All politicians lie, right? That’s all they do. So this stunningly detailed tale of false heroism that happens to be false in every significant regard can’t possibly say anything negative about the character of Hillary Clinton. In fact, if you listen to Hillary bloggers, we shouldn’t bring any of this stuff up because it will just hurt the feelings of Clinton’s supporters, who are expressing an increasing unwillingness to vote for Obama in the general. This is apparently my fault, and not the fault of Hillary Clinton saying that Obama is too inexperienced, naive, and racially divisive to be president.
Let me give you just a taste of what the Clinton campaign is up to this afternoon. They sent one of their flacks onto MSNBC to defend Clinton against criticisms over her lying and of her using Obama’s choice of church against him. And the guy actually said that it was Obama that said we need to have a conversation about race in this country and it was hypocritical of Obama to complain about it when Hillary took him up on his offer. That’s the new talking point. That’s the level the Clinton campaign in now operating on. It’s the absolute gutter.
Oh this is TOO funny. Alternate footage of Tuzla, showing the real dangers! Protect your keyboards.
she did seem strangely fearless, like a true leader.
for what its worth, Chris Bowers, Open Left, endorses:
Maria Cantwell just turned neutral. I sent her a couple diaries, they need to know how some people feel. Clinton’s are pathetic. Power at any cost. Bet they would love it if Obama lost the election. Then she can run again.
It would be good for Cantwell to read and circulate these links:
btw, Jeremiah Wright’s White House commendations include his assisting in President LBJ’s heart surgery.
Wright has gotten a bum rap
and Jay Inslee, and Norm Dicks, and Ron Sims (King County executive), and any other superdelegate you can find who is still part of Team Clinton. The people who voted them into office have overwhelmingly voted their support of Obama. They should go with the will of the majority on this.
DailyKos has front paged the Clinton super-donors threat to Pelosi
I see only 17 maybe 18 potential voters in the threat letter to Cong. Pelosi. She should tell them we no longer care about what the DLC wants..because theres this thing called the internet.
The Clintons are starting to look really ridiculous now. This is so bad. I really can’t see how this ever goes away in a General Election. Hillary has no response to this. None. There is nothing she can say to mitigate the fact that she has permanently damaged her credibility with this (ironically avoidable) mistake. This is a world class political blunder–a “catastrophe of biblical proportions,” as Dr. Kissinger famously said of Watergate (or maybe that was Oliver Stone, I’ll have to look it up.)
Your comment reminded me of a most excellent post I read a TPM a few weeks ago by that title. It’s a very long read that reads like a couple of paragraphs:
That’s only about a third of what’s posted. It’s a really good post, but this is the gist.
Carl Bernstein nailed it.
Hillary Clinton: Truth or Consequences
I wouldn’t put it so kindly. Obama made her do it.
Send hillary some fire ants.
I’m reminded of people who get caught claiming to have been a Navy SEAL or something similarly impressive, only it turns out the closest they ever got to the military was watching a John Wayne movie. Do they not know that records are kept about this kind of shit?
It’s not her dishonesty that makes her undesirable as a candidate, it’s her stupidity.
The first thing I thought when she started with the Tuzla story was that it would be extremely unusual for a plane to land under fire on a non-combat mission under any circumstances; doing so with a civilian VIP on board is almost unthinkable.
The “if it’s too dangerous for the president, send the first lady” line is a real hoot, too. The real world just doesn’t work that way. We already have one president who is unable to distinguish between movie wars and real wars. Do we really need another?
Easy now. I once walked up to a military recruitment office, well ten feet away, and thought about going in. Why? I was about to be inducted and someone said I’d get a better deal if I volunteered. My feet froze, and I went home, only to receive, a few months later, an induction letter. Unavoidable, I entered the military, albeit for two instead of three years.
Still I was amongst those who “almost” volunteered. Hillary didn’t come this close. So I am putting my record out there to confront Hillary’s, and I’m voting for Obama. We don’t really need any more heroes out there than me.
Apparently Bill Clinton is now saying that
“I don’t think any of these people oughta be asked to resign,” he said. “All these guys that say bad things about any other campaign, they say, ‘Should they resign?’ My answer is no; they’re repeating party line. They oughta stay right where they are. Let’s just saddle up and have an argument. What’s the matter with that? That’s what America’s about, right?”
Too bad he wasn’t speaking up when they were flogging Samantha Power. Or When Hillary was bashing Dr. Wright.
That’s because Carville stepped over-the-line with Gov. Richardson. Hillary should renounce and denounce Carville and then fire him.
I don’t think he actually works for them. So it would be hard to fire him. But they could rebuke him publicly.
They’re also using the big money guns to threaten clear headed leadership –
Did my drivetime taste of Rush today and he quoted a NC poll showing Obama now with a 20 pt lead while they were pretty even just last week.
The first defense of HRC yesterday on CNN was that she simply got her incidents mixed up, with the followup argument that people who have faced danger may get the name of the hill they charged incorrect but there was a hill (no pun intended) out there somewhere that they charged.
This YouTube points out that military policy would have STOMPED on anyone who put the first lady in any iota of jeopardy. Either Hill is without her hill or her statement accuses the US Military in charge of protecting her life of negligence.
