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- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
- Day 36: German Conservatives Win, Denounce American Conservatives
I loved Andi’s picture so much, it needed to go up top today.
Andi?? Are you sleeping in????
I was just over in the old cafe.
You must have snuck in while I was posting.
What are you and jim up to today?
Nothing of any interest. What’s up with you and all your boys?
CBtE wants to go to his girlfriend’s basketball game this afternoon He’s also asking if he can spend the night at her house. Guess what the answer to that one is?
I might catch up with an old friend from work this afternoon who’s going to be over my way (she lives in Jersey). Other than, no big plans except grocery shopping.
Well I have to say this for CBtE — he sure is an optimist.
We’re thinking of combining our trip to the grocery with a trip to the Japanese restaurant for dinner. The only problem with that plan is that grocery shopping on Saturday night is the pits — it seems like they never restock the shelves and the produce is all picked over.
Apparently he felt out the other household adult first, then debated with himself (out loud) whether he could just fib about where he was going…and then asked me.
I hate the crowds that come with weekend grocery shopping.
That’s the upside of Saturday night shopping — everybody is somewhere else.
So Mama, do you like The Girlfriend?
She seems nice, if a little quiet (of course that’s probaby just because we’re so intimidating-lol). We took them down to dinner and DL with us last week, and they had a good time.
Of course, if she breaks his heart…grrr.
Yeah, that whole casual “I’m sleeping over at the boy/girlfriends house” thing became popular more than ten years ago. When I first encountered it I just laughed when he said that everyone’s parents let them do it….because you know I’m not everyone’s parent…but it’s true. They have coed sleepovers and apparently I’m still the only parent uncool enough to say no. One time after a very very late prom and before a trip to an amusement park the next morning, I agreed to a mass sleepover at someone’s house because I was sure there were going to be dozens of kids there, but still it’s weird how much things are changing.
I’m an out-of-date, stick-in-the-mud geezer.
::practices crotchety old lady look::
That’s nothing compared to the quick bj in the school bathroom in jr. highs all over the US. Sad.
….and PS…you can stop practicing now.
Well, you must not be the only one, because we’re continuing the tradition here.
That middle school bj phenomenon is just bizarre, btw.
I am so excited today!!!! I have been up since 4:30 am and have been emailing and making plans for the great day ahead at the county convention!!!!
This is the shirt I will be wearing.
OBAMA 2008
Gonna bake cookies for the entire convention? 🙂
Morning Miss Andi!!!! No way am I baking anything this am. LOL You would have laughed to have seen the faces yesterday when I showed up at headquarters without my usual treats. You would have thought Christmas or Hanukkah had been canceled.
What an excellent strategy — you’ve made addicts out of them and now they’ll be putty in your hands. 😉
Hope you have a great time!
(Btw, it’s so nice to see you in the cafe again … 🙂
I’m so excited for you! What time does it start?
Sign in starts at 7 am and the convention supposedly starts at 10 am. My ride will be here at 6:30 am.
Go get ’em, rf! Hope you have a great time!
Good morning, everyone!
Young asklet and I are getting ready for the trails.
“Sat. Mostly SUNNY Hi 33, Lo 23!
Sun. Mostly SUNNY Hi 40, Lo 16!
We’re OPEN Saturday with 21 trails and 4 lifts! Sat. and Sun. should feature bright sunshine, deep blue skies and excellent machine-groomed loose granular snow, softening a bit as temperatures rise slowly in the afternoon!
We still have a ton of snow on the mountain!”
Looks like we’ve been lucky with the timing – there was a light dusting overnight.
Good luck today, RF!
Have fun and TY!!!!!
sounds perfect. Who would believe it’s nearly April?
Have a blast.
but personally I’m only interested in hearing about green and growing things. I’m beyond ready for spring.
How did you get the roborater in your bookmarks? I can’t get it work – keeps taking me to the description page.
Did you get a new mac?
I have macs, but can’t remember how I got it there. Maybe drag and drop, or right-clicking (um, control-click if you don’t have 2-button mouse) and adding that way?
Wait, I got!
Cut and paste the javascript url, but don’t hit enter to go there.
Then, with the roborater url in your address bar, click on “Bookmarks” up there on the Firefox bar, and click “Bookmark this page”. Voila, it’s there.
In Firefox for Linux, and I think also for Windows, if you right click on your bookmarks toolbar (just underneath the navigation toolbar where the URL goes) you can choose “New Bookmark” and then paste the Javascript from the RoboRater page into the Location field. There’s probably an equivalent in Mac Firefox, but it’s been a while since I used the Mac so I’m not sure what the equivalent would be — control-click, command-click. shift-click, something like that.
