decided to only give money directly to candidates and cut out the middlemen (or middlewomen). But still.
This story from Jean Hay Bright’s 2006 senate campaign in Maine finished my affiliation with Emily’s List.
I feel the same way. I’ve given to them in the past, but when they said they were helping Hillary, I thought that 1) she didn’t need the money and 2) Emily’s list had overstepped. Unlike MoveOn and other orgs that polled their membership first, Emily’s list just took unilateral action. Big no no.
EL is headed up by Ellen Malcolm, who is linked to H. Clinton in a major way–one of her advisors–and is joined at the hip to Harold Ickes.
Ick. What a sucker for punishment. Read the whole thing. He’s long been an enforcer…maybe he was thinking that he was a lock on getting that WH CoS job after Hillary’s coronation.
What I didn’t know is that according to her Wiki page, Malcolm is an heiress of one of the founders of IBM. That explains things.
Oh yeah. That’s an absolute given. I give donations directly. And it’s unfortunate, because I had an old colleague who used to work for Emily’s List and I’d do volunteer work for them. Not any longer.
It seems that they use other women’s candidacies for window dressing. That’s not acceptable.
In fact, I received a newsletter out of the blue from them a few weeks ago. I asked to be removed from the mailing list.
I think we abandoned the “monster” line of thought too quickly. I think we should figure out what kind of monster Hillary is, so that we know if we need a wooden stake, a silver bullet, or something else.
Metaphorically speaking…
we are all slayers …
a monster liar.
caught in the Bosnia lie, “Hillary says, she mis-spoke, she was sleep-deprived, occasionally I’m human.”
so sleep deprived eh. How about the 3:00 AM phone call?
“Oh Bill, it’s for you”
Sleep-deprived my fat, black ass…she’s been telling that story in the exact same way since December. She told it in Iowa for goodness sakes. Why can’t she stop lying?
And you make a great point regarding that 3am phone call. If this is what she does “sleep-deprived” on a campaign stop, what the hell will she say as POTUS at 3am?
wrote about it in her book too.
recall, it has always been a co-presidency, she’ll pass the phone to Bill.
but this little nugget confirms Hillary has been planning to run for office/president way back at least 1996.
Politico: Bosnian ex-acting president Ejup Ganic who greeted Hillary:
“By talking to the first lady, I was under the impression that she had an agenda for her own advancement and I am not surprised of her desire to win the current elections.”
What will she say at 3 a.m.? “Incoming! Where’s Sinbad?”
Who is “Emily” of Emily’s List? Is she a fat lady? I think I hear her singing….
Emily is an acronym for “Early Money is Like Yeast”. The organization’s original purpose was to find women candidates who would have a hard time getting started because they had no name recognition and give them some money to start them off.
It’s similar to what the netroots tries to do by picking unknown progressive candidates and asking people to donate a few bucks to them. It gets them started and once they start looking viable, they have an easier time raising money on their own.
I don’t think Hillary EVER met that criteria.
Well, certainly not since she was the wife of the attorney general of a small Southern state . . .
Sounds like a yeast infection. Can I say that?
Maybe Hillary will quit when she makes herself so unwelcome in Democratic politics that Bill’s value as a $250,000 speaker starts to fade.
She’s the Tanya Harding of Democratic politics.
Breaking news:
The Galapagos Islands are Hillary’s new firewall state.
That’s what we joke is her last firewall.
In that same vein, rumors are she won’t concede until we hear from the last superdelegate.
(emphasis mine)
Sounds like a Rush Limbaugh to me.
You’re right. Must be a Republican superdelegate.
Somebody cut the cheese in space?
I don’t know if the democratic primary is tragedy, comic opera, or downright farce. Hillary is doing her best to make it all three. Does she really think that she has any kind of political future by being one of the most divisive forces in American History?
Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad.
With the revelation (from her WH public schedule) of Hillary’s active support and lobbying for NAFTA when her husband was in office, I really think the unions who support Obama should be blanketing Pennsylvania with proof that she has been lying by saying she never supported it. And remind them of exactly how many jobs have been lost in the state as a result. Attack hard. But Obama’s campaign should stay away from it. Leave it to the unions to communicate that message.
In fact, I’ll go one further. Unions who support Obama should point out the Clintons’ support of NAFTA, The WTO and Most Favored Nation status for China. They de-industrialized America. This hurt the unions as much or more than anything any Republicans ever did. They should call anyone supporting a Clinton a “scab” or something to that effect because it’s just as bad.
Get busy, unions.
OMG!!! I did not see this on TV today. Thank you, Jed Report (again) for catching this one.
Just watch:
This is something to spread around. Especially in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Indiana.
I have those same WH records pulled showing that she was pro-NAFTA and wondered if I should do another post on it, since I made it clear back in Feb. that her new stance was utter horseshit.
Just post this video. David Shuster did an excellent job with this report. And Jed Report did us all a favor by putting it online. If you want to add anything, find additional details on WTO and MFN status for China.
Spread it around everywhere. The less-informed laborers out there who complain about equal opportunity employment being the cause of all their troubles in life need to hear this. I really hope that the major unions will get on it and do the TV advertising needed, but we can make this stuff viral on the Internet for free.
Here’s the entry and I’m getting just wee bit of hope that the media is done enabling her. I thought they learned their lesson with Bush, but apparently not.
Anyone who was the age of reason knew what the hell was going on in 92-93 regarding NAFTA.
Someone should ask Bill Clinton about whether his wife opposed NAFTA, GATT, WTO, etc., and just pretended to back him or what. When these people show their faces in public they should be asked.
What she needs is a damn spanking for acting like a spoiled brat.
“sometimes in this campaign it seems like you have a crush on John McCain”
Though I’m extremely uncomfortable with a writhing young woman extolling the virtues of Sen. Obama, that line about not being “…just another Mondale, John Kerry or Dukakis” was pretty funny.
Along with the pic of Clinton as President Obama’s veep, holding a report with Iraq on the cover. Too funny.
Just send them the pony byproducts.
I can’t deal with the reality of Democratic politics anymore. Decided to seek refuge in satire –
This ad was right smack in the middle of the Indianapolis Star online story about the Clintons’ visit to Indiana.
How poetic…
Well darn – I looked again and now its a Saturn ad instead. You’ll just have to take my word for it;-)
They realized Bill’s problem was keeping down not getting it up. LOL
some say “she should think about withdrawing for the good of the party”
She doesn’t need a pony.
She needs something a little more in the Don Corleone tradition.
In her bed.
At 3 am.