Experienceless Hillary is a nice tag for a Tshirt, not a Commander in Chief.
that’s a gerat interview, especially the take down vis-a-vis the definition of “is” is…
quote [±]…“l was the first high profile american to go into bosnia after the dayton peace accord”…
response [±]…“if you discount the president and the secdef”…
there’s a reason for this:
via gallup 18 march 2008
turn out the lights…the party’s over.
and Hillary has failed repeatedly
Oh hush. We all know that Clinton supporters have never thought that character matters. π
The Tuzla “Big Lie” isn’t even the biggest of Sen. Clinton’s lies. Her absolute and utter lie about NAFTA, that she has always been against it, has now been brought to light by the fact that she attended a minimum of 5 meetings during her husband’s administration shilling for hubby’s push for NAFTA. Not only was she not pushing back against NAFTA, she was one of the administration’s flacks coming up with the tactics to use against unions, environmental groups, and other anti-NAFTA people who knew that NAFTA would destroy American jobs and would destroy Mexican agriculture. Apparently, NAFTA is one of those Iraq things for Clinton. She was for it, but her President husband didn’t execute it right. She is completely and entirely full of shit.
Well, the lie about landing in Tuzla does divert attention that she is like “super rich” and won’t release her and Bubba’s tax returns.
Or the whole Tuzla incident is an early sign of Alzheimer or dementia, in that case I apologize to the Clinton’s and hope she obtains good medical attention.
Oh my,you may have hit it-every lie begets another and that where HRC has led herself. She’s working furiously each day to cover up yesterday’s lie.
Good lord – why are you so angry? And it’s a little self-centered for you to claim that it’s all your fault. π
I’m not worried about those polls – polls for the GE in the middle of a nomination fight are not reliable imo.
And for once I’m not worried about Hillary. I do believe she is imploding. She’s acting like a character out of a movie. I keep expecting frogs to come out of her mouth or something (what movie was that?).
She’ll stay in through PA – she may try to stay in longer. But it’s over. Bosnia has done her in – her credibility is in shreds. In fact, for once I can’t WAIT for the next debate.
You are thinking in blog time and not in R/L time. In R/L there are many people who are just today learning about the Bosnia lies. You have to give it time to sink in. Be calm.
You have to give it time to sink in. Be calm.
OMG, I should call you ZenMary. π I so admire that.
Here’s something to think about. The reason that Clinton won’t drop out and nobody’s going to `force’ her to drop out is because – the majority of Democrats don’t want that.
According to Rasmussen A solid majority of Democrats, 62%, aren’t ready for either candidate to leave the race.
Until a solid majority of Democrats thinks she should drop out – the superdelegates aren’t going to do anything. Except that they may be more likely to get on TV and say things that will move those numbers.
So everybody should calm down and watch to see if the changing media narrative that reflects she won’t catch up in pledged delegates, that uses phrases like the “Tonya Harding strategy” and that plays things like the Bosnia tapes starts to move those poll numbers. I believe that yesterday was the beginning of the end and we’re going to start seeing a slow increase in the numbers who want this thing to end. In fact this poll was done March 24-25. This might be the peak numbers.
speaking of polls …
Here we go:
New NBC poll out shows that
Poll was conducted Monday and Tuesday. I bet if they had done it yesterday and today it would be even lower.
Changose: Yeah, so, no evasive maneuver. I gotta tell ya, I will give it to the commander of Air Base Eagle. He had that place – you know, not only were there no bullets flying around, there wasn’t a bumblebee flying around.
RUSTY: Okay, well you just mentioned, she says she was the first high-profile American to go into Bosnia after the Dayton Peace Accord. I don’t recall…
Changose: Well except for the President. Except for the Secretary of Defense. But other than those two, she was the first.
RUSTY: [laughter]
Changose: So you know, it all depends on what your time of reference is, you know?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I really do think the Jeremiah Wright story has peaked. Oh, it’ll be back in the fall, of course, coupled with other Republican nastiness and innuendo; but Barack Obama has an answer for it. He has an answer for all of it, and he has the ear of the American people, because they genuinely like him (Even 33% of Republicans like him.) The American people are not naïve enough to be taken in this time by fake debates over symbols and slogans. We’re all adults now.
This will be an election like we’ve never seen before. It will be driven not only by black America, but also by the youth of America, supported in full throated cry by all of us old hippies and dreamers who have managed to hang on through the Nixon/Reagan and Clinton/ Bush years to get to this moment in history. (No, I did not forget the Carter years, but they flew by so fast that my memory of them grows dimmer and dimmer with each passing election cycle. Peace and blessings to you, James Earl Carter.)
Thanks for your work Booman. You’re a brave soul. I had a great time cooking for the Obama kids down here in South Carolina in January. Now we are getting together the Homeboys for Change group for North Carolina. There is link in the right hand column of my blog to a 9 minute documentary about our group during the SC primaries. It was big fun.
Update on the Bosnia story – via Patriot Daily News over at kos the Washington Post is reporting that Hillary’s story that didn’t happen in Bosnia – DID happen. The only problem is that it happened to somebody else – Olympia Snowe. LINK
So … she plagiarized it?
Does this mean Olympia Snowe meets the CinC threshold?