Just as you’ve both said – rt click and add to bookmarks … 🙂
It’s w/ Safari that I still can’t get it to work.
And there was much rejoicing. 🙂
Mmm hmmm — a couple of weeks old now, and loving it. 🙂
Thanks for the tips. I tried copying and pasting into url field and then adding as bookmark, but it didn’t take. I’ll try it again.
Aaaaah, someone’s still using the RoboRater. Makes all that effort I put into it (and the money I paid for the domain name) worthwhile. 🙂
I use it a lot. Greatest blog add-on ever invented, IMO.
How have you been? Are your caucus conventions coming up soon? Do you know if you’re going as an alternate?
Definitely use it Omir … 🙂
And now that I’ve switched over to the Mac, gotta have it here too.
Me too Omir – thanks a bunch!
I’m glad you guys like it. It does come in handy sometimes, doesn’t it? Like, oh say right now. 🙂
Been OK, all things considered. Our LD caucuses are next Saturday. My daughter and I are alternates for Obama but I haven’t asked her about going yet. I think I’d like to go just to see what one is like, but she’s the one with the car.
Thanks for RoboRater; although I prefer the name Fournicator.
I’m so bummed. I was supposed to go to Chicago this morning but the friend I was going with came down with the flu. No shopping therapy for me. sigh.
That’s awful. You had such wonderful plans too.
Can you reschedule for another weekend?
Probably. Maybe in May.
I could still go by myself but my sister hadn’t planned to spend the entire weekend with us and I know she had many other things to do.
So I’m off to drown my sorrows at Starbucks and then do something productive.
If I lived there I’d go with you. At least it’ll be warmer in May.
Have a coffee drink with lots of dairy stuff in it for me. (sniff)
I’m sad to report that one of my coworkers has been diagnosed with breast cancer and will be undergoing a mastectomy, radiation and chemo. Her testing isn’t complete yet, but her doctors believe it is an aggressive variety. Here’s hoping its not. Everyone in the office is a survivor except for me, so she has some very good emotional and practical support, at least.
Sorry to hear that, ID. Wishing her strength.
Thanks – I’ll pass that along to her.
That’s very sad news, ID. I’m glad she’ll have so much support there at the office, and I hope that everything goes well and that they get some more hopeful test results.
Some of her tests are still out, so we don’t know the full picture. The scary thing is, her sister apparently died from the same thing. We don’t talk about that, though. The good part is that she’s very feisty an quite a fighter. She was a Democratic County Chair in a very red county near here when she was younger. Thanks for your thoughts.
Nothing to add to what’s been said already except to send along some more good thoughts.
Thanks Andi and on a happier note, good morning! I wonder if refinish69 is worn out from his convention activities yesterday? Maybe he’ll show up later and give us a report.
Good Morning Folks!!!! It is official I am a delegate to the state convention.
woo hoo! Congrats, RF!
Thank you!!! You can see some of the results from the conventions in my diary from yesterday that I updated. I know have to announce and plan my campaign for Senate District 14 Committee Man. LOL
Way to go! Keep up the great work and thanks for the report!
So what else isn’t new?
click for larger
Good morning and sympathies!

Not too bad here – and our weekend was great:
We had a great day skiing on Saturday, though it got a bit soft in the afternoon. Probably the last day with good conditions.
Glad you had a great weekend. Looks like the weather was wonderful.
Maybe once the rain is accompanied by warmer temps, it won’t bum me out so much.
It was beautiful, though surprisingly cold until the afternoon. Yesterday morning it was 18/windchill 7 at Pittsfield Airport. Summit must have been below zero.
Windchill below zero, that is.
Way too cold for me to enjoy in spring but if I think about how much I hate summer I can find it a lot more pleasant-sounding.
The lack of warmer temperatures is frustrating. I finally gave up and called yesterday a nice day, only to be reminded that it was 25 degrees outsie when I got up.
Today is the first day since March 7th that everyone is going to school! The long vacation is over!!!
I’m going to celebrate by doing a brief happy dance before getting some work done. Without going to the library.
and a brief moment of sympathy for the CBs.
I’m sorry to hear you aren’t having warm temps either. Is spring ever go to show up?
I don’t know, I think I’ve given up on hoping it will warm up. Now I’m just hoping to finish knitting my purple sweater before it gets too warm to wear it.
