I’m personally too angry to blog right now. I simply cannot express the level of my disappointment with the Clinton campaign. I’d rather just leave you with the words of Robert Kennedy as he announced to a black audience that Martin Luther King Jr. had had his spine severed by a white sniper’s bullet.
“In this difficult time for the United Sates,” said Kennedy, “it is perhaps well to ask what kind of a nation we are and what direction we want to move in. For those of you who are black … you can be filled with bitterness, with hatred and a desire for revenge. We can move in that direction as a country, in great polarization — black people amongst black, white people amongst white, filled with hatred toward one another.
“Or we can make an effort, as Martin Luther King did, to understand and to comprehend, and to replace that violence, that stain of bloodshed that has spread across our land, with an effort to understand with compassion and love.”
Taylor Marsh, who I used to like and respect, can put that in her pipe and smoke it.
I try not to, but I hate Ed Koch.
I couldn’t make it past the title.
‘Unconvincing’ is such a subjective term. If I wanted someone to tell me what to think…well, I don’t. Moot point.
Ladies and Gentlemen: Ms. Hillary Clinton, in an Act of Desperation.
Don’t worry about Taylor and Ed – the chorus always gets in on the act. 😉
And don’t be too pissed off to recognize the beginning of the end. Today was the day.
To win she needed something to happen that would cause Barack Obama to implode. Preferably without much help from her. Something that could be shown on teevee over and over and over.
Instead — it happened to her. Her lies have been exposed and are being shown on teevee and they are too good not to be shown over and over and over. She is imploding.
The media isn’t going to let her change the subject. They are pointing out that bringing up Wright AGAIN is simply a ploy to get them to stop showing her lies. This is being said, of course, in voice-over as they show the video from Bosnia.
It’s epic. It’s almost Shakespearean.
I can’t wait for the next polls to come out.
Meanwhile, my cable news is covering Rev. Wright non-stop.
Don’t tell me you’re watching Fox News, Boo.
Enjoy the moment. Trust me on this. This is the day. This is the turning point.
It will be slow motion. But she’s in the death spiral.
since cable brings me KO, Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, Mariners Baseball and Alton Brown. I am fully capable of not watching shows — heck, entire channels! — if I don’t care for them.
Oh yeah — and cable also brings me the internet. What would I do without BT?
I wasn’t talking about the subject line, but the content of her message. In fact, when I respond to messages, I rarely notice the subject line.
I too would be lost without my cable TV and high-speed internet from my cable company. I guess I could have DSL and DirecTV but the cable company makes it so much easier.
Switch to MSNBC for some sanity!
Today is indeed a turning point for the Clinton campaign. Fast on the heels of NoSniperGate comes the following on MSNBC:
I saw over at Big Orange that Josh Green from the Nation was interviewed by Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC about Douglas Coe, The Fellowship and Hillary Clinton.
Note to Clinton campaign: You knew this meme was a snake when you picked it up from Rush Limbaugh’s show. No, I won’t put a link, but here’s the quote:
“You know, you don’t choose your uncle. You don’t choose your parents. You choose your preacher. You choose your church.” – Rush Limbaugh, 17 March 2008
(Yes, I wore OSHA-approved protective gear to Google that quote.)
And for comparison:
“You don’t choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend.” – Hillary Clinton, 25 March 2008
…Or am I drawing a connection that’s not there, or removed by six or more degrees of separation?
I love it. I saw a post on Kos about Hillary claiming that she tried to join the military in 1975. Fact check?
I’m with you on this one. She lied over and over, dismisses it as a misstatement, and then artlessly tries to bring up an old controversy (Wright) to deflect attention from what she did. And the media is calling her on it directly. And not just cable new, but CBS and ABC.
For most people, it just brings back all the “it depends what the definition of is is” lies of Bill Clinton, which just adds to the disgust.
I won’t be surprised if it’s over in a couple weeks. Hillary is just getting pounded over the Bosnia lies, and her demeanor is getting even nastier than usual.
I just don’t see her turning it around unless some real bombshell on Obama comes to light.
I’ll offer a premium beer to every superdelegate who comes out in the coming week…
Demeanor. Yes. The mask is slipping. The question of character is coming to the fore.
