Some of you may remember my failed attempts at promoting the ideas of NEWSTRIKE!!! and MEDIASTRIKE!!!
I am rapidly approaching another windmill with my trusty lance.
Read on for more if you so desire.
So Booman wrote one of his many, many pro-Obama/anti-Hillary posts yesterday about how approvingly he sees Barack Obama’s photo-op attempt to at least not lose mercilessly in PA by appearing with those two HEAVY political thinkers, Franco Harris and Jerome “The Bus” Bettis. (I don’t really know about Harris, but Bettis is not all that bright on the evidence of the few times that I have caught his act on sports shows. No matter…it’s all just showbiz anyway, right? Read on.)
Booman then posted one of Obama’s increasingly desperate attempts to assuage the fears of the vast middle-right side of the political playing field, preceded by his own statement that “This is probably good politics, too, although it kind of makes me cringe.”
The truth is that my foreign policy is actually a return to the traditional bipartisan realistic policy of George Bush’s father, of John F. Kennedy, of, in some ways, Ronald Reagan, and it is George Bush that’s been naive and it’s people like John McCain and, unfortunately, some Democrats that have facilitated him acting in these naive ways that have caused us so much damage in our reputation around the world,” he said.
I posted this comment.
Cringe on, bubba.
Your man is just Hillary Clinton in drag, and the policies of economic imperialism that have crippled (and will continue to cripple) this country are going to be on the table for the next 8 years no matter WHO wins this election.
Deal wid it.
GOD I love Democrats!!!
And CabinGirl posted an agreement of sorts.
I found it quite amusing to watch the folks at TalkLeft eviscerate Bob Casey’s support for Obama on the basis of his pro-life credentials (just one woman-hater endorsing another), and holding John Murtha up as a better endorsement for Hillary…
Of course, no mention was made of Murtha’s record on reproductive rights, or the BS we all had to live through about “Casey can win against Santorum BECAUSE he’s pro-life” back in 2005-2006. Clearly, the right doesn’t have a corner on the “WTF are you thinking?” market.
People will never cease to amaze and amuse me.
Which got me to thinking about how little time and energy I am currently putting into the whole leftiness blogosphere.
And why.
The whole leftiness blogosphere all talk, no battle.
You remember my failed attempts at promoting the ideas of NEWSTRIKE!!! and MEDIASTRIKE!!!, right CabinGirl?
I am rapidly approaching another windmill with my trusty lance.
The level of sheer common sense is WAY down on the leftiness blogosphere…which I suppose is only to be expected as it increasingly becomes a haven for Joe Bageant’s “soft, moody, self-absorbed American lefties” whose “empathy for mankind’s planetary misery is in short supply – more of an intellectual concept than a reality”, who “come from the 25% of Americans who get a college degree. They have no fucking idea what it is like for the other 60-70% of Americans who have to survive in our brutal corporatized state without the benefit of genuine education, insight or even honest news programming to see what is going on around them. These workers are being cultivated as a human crop by global business. A crop of toilers, consumers, and when need be, mechanized killers to be sent abroad.” (Joe Bageant Speaks Out.)
Other than that…everything’s going just swimmingly, thank y’all so much for not asking.
The Dems, with the generous help of the kneejerk Hillary bashers on the left who are actually more vicious than those on the right (“Queen of the dry fuck brigade.” “All cunt, no cattle.” You could look it up. Nice.) are now in total disarray over which of the remaining two NeoLiberalCons they will nominate to continue to guide the Good Ship Lollipop through treacherous seas populated by emerging third world countries with a grievance or two or twenty, some serious weaponry and some even MORE serious economic leverages. Both of which candidates being miles smarter and more competent at their jobs than either the outgoing Semi-President or that walking time bomb John “Boom Boom” McCain, who is the ONLY PERSON IN AMERICA besides the right wing of the PermaGov Corporation who will profit from such an empty flip flopping flap.
And still they pound away. On this blog alone (as of 3/30/08), 9 of the 14 front-paged articles are anti-Hillary Clinton screeds.
NOT pro-Obama, anti-Clinton.