We’re at 42 this morning, rain expected.
Mine still have a week to go.
swimmer received lots of good news last week, she’s accepted at all the schools she applied to (one no-response remaining).
Of course, that doesn’t help the decision-making process any.
I guess not. I only found out the full story last night (I knew of a couple previously). Trying to call her in Sweden right now, but they all seem to be out.
I remember actually being disconcerted by being accepted by all the schools I had applied to because I had expected them to help me make the choice.
That seemed to be her thought as well, but this conundrum is better than the opposite alternative…
Congrats to her, and my sympathies as well on not having any help narrowing down the choices!
We’re dealing with the opposite alternative here….kid with ADD and poor test scores. Sigh…
Sorry to hear that, SN and hope the search works out. swimmer’s little brother behaves as if he has a mild case of ADD (not diagnosed).
She has had the great advantage of being a student at a resourceful school, including a fantastic college counselor.
He has the inattentive type of ADD without hyperactivity. He just doesn’t listen and doesn’t retain information. He’s also a very slow reader and he never has time to finish tests, though he knows the material pretty well. He has staged a little revolt against taking ADD meds for the past 2 years and his grades have suffered because of it. Now, with being rejected by 4 schools so far he’s just demoralized and resigned to living the rest of his life working at McDonald’s and living in a trailer. Poor kid. He’s at a mediocre public school with an overworked counselor he leaves the kids largely on their own to navigate the college process.
Sorry for getting back late. I got taken to the emergency room after a vaso-vagal episode at my local cafe after breakfast. It looks dramatic and an ambulance was called – then I was stuck at the hospital for 3 hrs doing tests. Everything seems to be fine, though I have to go back later this week and have a monitor strapped on for 24 hrs.
I feel for good kids that struggle in school. This society is so poorly equipped to provide the necessary support, especially for kids in situations similar to your son’s.
OMG. Has that happened to you before?
Yes – several times over the last 25 years, though only once before did I end up in the emergency room. I was quite confident that all would be well in a matter of minutes, but the EMS-crew would take no chances. It looks dramatic with the fainting, or near fainting, profuse sweating and some times, hyperventilation.
From wiki:
I can usually recognize some of the symptoms before fainting and get down low.
Yes, that happens to my daughter all of the time, though only a few times a year now. It always seemed to happen when I wasn’t around i.e. at school or concerts, but about two years ago it happened right in front of me and it was very scary.
Glad you’re okay! 🙂
Ai, ai – sounds like she has a bad case with several times a year.
I used to have a few per year, but frequency has come down so now it may even be a couple of year between (though last time was last summer).
Hers started with the onset of puberty at 13 or so with fainting episodes every 3 or 4 weeks at first and slowly getting less frequent. Not knowing what it was for the first fueled her panic when she would feel them coming on. Now she knows it’s coming and she lies down right away. She did the tilt-table test and Holter monitor and the whole shebang….
geez. That’s a pain in the butt. I’m glad you’re okay.
Thanks booman.
All is well now, I’ll even go to practice tonight.
That’s a bummer. What does he want to major in, SN?
He has no idea. Nothing has caught fire within him yet. He feels unsuccessful at everything he attempts.
Can he do community college for a year while he sorts it out? How about OB for a semester?
My brother never went to college (well, briefly, but not enough to really count as a whole year of credits), and later did some computer networking non-degree program just because he was into it, got his Microsoft certifications, and is now making the big bucks in IT for the financial sector. I think the biggest thing is finding something you’re interested in and enjoy doing, and then you can work the rest out.
I’m sorry he’s so demoralized. Hugs for both of you.
He just has to find something and he will eventually…maybe politics. LOL
Fantastic for swimmer!!!!
I haven’t yet unplugged the dogs heated water bucket because we keep having below freezing temps (and they are still forecast for this week too).
Good morning all. Spring cleanup has begun, with tree pruning being the order of the day yesterday. Back at work where I can get some rest. 😉
Some sort of transmission line failure took out 1800 customers — and our county only has a population of 15K.
Good morning/afternoon/evening all.
Good morning. That is impressive. Did high winds take it (the power) out?
I thhink we need a new cafe.
I think you’re right.
Good morning!
Its official. I am a delegate to the state convention!!!! Here is one of my new designs to I plan to wear in june. LOL
Also if you did not see the link yesterday in the open diary:
After a 15 minute interview, you will love what part they kept of it. LOL
go here:
go over to the item titled texas showdown on the left, and see a funny tidbit from an interview.