Today is a GREAT DAY to be a TEXAS DEMOCRAT!!!! Thousands of Texas Democrats across the state will meet in county and senate district conventions to help decide the delegate count for Obama and Hillary. No matter who you are supporting in the race it is a great day to be with literally thousands of other concerned Democrats and announce your support.
Bring your patience, your sense of humor and even your ipod with your favorite tunes as we spend the day making a difference in TEXAS!!!!!
Of course I will be wearing
A couple of nights ago when the Obama Delegation from my precinct got together to plan strategy and decide who would be nominated and elected to go on to the state convention, I was selected as one of the two delegates from our precinct to go to the state convention.
Each person running was allowed to give a two minute speech and here is what I said or as close as I can remember as I always do speeches off the cuff.
I have been involved in politics and civil rights since I was 8 years old in North Carolina. I have worked on many issues political campaigns in that time. I will admit I was a John Edwards supporter up until the day he dropped out of the race. I had to do a lot of soul searching and research before I decided who to support out of the last two candidates. I went back and listened to speeches and forums from both candidates and spoke with many of my friends in the activist community.
I saw something that amazed me. I saw a man who had a plan and a vision that wasn’t just for me or liberals. I saw a man who had excited people of all races, creeds, ages, financial back grounds and was willing to work with everyone for the common good of America. Here was a man who was talking about making a change and actually meant it.
I have been a victim of bigotry. I have been beaten and almost killed 4 times in my life for being gay. I have had friends killed for being gay, black, or just different from the norm- whatever the hell that is. Barack Obama is a man who brings hope to a weary nation and to this weary political and civil rights activist.
Will electing Barack Obama cure all ills in America? No. It will only be the beginning. We, as Texans and as Americans must pull together and elect other great leaders into office to help with the work and we must hold the accountable.
As many of you know, I will be the precinct chair for Travis County Precinct 424 as of April. I am also planning on running for the State Executive Committee Man from Senate District 14 if I am elected as a delegate to the State convention. I want to work to make sure that the energy and power this campaign has unleashed in Texas is not squandered or allowed to go to waste. This is our time to harness that energy and make a difference in Texas and in America.
Barack Obama gives us the power to believe “YES WE CAN!!” and with your help Yes We Will!!!
Yesterday was a long, exciting and tiring day. A lot of time spent in line and waiting as at most conventions. LOL I got there about 7:20 am and the business of the convention did not really start till after 2 pm. I got to see lots of political activist from all over the county and I was officially elected as a delegate to the state convention. I could not have managed my job as delegation chair without the help of a lot of great people in the Obama delegation and the Hillary delegation. We all left there as friends who are looking forward to the state convention and electing good democrats in November.
The delegate count to the state convention from Travis County is:
Senate District 14:
313 delegates for Obama
144 delegates for Clinton
Senate District 25:
70 delegates for Obama
40 delegates for Clinton
With 133 counties reporting out of 287:
3,107 Obama Delegates
2,436 Clinton Delegates
Once the writers at Burnt Orange Report, they will start updating numbers as they can get them. They finally called it a night at midnight. LOL
Great speech rf – thanks for posting it. Hope y’all have a wonderful day.
Thank you!!!!
Here are some buttons for Obama fans. I will be using the profits to pay my way to the national convention if I get elected as a delegate and also help out the Obama Campaign.
Barack Obama 2008
Barack Obama 2008