I’m beginning to think it’s more than a lack of character. Her delusional statements are starting to sound downright scary, psychologically speaking. I think she exhibits a number of traits for which Bush are known. It still shocks me for some reason.
How Low Can She Go???
Check this out… just click the link. Look at the photo and read the few sentences of text. This is true desperation for the Hillary.
And I hear she’s also spreading an article from the American Spectator saying that Obama’s favorite general is an anti-semite and a drunk. The American Spectator!! Just think about that for a moment.
Desperate. Desperate. Desperate.
She’s toast.
James Fallows
Marc Ambinder
According to Ambinder the Spectator article is being pushed by Phil Singer.
Limbaugh, Scaife and now the Spectator.
Who’s next? David Bossie and Dan Burton?
Yeah, what’s next? Will she sit on the couch with the gang from Fox & Friends in the morning?
dont forget Rupert
Billary’s dignity is for sale to the highest bidder.
and apparently this has pushed both Atrios and Kevin Drum over the edge into saying they are tired of her.
Her transformation is complete. She’s gone over to the Dark Side.
I don’t understand how or why people are more than willing to put their necks out and make statements that have no basis in reality. I get that it’s easy to write Important Essays filled with Big Vocabulary Words, but when you frame around a snippet of an hourlong sermon it’s clear you never bothered to read or watch, it just becomes painful.
The mayor has decided to jump on the already overloaded and broken down bandwagon, not quite believing the horse pulling it has been dead for a very long time. This is his choice of course, but he can not expect to have any more credibility in the future writing such a factless opinion piece like this.
As I said last week, anyone who continues to go forward with their usual tactics will only look small and petty. Apparently, that’s the role the Clinton’s campaign wants to take. Same shit, different day is the Clinton’s motto.
Ed Koch has blown the Great Satan for twenty-five, thirty years now.
“This is probably an obvious point, but how would being shot at on a tarmac in Bosnia count as substantive foreign policy experience even if the story were true?”
Good point!
ANYBODY and their dog can get shot at if they are in the wrong place, war zone or not. Negotiating a permanent cease fire so that nobody gets shot at again takes policies and puts them into action.
Is that, as Booman pointed out a few days ago, Bill Clinton was in Bosnia 3 days before she arrived, so her whole, “If it’s too dangerous…send the First Lady” line is just another layer of bullshit on this story.
The blatant lie isn’t really meant to bolster her claim to foreign policy experience. It’s supposed to make her appear a near-victim and suggests she is an American heroine who lived through a combat situation, you know, like the ladies being blown to pieces in Iraq because of her vote for Bush’s war. Yes, she has very devious advisers who must be backed up by a team of sharp psychologists who specialize in the working of the power of suggestion.
Victimhood is a pose to manipulate. Usually employed by those who feel powerless and have no other way to gain influence.
This was the only time someone aimed a gun at me. There was a very dim farmboy from Pennsylvania who was in front of me in line at the quickfire range during basic training at Fort Dix in 1972. The guy’s M-16 had jammed and he’d turned around pulling the trigger over and over, trying to explain to the drill instructor that it wasn’t shooting. It happened so fast. I was standing there, but it happened too quickly for me to react. The DI instantly jumped between us, punched the kid and grabbed the M-16 from his hands. I remember the poor guy falling to the ground, wondering what he’d done wrong. A week later, when we got to the hand grenade range, they wouldn’t let him throw one.
It’s been over 36 years now. I remember.
I gave in to temptation and followed the link.
One thing that stands out about her is that she does this:
Rather than just focusing on Obama or his staff, she extends her ire and generalizations to Obama supporters, which is a rather petty and unnecessary thing to do. It’s one thing to say “My candidate rules and yours sucks,” but it’s another to say, “You people suck.”
I keep asking. Is she some famous person’s kid? Does she have a history in journalism?
She strikes me as a kind of invention, some kind of propagandist that has been inserted into all this to keep up the Cintonistas’ frenzy.
So I ask again: Who is Taylor Marsh? Where did she work before this?
That line struck me too. Compared to Obama calling on people to draw on the best of themselves to move the country onward and upward, the statements out of the Clinton campaign and from her supporters are just pathetic. They are self-destructing rapidly. At this pace Clinton will be a radioactive zombie stumbling from appearance to appearance in two weeks. Not that a radioactive zombie can’t be destructive and toxic, but a hero with Obama’s skills can defeat it by the end of the second reel. It’s destino.
