Mike Lux reports on something we already know. The party elders, the superdelegates, and the informed party activists know that Hillary Clinton can’t win and they want this race over. However, Lux actually talks to superdelegates, and what he is hearing is that they are collectively a bunch of cowards that desperately want the people of Pennsylvania to tell the Clintons the race is over so they won’t have to.
They don’t want the Clintons and McAuliffe and those donors who signed the letter to stop raising money for them. They don’t want Carville and Wolfson to call them a traitor. They don’t want all the behind-the-scenes trashing that they know will come.
There is a logic behind James Carville (who gets his paycheck from CNN) telling Bill Richardson that he is a Judas. It’s pure intimidation. And it is working. Reid and Pelosi and Dean and Gore are all trying to be polite about it, but their insistence that the process not continue all the way to the convention is a way of telling the Clintons that they have no path to the nomination.
Dodd and Leahy have been less polite. But pulling out the victim card isn’t going to change a thing.
In a conversation with two Democratic allies, she compared the situation to the “big boys” trying to bully a woman, according to interviews with them.
Who is really doing the bullying here?
I’ll admit that in a boxing match, no one likes the see it go to the judges. People pay to see a knockout. And that’s what we need to deliver to the Clintons, because they seem to think they can buy off or frighten the judges into throwing the bout.
Mrs. Clinton’s aides said they could see no circumstance in which she would withdraw unless she lost Pennsylvania on April 22. Two senior advisers and one close ally said they would urge her to quit the race if she lost Indiana two weeks later, on May 6.
We’re doing everything we can think of to make sure Clinton loses Pennsylvania, but it really shouldn’t matter.
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, issued the most unvarnished statement Friday, saying Clinton “has every right, but not a very good reason, to remain a candidate for as long as she wants to.”
Sen. Leahy is absolutely correct. Clinton has no ‘good reason’ to stay in the race because she is just angering and frightening people. And once she loses the clout to frighten people it won’t be very pleasant for the Clintons. At that point, all that is left is the anger. Read between the lines:
Mr. Dean said he wanted the contest settled well before the convention at the end of August. He urged the superdelegates, uncommitted party leaders and elected officials, to unify behind a candidate soon after the last nominating contests on June 3.
“I don’t think superdelegates should be waiting for the convention,” he said. “There’s no reason they can’t make up their mind now or in the last several weeks. Ideally, it would be good to know who the nominee is by July 1.”
The number of people that want this nomination wrapped up in Obama’s favor is now overwhelming, so they should make that clear to the Pennsylvania voters. Don’t put all the onus on the Obama campaign to cut through all the noise. They can’t make an effective inevitability argument anyway. That’s normally the job of surrogates. But in this case, it should be the job of cowardly superdelegates. Get off your asses and tell the world how you’re gonna vote. Don’t be afraid of Terry McAuliffe and James Carville…they’ll never have any power in the Democratic Party again. They can go back to asking for leniency for Scooter Libby, or whatever else they like to do.
Also with an orange hue.
Damn, that’s a pleasant thought.
That’s really what I look most forward to with an Obama nomination – a chance to slam the door shut on the corrosive nature of people like McAuliffe, Begala, and the whole DLC group that got fat off of the decay of the party during the late 1980s and the 1990s.
That’s literally 90% of the reason I have opposed Clinton from the beginning. It wasn’t her, but them.
That obviously changed once Bob Kerrey, Mr. Shaheen, Bob Johnson, and Geraldine Ferraro started opening their mouths.
In a letter to The Black Star News Rep. Charles Rangel says he underestimated Obama.
via Ben Smith:
I can imagine what Charlie Rangel’s wife serves up for breakfast every morning. O pancakes. Mrs. Rangel supports Obama.
Many superdelegates hold elected office and can be lobbied by their constituents. Who has the lists? Who is mobilizing this effort?
Jack and Jill Politics has a post up with links on superdelegates.
What I don’t get is why would PA Dem primary voters who want to see the Dem candidate win the general election vote for Hillary in their primary?
They must know that the only way Hillary wins the nomination is to break the party.
Why would they take such a chance or do they not care?
Mr. J. Carville has a cutesy statement in the on-line WaPo today about his Judas quip. ‘I am clever, I’m cute, look at me, I sometimes annoy with slightly contentious statements, but no matter what Richardson is a Judas because of his disloyalty to the Clintons who made him, I am loyal to them, they made me, that’s why I’m writing this (Psss, I want more gravy from the Clintons).’ Of course he doesn’t consider loyalty to the Democratic Party. If he did, he might have to file for divorce. I wonder if Carville’s statement must be considered a case of friendly fire, collateral damage or plain old-fashioned shock and awe on the part of the WaPo?
P.S. By the way, Mr. Carville, we know you’re still there, that’s why we want you to go.
Frederick Douglas and Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, and most of the American Founding Fathers understood that no one gives away power. It has to be taken. So of course, the Republican clone DLC has to resort to all sorts of kcking and screaming. The rest of us just have to see it for what it is: it is NOT rational political analysis or even exhortation. It is the fish flopping around in the bottom of the boat. Let it flop, and let it die. There is a new day coming, and it is a new way of politics which makes all American experience meaningful.
The Clintons and the DLC will get more and more strident as their power disappears. More and more, real Democrats must remember FDR’s admonition to the nation…..the only thing to fear is fear itself. That will keep the monster in the closet or under the bed. Which is where it belongs.
via Sully she’s staying in; no matter how bloody:
I don’t know what it is Clinton wants, but I still think there’s a very good chance she’ll drag this all the way to Denver in hopes of ruining Obama’s chances. Everyone in politics needs to stop pretending these are honorable people who’ll observe the niceties.
Just wait until she starts playing the victim. We need female superdelegates out there slamming her, not Pat Leahy, because she won’t hesitate for a moment to turn the calls for her to withdraw into a game of identity politics.
I don’t agree with Dean. We need to end this well before July 1st.
“We need to end this well before July 1st.”
I agree. But what I don’t understand is why so many powerful liberal blogs are remaining neutral, when this protracted race has the potential for hurting the Dems’ chances in congress as well as the WH. They don’t even acknowledge events in the daily news reports. Are they trying to stay above the fray?
I can’t say this surprises me. If the Clintons don’t understand how Obama’s winning (hint: it’s the Internets), I can’t see why many other politicians would be able to. Heck, I’m surprised that this many do seem to understand!
The SuperDuperDopey Delegates are afraid of confrontation and/or losing their seat at the table via the big money donors. Look what they have done in Congress since winning the majority….not a whole hell of a lot. They won’t even stand up to the worst president in AMerican History. We can expect absolutely no support from the likes of Reid and Pelosi. WE have to get Obama elected. WE THE FUCKING PEOPLE. That is our right. Let’s not allow the likes of the Clinton GAng say otherwise. Let’s put this to rest.