Drip, drip, drip:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Somebody forgot to tell Hillary Clinton the Democratic presidential race is over and Barack Obama won.
This is a point that is largely lost on the dead-enders, but the dead-enders don’t seem to have basic reading comprehension skills. For example, if there is a poll that shows that 28% of Clinton supporters will switch over to McCain rather than vote for Barack Obama, that poll doesn’t say anything about whether Clinton’s supporters genuinely like her or have been taken into Mark Penn’s borg and no longer have free will.
Personally, I don’t care if individual Clinton supporters vote for John McCain, Ralph Nader, or Mike Gravel. It’s their choice. If Barack Obama does something that is unforgivable in their sight, I don’t expect them to vote for him. I’m tired of all the people that lecture others about how they have to vote for the Democrat no matter what that Democrat does in order to win. It’s all academic at this point anyway. Either you vote for Barack Obama, John McCain, some third party candidate, you write-in the candidate of your choice, or you don’t vote. Clinton is not going to be on your ballot in November, so can we please stop playing make-believe?
If you live in one of the ten states that still haven’t voted, ask yourself what is to be gained by prolonging this race?
I’m working right now on a project that will create a network of progressive organizers.
I will update here at BooTrib as I make progress…
I’m really interested to see the polls coming out the next few days. Yesterday’s polls were just the beginning. She’s beginning the long slow slide. All of these articles and teevee spots are working away in the background of day-to-day life and eventually will become common wisdom. At that point the slide will become faster and could even be a stomach churning drop (although the odds of her going lower than, say, 40% aren’t very good. Look how bad Bush is and he’s still got a base of support).
The only question to me is how long it will take.
TPM showed a 3/27 poll from Rasmussen that showed Clinton 46/Obama 44. They posted a new Gallop on top with Obama 48 to Hill’s 44.
Did make me catch my breath at first glance of the Rasmussen.
o/t – Don Siegleman is being released on bond for his appeal! Wow!
Obama weathers Wright storm as new details emerge
btw, Reuters is running with the same article that AP does – linked by BooMan:
Democratic race over? Clinton doesn’t think so
this will ensure wide coverage by media outlets.
Reuters clearly just has an aversion to ovaries.
Pew poll today very interesting and meaty. Questions on the personalities of the candidates that I found interesting. Needless to say, Obama won the sunny personality contest.
Pew report
There was a post about a week ago that indicated that the media are loving the raucous back and forth of Obama/Clinton interaction. I’ll have to find that link. Personally, I had my fill weeks ago.
I think it was on Politico.
“stop playing make-believe?”
they can’t, she hasn’t gotten her pony yet.
it’s fire ants Dada. Hillary does not deserve a pony.
Pelosi fires back at the Clinton campaign super donors’ blackmail.
A person with a sense of entitlement fails to see the “exit” signs. She would rather stay in the ocean instead swimming to shore. Hillary drowning a lifetime of political work, for something that is not an “entitlement”, her campaign ran a 100 yard-sprint, when the race is a marathon. She cannot catch-up.
The path to hell seems to be a viscous cycle. For Hillary, the more she throws bombs at Obama, the more she seems to accelerate her decent. At 37% popularity, her lowest in several years, Hillary’s self-destructiveness is now becoming an issue that relates directly to her ability to lead this country. But it is also turning off the superdelegates.
This piece from NBC/NJ’s Matthew E. Berger speaks to the issue. When will Hillary give up a losing battle?
I truly feel sorry for the Hillaryophiles, but when the primaries have ended, they have ended. There is nothing that Bill has up his sleeve that would not simply continue Hillary’s decent. She is looking like a sore loser who is now willing to take the Democrats down with her.
Right, and the primaries haven’t ended yet, so what’s the harm in playing this out? If you are really that certain he will be the nominee, why not just ignore Clinton and turn your focus elsewhere? She can’t really hurt him. All this stuff will come out in the fall anyway. The fact he is having to fight a bit for the nomination will make him stronger against McCain who is no pushover.