What’s next after denouncing Rev. Wright’s “Anti-American Screed?” Will Hillbots distance themselves from the whole Black Church tradition? How about MLK’s Beyond Vietnam speech:
Yes, I find it laughable that after embracing Wright years ago, the Clinton’s now find him ‘hateful’. Whatever. But to say that she’d leave the church is just stupid and doesn’t play to black voters. I posted at TPM:
You know what? I’ve been Muslim since ’81 and when I go back to Kansas City, I still go back to my old churches. Most people don’t know me intimately or only know me from my kin, but I still go back. I’ve heard pastors there say things that I didn’t think were right, but I can’t just erase that church from my life.
I’ve had, and continue to have “issues” with church, but I STILL go back to my home church when we go home. Not every time, but we do.
It’s my husband’s home church, too. I was baptized there. It offered one of my first platforms for public speaking. I sang there. Ushered there. Received scholarships there. We were married there.
Whatever my own personal issues with religion in my life, there are too many people there who were my role models, folks who helped “raise” me, who supported me, encouraged me… I love them. You just don’t walk away from that.
Ironically, it’s this whole mess that has me thinking of going back. If I join a progressive, non “blab it and grab it” place that I don’t have to agree with everything that’s said. I miss the community, and I miss the service to others, though I also have other outlets for community service, too.
And of course, you will be nurtured and supported when you are attacked by stupid people who’ve never had your best interests at heart.
To Robert Kennedy: the present ‘difficult time’ for the United Sates really has little or nothing to do with race relations. It only does if people like you want to turn it that way.
To Mrs. Rodham Clinton: Your statement that ‘you don’t chose your family’ must be satirical. Because you have chosen the crackpot right-wing family called The Family as your family. Evidently they hold separate meetings for men and women, you know, gender segregation. That’s very pure and holy. No sexual temptation allowed. I will start praying to their deity that he soften your heart to let me join your snobbish, christian club. ‘The meek shall inherit the earth.’
And then she gets all hot under the collar about a black preacher addressing the lower beings in the language and imagery they understand. Evidently The Family’s god is white, adores rich people and is exclusive, never making coarse critical statements about the less fortunate with whom they are forced to inhabit the earth or about the country they own. Noblesse oblige in D.C.
Even the BBC World Service is reporting Rodham Clinton’s misstatement. Her claim is dryly placed beside the fact so the listeners can figure out for themselves that she lied.
She lambasts Wright as if he and not she is running for president. In her head: he says awful things, I say only nice things, he distorts, I tell the truth all the time: I am pure. Hillary Rodhan Clinton has opened the can of worms which is her head and we all have to mediate on it.
Didn’t Ed Koch endorse Bush? If I’m mistaken, please correct me. I don’t to start slanderous rumours.
I have not heard one candidate or politician mention Article VI in the constitution that say “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust of the U.S……No one has mentioned John Kennedy’s speech in the 60’s when he defended church/state seperation rather than his Catholic beliefs when many thought he would make everyone Catholic if he were elected….Does HRC want a theocracy where there is no freedom of religion..or freedom from religion…..There was a time when I would have voted for she or Obama….As much as we need a democratic party president, I am not sure she respects the rights of others, and I wonder what party she really supports…….I have lost respect for her and Bill…..
Actually – many in the print media have referenced Kennedy’s speech on religion.
Here’s the phrasing that I would like to see people use when asked about Clinton from now on:
It simultaneously compares Hillary to Bush while subtly reminding people of the Clintons’ need for clarification on the definition of “Is.”
To Robert Kennedy: I see now that I’ve misunderstood the quote. My apologies.
Robert Kennedy says you’re forgiven.
My friends and I took Omir’s skit, got professional actors and a crew together and filmed it. It’s being scored this week by an award-winning composer, and should be ready for upload as early as this weekend.
Once this comes out, lampooning Clinton’s “experience” meme, it truly WILL be over. Trust me, humor devastates, and she SO has this coming.
That’s great news, RHL!
Can’t wait to see it.