There’s a difference, CabinGirl, and the difference is negativity.
Opposition driven by negative emotions smells different than issue-driven movements, and that is now the smell coming off of the whole Democratic Party.
Good work, folks.
Voters don’t “think”…not enough of them, anyway…they sniff various political pheromones and choose the one that gets them all hot and bothered.
Or…least repelled. (If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one that’s left. Or something like that.)
As we stumble towards this summer, the only people in America who will remain really, unshakably allied with Obama will be the middle class black vote, the academically advantaged vote and perhaps the youth vote, and the only people who will stick with Hillary Clinton will be the over-40 female vote and the organized segments of the hispanic population. Plus maybe some oldline Dems like the moribund union people.
And it will get worse as November approaches, especially if the convention is:
1-A nasty-spirited squeaker…in either direction.
Or perhaps even worse:
2-A brokered one.
With subheadings:
2a-A brokered one that does not include BOTH candidates.
2b-A brokered one that installs Fat Al Gore as a so- called”
compromise” candidate. He has the reverse Midas touch among
all classes except the ones that award Nobel Prizes and such, and
should be sequestered for the duration of the convention in some
Guantanamo of the Southland along with his potential partner in
the worst nightmare of all, an Al Gore/John Edwards ticket.
You wonder why Edwards has not endorsed anyone?
Hmmmmm…..I think that he is waiting to endorse Gore in a tit-for-tat deal. They are two of a kind.
Or maybe…forlornly, I hope…waiting for Clinton or Obama to make him an offer.
At least Clinton and Obama got out there and fought their asses off. And both are…I hope./..too politically talented to make THAT mistake.
Gore on the other hand?
Who did he choose the first time?
Once burned, twice stupid in this case.
Every time I read some big-time Dem hustler talking about how confident they are that “Things will be resolved before the Convention” I get all…nervous.
It smells like a Don King promotion.
Like a classic Don King promotion.
Only in America, people!!!
Only in America.
These two valiant warriors fought to a draw in a world class exhibition of boxing skills, but they are both so injured by the fight that they cannot continue. So instead, I bring you the unacknowledged heavyweight World Champ for the year 2000…Al “I Wuz Robbed!!!” Gore.
Give him a hand, folks. Only in America does every man get his due eventually!!!
And as a special added attraction…on the very same card, the Lightweight survivor of so many, MANY wars…John Boy Edwards!!! This boy can BOX.
Not a scratch on him, not a hair out of place!!! Yessir, in November we are going to set Pay-Per-Vote RECORDS here in the United States.
May the best hustler win, and ON WITH THE SHOW!!!
Of course, they WILL have opponents…a down at the heels old tomato can and a lightweight opponent to be named later. But…nevermind. It’s the winners that make the fight, right!!!???
Only in America, folks!!!
Only in America!!!
Bet on it.
I’m already 2/3rds there, myself.
Bet on that as well.
I have just been informed by ed_encho…with quite some apparent pride, it seems…that I misquoted him above. He did not write of Hillary Clinton that she is the “Queen of the dry fuck brigade.” No. Instead he called her “The Joan of Arc of the dry pussy demographic.”
My error.
SO sorry.
Way to go, ed.
Is there any wonder why I am talking about a BLOGSTRIKE!!!???
As if it really matters that much.
It’s come to that, folks.
The leftinesses have hopped from lily pad to lily pad over the last few years.
“ANYBODY BUT HILLARY” they shrill.
Like Booman’s frog, jumping from lily pad to lily pad in desperate attempts to find one that will float.
From Dean to Kerry to Clark to Warner to Edwards, with little side-splashes in between.
And now they have found one…the best of the bunch, by FAR…and are proceeding to help sink the damned thing with an overdose of negativity.
Obama wpuld be better off WITHOUT your so-called “support”.
Besides which…I am sure that he knows your game by now, and if by some miracle he DOES survive your tender ministrations and actually get elected it will be about three months before you all start screaming on HIS ass for not being…whatever enough.
Black enough.
Liberal enough.
Radical enough.
Crafty enough.
Honest and straightforward enough.
Whatever the leftiness meme of the moment may be.
