Not a bad move for Obama to hang out with Pittsburgh Steeler legends Franco Harris and Jerome Bettis.

This is probably good politics, too, although it kind of makes me cringe.

“The truth is that my foreign policy is actually a return to the traditional bipartisan realistic policy of George Bush’s father, of John F. Kennedy, of, in some ways, Ronald Reagan, and it is George Bush that’s been naive and it’s people like John McCain and, unfortunately, some Democrats that have facilitated him acting in these naive ways that have caused us so much damage in our reputation around the world,” he said.

I think you have to go back to Eisenhower to find a president whose foreign policy is worthy of emulation, and even Ike made his share of huge mistakes. But this is a campaign, and I think it is wise to point out that Bush-McCain’s policy toward Iraq represents a significant break from the past.

Obama will be at Penn State University and in Harrisburg tomorrow. He’ll be at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology in Lancaster on Monday. I don’t know his schedule for Tuesday, but on Wednesday he is going do Hardball’s College Tour at West Chester University in Chester County.

By the way, I randomly ran into former Senator Harris Wofford today when we both decided to drop into Obama Headquarters at the same time. We had a nice chat with him, mostly about nothing.

I also did a stealth visit to Clinton Headquarters, but more on that recon trip later…