Newbies, Lurkers, and Splashers
The Welcome Wagon has rolled into town!
The Welcome Wagon has rolled into town!
Question for everyone:
what books are you reading,
or attempting to read?
what books are you reading,
or attempting to read?
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May the 4’s be with you
Say hello to the newest member of the Frog Pond:
My answer to the question: La región mas transparente by Carlos Fuentes.
What’s shakin’ in your part of the world?
st. john, the gift that keeps on giving…meh.
l’ve taken a purely recreational tack in my reading habits of late…as a survival tactic. currently enjoying Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto by chuck klosterman…a delightful read, if l do say so.
hey dada! good stuff at the link. For frivolous reading, I usually have a couple of editions of Uncle John’s around the pad 😉
The autoimmune epidemic : bodies gone haywire in a world out of balance– and the cutting-edge science that promises hope by Donna Jackson Nakazawa.
The mother tongue : English & how it got that way
by Bill Bryson
One to upset me & one to make me laugh.
hi hens teeth! let us know if there’s any good anecdotes in Bryson’s book about swearing 🙂
There’s a whole chapter, but I haven’t gotten to it yet.
inspired by the TV production, I’m rereading McCullough’s John Adams. A good book about interesting people and times.
not long ago I completed Harry Turtledove’s huge alternate history series, I highly recommend it to anyone who likes historical fiction. (starts with the South winning the civil war and goes on with an alternate american and world history until the 1940s, in 10 volumes). The thing I liked best is not just how plausible his military and political history is, but the depth of the alternate society he creates. He has lots of fun creating an alternate pop culture, with lots of references to real people doing almost but not quite what they really did.
hey esquimaux! I caught part of the John Adams series the other day, looked well-done. Are you enjoying it?
I’ll have to add Turledove’s book to my list of future reads, that sounds fascinating.
Hi manee! I don’t have HBO so haven’t been able to watch (though it’s not hard to find downloads (cough))
If you like a little alternate universe, you might enjoy some L.E. Modesitt Jr. about a US colonized by the Dutch, rather than Britannia, with a few ghosts and overtones of Brazil thrown in. I found it very enjoyable, but them I’m a little off-center to begin with;-)
that sounds interesting, I’ll look for it. Thanks!
I’m currently working on finishing two books:
Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson (great book about an American man building schools for the poorest areas in Pakistan and Afghanistan)
Punishment of Virtue, Sarah Chayes (excellent excellent book about the Afghanistan war and aftermath by a former NPR reporter)
[whistles innocently]
Hi and welcome to any newcomers.
It seems it’s mostly us old timers yakking on here in the wagon.
Just finished Young Stalin, which has made me pull out Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar again (I first read it a couple of years ago.
The gallery of characters is immense in both books – with difficult, and similar sounding names (unless you’re Russian) – so this second read is quite a bit easier.
Frivolous (bathroom) reading: The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide by Douglas Adams.
hi ask! yeah, i know how it goes but we have to at least put out the welcome mat in case anyone wants to poke their head out and say hello 🙂
I’m reading Undressing Infidelity – Why More Wives are Unfaithful by Diane Shader Smith.
The Simpsons and Philosophy – the D’oh of Homer
What can I say? At least neither of them has Fabio on the cover.
Somewhere a fairy from the 1980s sprouted wings at the mention of Fabio 🙂
What are you saying, Manny? That I’m hopelessly stuck in the eighties? Ok, I see how it is.
Hopeless? pfffft! I think you have plenty of hope to go around 🙂
Hey, that’s no fair! And the eighties were a pretty good decade, wouldn’t you say, Young One?
I finally started Kelly’s Webmage last night.
oooooo, good stuff. At least you won’t have to wait for the sequel after you’re done! Both highly recommended
Lieberman: “Pssst…”
McCain: “I’m sorry. Not Al Qaeda but extremists. Iranians are training the extremists in Iraq.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
thanks for keeping on McQaeda’s trail, Oui. Hope you’re doing well!
I voted “other” for St. John’s bogus appearances on “The Daily Show”, acting like a regular guy way back before the Great Dubya Hug gave him away.
My reading? Pure fantasy. I get enough reality at my day job these days.
Welcome, all you tadpoles!
The Monsters of Templeton, Lauren Groff. Highly recommended, especially if you like novels that are slightly off kilter.
Alice, Stacy Cordery. A fascinating biography of Alice Roosevelt Longworth.
The Well and the Mine, Gin Phillips. A spare and beautiful portrait of a family and an Alabama mining town in the 1930s.
That was back when Family Man was Family Boy, wasn’t it?
(Gratuitous I-know-he’s-lurking-around-here reference to FM)
Where has he been, anyway? I may have to go looking… 🙂
Health problems and an unwillingness to whine about them.
Aw shucks, we should just have a whinefest in his honor so he can just join right in and no one will notice.
I told him that we could all talk about perimenopause and IBS and plantar fasciitis and all of that good stuff, but he didn’t buy it.
My allergic esophagitis has a new no-dairy component to it that’s quite annoying….I didn’t mind being allergic to oregano, but ice cream? and cheese? and butter? and Hershey’s chocolate milk?
OMG – no dairy?
My fucking dental work is hurting like hell. The stitches dissolved, and from what I can tell it’s not infected, but my whole damn face hurts and I can’t smile or blow. Hehe.
Do you have dry socket? I had that once, and it hurt like bloody hell. You sould call the dentist today…
I’m trying to take the no dairy thing one day at a time. The thought of a lifetime without it is too much bear all at once…
I didn’t get a tooth pulled. I had crown lengthening, which is a euphemism for slicing away tissue AND BONE to make room for a crown.
I tried Tofutti and it’s not too bad. Ok, it’s pretty bad if you’re expecting it to taste like Ben and Jerry’s
A day late but…. I am reading I Am America( and so can you) by Stephen Colbert. It is a tough read sometimes because I find myself wondering does he believe this crap or is it all parody which I think it is. This is one book I will actually be glad to finish soon so I can move on to other things. LOL
It’s definitely parody. He’s got a brilliant sense of humor.
Yeah but reading it late at night when I am tired I sometimes get frustrated and wonder why I am reading Rush. LOL
I have had the hardest time getting through it, too, for the exact reason! I know somewhere deep in my head that it’s parody but there is so much crap out in teevee-land that sounds just like it that I still cringe!