BooMan is Too Pissed Off to blog, to think, because The Clintons Have Crossed the Final Line
Yes we’re all so pissed. The Clintons have shown how low they’ll stoop. How low? They’ve crawled into the cesspool and there’s good reason for them to remain there.
I never, NEVER in my wildest dreams would expect to read this:
Clinton has been exposed, again. Hillary met with Richard Mellon Sciafe and he took part in that infamous Clinton interview at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
Now she has tried, again, to explain away her statement on Rev. Wright, why Obama should have left his church.
Why did she reignite the Rev. Wright flap? She’d like us to think, “Oh, poor little Hillary, she was asked a direct question.. never saw it coming”
{I’ll take some liberties here; I don’t think Josh will mind but this is Clinton’s sleaze at its best}
Click the link, see the photo, watch the video. It’s for real. No joke.
As you know, earlier today Hillary Clinton tried to stoke the Jeremiah Wright controversy by telling an editorial board meeting in Pittsburgh that Jeremiah Wright “would not have been my pastor” and then going on to note that she had denounced Don Imus in contrast to Obama’s allegedly more tolerant attitude toward hate speech.
Later in the afternoon she repeated the same comments at a press conference and when asked why she had chosen to engage Obama on the Wright controversy she seemed to suggest that rather than being intentional she was only providing an answer to a direct question. “Well I answered a question in an ed board today that was very specific about what I would have done,” Clinton told the reporter, “And you know I’m just speaking for myself, and i was answering a question that was posed to me.”
Now obviously, Hillary’s been in the political big leagues for a while. She knows how to deflect a question. But it’s actually much richer than this. This afternoon Greg Sargent and I were talking this over and one of us realized that this wasn’t just any Pittsburgh paper. It was the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, the money-losing, vanity, fringe sheet of Richard Mellon Scaife, funder of the Arkansas Project, the American Spectator during its prime Clinton-hunting years and virtually every right-wing operation of note at one point or another over the last twenty years or more.
In fact, what I only discovered late this evening, when Eric Kleefeld sent me this link at National Review Online, is that not only was it Scaife’s paper. Scaife himself was there sitting just to Clinton’s right apparently taking part in the questioning.
click on link provided, see the photo!
Let’s game this out. Hillary’s saying this wasn’t some planned thing. She just got hit with this question and she answered it. But here’s my question. You think Richard Mellon Scaife might want to dig into the Jeremiah Wright story? This is sort of like, ‘Hey, I go on Hannity and next thing you know he’s asking me about Wright and Farrakhan. How was I supposed to see that coming?
OMG. This fits right in with Hillary’s Ties to Religious Fundamentalists
When it comes to unsavory religious affiliations, Hillary Clinton is a lot more vulnerable than Barack Obama.
Obama has given a beautiful speech on race and his affiliation with the Trinity Unity Church of Christ. Now it’s up to Clinton to explain — or, better yet, renounce — her longstanding connection with the fascist-leaning Family
Does NOW know this?
“Furthermore, the Family takes credit for some of Clinton’s rightward legislative tendencies, including her support for a law guaranteeing “religious freedom” in the workplace, such as for pharmacists who refuse to fill birth control prescriptions and police officers who refuse to guard abortion clinics.”
You Think this fits right in with Bill Clinton appearing on Rush Limbaugh’s syndicated radio?
Can the Clintons ever be trusted? No. No. No.
The Clintons should be invited to leave the Democratic Party. Motherfucking liars. They engaged with their enemy to destroy a fellow Democrat. That’s plain treachery.
What goes around comes around. Hillary’s time will come.
Jeff Sharlet’s book, The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power is to be published in May.
You think! that after all is done the Clintons can walk with their heads held high? Is the White House the end all on this earth that the Clintons would be so short sighted-no qualms making a deal with the devil? It’ll be very hard for them to be respected. EVER AGAIN. This couple ooze evil.
Send Hillary a pony? No, send some fire ants.
After everything that Dems did to defend these creeps, they have the nerve to slither to the likes of these creeps?
Unlike Harold Ickes and that ilk, we are not just going to sit around and take anything they dish out.
only weeks ago the Clintons were promoting a combined ticket. Obama shot it down.
So this may be some desperate retaliation. Makes me cringe to think how hard I defended this couple.
I know, I know. Boy, do I know. 🙂 As Mr. AP said, Bill really knows how to pick his enemies.
I still believe that had we not defended him, we all would have gone down with him. That said, I refuse to go down that road with those horrid people again. We will have the change we seek in this party one way or another. Period.
I think Hillary should praise any preacher who prevents puts the fear of god into a spouse. And prevents said spouse from having oral sex with a young lady who is not his wife. It appears from Bill’s philandering past, Hillary should re-think whom has the better preacher.
now that it’s in the open, the Clintons have joined the VRWCC (vast right-wing conspiracy club), they are not winning any kudos, nor are they made welcome by conservatives.
“That the Clinton family would dignify the American Spectator, of all publications, is astonishing to anyone who was alive in the 1990s.” – James Fallows, The Atlantic
“That the Clinton family would dignify the American Spectator, of all publications, is astonishing to anyone who was alive in the 1990s.” – James Fallows, The Atlantic
Said much more eloquently and nicely than I would have. Let’s just say that I was working in close proximity of them during the 90s. It was awful. And to see this crap just makes physically ill. I am just so sickened and disgusted that they just gave the middle finger to all that was done on their behalf that they would go to these people to smear Sen. Obama.
I knew that they would destroy the party, but I thought that even for them, there was a limit. But going to the American Spectator is just beneath contempt.
They are beyond whorish.
Here’s the thing. Both of them think that they can say whatever tripe imaginable and then desperately talk about how we should support them because “the repubs are worse.”
I have a choice, dammit. A real Democrat. Someone smarter, someone better. And someone who’s not a cancer on the party.
The Devil and his minions are celebrating today.
Of course, the contract may have been signed when Murdoch raised funds for Clinton with no thought that the contract would ever be called.
I will not vote for Clinton if she is the Democratic nominee. I will not vote for McCain, or Nader. I will write in Obama. Then I will move to New York and spend the rest of my shrinking home equity (thanks to Hillary and her fascist buddies the Family, and Scaife for Christ’s sake) to make sure she does not get re-elected in her next Senate campaign. She has no chance to beat McCain in the fall. She needs to rein in her hubris and ambition and hope she can rescue her reputation. And if not divorcing Bill so that she could run for President was just too much to pay, she should fix that and dump him, especially if he is giving her all this negative political advice. Sen. Clinton has squandered all the good will she had earned through publicly suffering being married to a philanderer just as much and to as great a degree as Dubya squandered the good will America was given by the world as a result of 9/11. And she has done it for the same reason….the ultimate ignorance of arrogance.
Lest anyone doubt Clinton’s heart.
the book will be out in May. What will Hillary say?
“She was sleep deprived.”
Phronesis, here’s another article on that subject, called Jesus Plus Nothing:
This kind of christo-fascism is equivalent to the islamo-fascism most of these same people conjure up as our enemy.
I’ll be phone banking, doing my part. This ingrate couple must be defeated. Rev. Wright got a bum rap.
This is a must read:
via Andrew Sullivan Martin Marty On Jeremiah Wright
Marty’s full defense of Rev. Wright: “Prophet and Pastor”
Give it up Hillary.
WSJ: Pastor Flap Hasn’t Hurt Obama