The Washington Post reports that Hillary Clinton is going to contest the election all the way until the convention and then try to win a credentials committee fight to seat the lopsided Michigan delegation (as well as Florida) and then hope the superdelegates take her side. I think this is mostly bluster…a way to try to stop the drip drip drip of stories calling on her to drop out of the race. But it’s definitely not what any Democrats wanted to hear (her diehards excepted).

If she were actually to do this she would badly undermine party unity as well as the perceived legitimacy of the nomination. And her chances of winning won’t improve one bit. It’s up to the party to preserve itself. They must find a way to avoid a convention fight.

The only thing we can do is whatever we can to help Obama win Pennsylvania. It’s an uphill climb for sure, but if Obama can somehow win Pennsylvania I think the Clintons really will drop out. It might even be the best thing that can happen to them, and their legacy.