My sister ‘boom’ just asked me if GW has been sleeping next to Laura for 25 years does that mean that he can be a Librarian???
amen to vfrsmile
i think religioin has been more a part of this race AS A TEST than any i can recall in my lifetime.
So the Mellon machine and those that inhabit his ranks want HRC to be the candidate McCain runs against. If they can’t have her they’ll settle for her help destroying the candidate the Dem Party is choosing.
Then we have HRC who is so blinded by her ambitions to take over Bill’s office that she is willing to set aside her own party. In her arrogance she believes she will be able to toss the taint of Mellon’s machine once he’s served his purpose and the nomination is hers.
Mellon doesn’t toss, he sticks. He will own her and by then she will place the Dem party in jeopardy for winning in Nov.
Stop Hillary
He already owns her. Or the people that own him own her.
How did it go? The greatest trick that the vast right-wing conspiracy has is to make you believe that Hillary’s against the vast right-wing conspiracy… because Hillary is part of it.
Agreed, but her arrogance that she can toss him when it’s convenient for her purposes, is the ticking bomb. Mellon is the very definition of the fabled scorpion who rides the back of the turtle to cross the creek, only to sting the turtle as they cross, thus dooming them both to death…because a scorpion can only ever be what he is, a scorpion. This is a pact with the devil.
I saw that this pushed Kevin Drum over the edge and apparently Atrios too.
Actually it’s been in the works for some time.
Next time you get pissed off about the entire race baiting silliness, just remember the level of punditry could always be worse, and things could alw…OH GOD NO IT’S JONAH GOLDBERG ON OBAMA’S RACE SPEECH!1!!1!ONE!
Now see? Don’t you feel better already having the baseline for “gaah the stupid it burns” on this issue being firmly established?
I know I do!
Oh yeah, did anyone else see the report this morning that 2 forensic scientists working independently came up with proof that Robert Kennedy was not killed by Sirhan but by a security guard standing behind Kennedy.
I saw it. His lawyers claimed that he wasn’t the shooter years ago.
for power it seems.
over an hour ago i posted a comment in Taylor marsh’s blog…
i was informed it would be “moderated”. hasn’t appeared yet.
i resent 20 minutes ago…still being moderated?
so, since TM won’t print what i wroye…maybe the Bman will:
some observations on SOME of the critics of Obama staying at Trinity.
no doubt this might be a very whitebread American expectation of church, but it hardly represents the prophets, the gospels, the historic church (with all its probs) or the black church experience in this country.
And let’s not forget their throwing the “kitchen sink” at Gov. Richardson. With James Carville calling him Judas and that he-Ricardson- can be bought for a price. Somewhere around 30 pieces of silver.
Carville being Hillary’s mouth piece only leads me to believe she does not have respect for the Latino voters in America. She wants to develop a “patron” system where one Latino is indebted to their boss for the rest of your life, just because you gave him a job. It doesn’t matter that Bill Richardson is the Gov. of New Mexico and did that without Hillary’s help.
So I can only think, Hillary wants to sink Obama and the Democratic party so she can run again in 4 years.
P.S. If the person below does follow lock step and support Hillary too, is Carville going to call her Judas?
She did work in the Clinton White House too.
Well Rasmussen has now switched Missouri from swing state to leans Republican.
I think once we get a nominee we will move back to swing state. My sense of the election is that, at this point, most people aren’t paying much attention to it except that they just wish it would go away. Most of the people I talk to are sick and tired of the Democrats being on teevee all the time and its true they are saying nice things about McCain. That would change if we had a nominee that could spend time taking on McCain – which will eventually happen. But the months of goodwill that could be building up for the Dems – are being wasted.
On a related note, the St. Louis Post Dispatch today had a front page story headlines: “Younger and Black: But not Democrats”.
Of course, in its’ typical clueless way, the guy that the Post interviews lives in East St. Louis – which is in Illinois and not a swing state. But still.
And the clincher:
0h, and let me add this part:
This article doesn’t even mention the suppression of black urban voters in Ohio. I made the point to somebody here a few weeks ago that Hillary’s claims that she can win Ohio are spurious at best if she alienates the AA vote. Suppression of the AA vote is what lost Ohio to Kerry. If the AA vote stays home in Ohio then Hillary can lose it too.