Drip, drip, drip:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Somebody forgot to tell Hillary Clinton the Democratic presidential race is over and Barack Obama won.

This is a point that is largely lost on the dead-enders, but the dead-enders don’t seem to have basic reading comprehension skills. For example, if there is a poll that shows that 28% of Clinton supporters will switch over to McCain rather than vote for Barack Obama, that poll doesn’t say anything about whether Clinton’s supporters genuinely like her or have been taken into Mark Penn’s borg and no longer have free will.

Personally, I don’t care if individual Clinton supporters vote for John McCain, Ralph Nader, or Mike Gravel. It’s their choice. If Barack Obama does something that is unforgivable in their sight, I don’t expect them to vote for him. I’m tired of all the people that lecture others about how they have to vote for the Democrat no matter what that Democrat does in order to win. It’s all academic at this point anyway. Either you vote for Barack Obama, John McCain, some third party candidate, you write-in the candidate of your choice, or you don’t vote. Clinton is not going to be on your ballot in November, so can we please stop playing make-believe?

If you live in one of the ten states that still haven’t voted, ask yourself what is to be gained by prolonging this race?