It’s the wave of the future.
Unless you wake the fuck up, of course.
My future, anyway.
Bet on it.
We shall see.
We shall soon see.
When you wake up one day to a President McCain…that means you didn’t wake the fuck up early enough.
We shall see.
Soon enough.
Meanwhile…sweet dreams.
Sorry I didn’t see this till now…I was on my own Sunday blogstrike. Yoga in the woods overlooking the rocks and creek, shopping for a new sink to replace the circa 1950s one that is leaking (anyone know where to find a sink that’s less than 23″ wide without spending a fortune?), knitting, watching John Adams on HBO, reading cooking magazines, and talking to real people outside the blogosphere.
Very refreshing, and it helps me keep my perspective on all this crap. The primary season will end someday, someone will be the nominee, and hopefully we won’t be watching in horror as John McCain is sworn in next year. No need to lose our minds and shriek bloody murder at everyone else because their candidate of choice sucks.
It has been stunning to see the collective loss of brain power and concomitant infantile middle school style sniping that is going on in the blogosphere in the past few weeks. I really like it a lot better when we have asshole republicans in our sights, not each other. Rachel Maddow had it right the other night when she was talking about how little she hears either Dem candidate going after McCain on his positions. Seems the blogosphere is doing the same.
Anyway, I hope this isn’t a GBCW from you, Arthur. I’ve gotten fond of your curmudgeonly self over the years.
“…the collective loss of brain power and concomitant infantile middle school style sniping…”
You’ve got that right!!!
I hate to harp on this, but the amount of sheer misogyny…often from women…that has been directed at Hillary Clinton is awe inspiring.
I don’t mean opposition…I mean flat out “Who does that uppity bitch think she is!!!’ and “She was just Bil’ls fuckpillow and camp follower’ kinds of shit.
Hell, folks…she MADE that man.
SAnd then after doing that….when the time was finally ripe (or so she thought) for a woman of power, she made HERSELF.
As if she is not the flat-out embodiment of the success of females’ attempts to break the glass ceiling.
Hard to deal with, this personal anti-Hillary bullshit.
Hard to deal with.
She’s wrong if she lets her emotions show…”Ahhh, that’s just fake tears” and wrong if she tries…perhaps too hard, but that’s what she MUST do if she is to appear “as strong as a man”…if she tries to support the military in their endeavours or if she gets a little strident in her tough-guy stance as a candidate.
She can’t win with these people. Everything she does is already pre-judged as being abolutely, positively, hatefully wrong.
Is this a GBCW post?
It is a “What the fuck am I doing spending so much time trying to convince assholes not to shit all over themselves” post. And I will…as I have been doing he last couple of weeks…be spending less time paying attention to the blogs.
bet on it.
They have run their course, CabinGirl, and are now part of the new orthodoxy.
Beware the orthodoxy, always and everywhere.
Lewis Carroll knew.
Pure nonsense, as the uffish leftiness bloggers galumph proudly through the tulgey woods of the internet, vorpal blade in one hand and the head of the JabberBillary in the other.
Pure nonsense.
And not worth the time it takes to oppose it.
Things will happen as they must WITHOUT the leftiness bloggers’ input. It is sheer ego that makes them think that it is they who power the movements of the spheres.
Sheer hubris.
And I am bored with it.
What does all this shit about dry pussy have to do with me? I never said one crude remark about Clinton’s gender, or any other politician.
Blogstrike? So is this a GBCW?
Whatever turns your crank AG. I see Diane101 agrees with you. Does that mean we will no longer be graced by your presences here? I will put money on that.
Think I have seen this here several times before but I have just been mostly a lurker for the past year. What do I know…lol.
Hi Nancy, I was surprised to see my name in your comment.
A diary rec. does not mean I follow or intend to follow or even agree with every word and on occasion I agree with nothing in a diary I rec. it could be that I just find it interesting..
As usual with AG I agree with parts of his dialogue, mostly the ones about the anti Hillary people/attitudes and that some may reap what they sow but not all his words certainly and about the blog strike, well I didn’t even consider that. Being familiar with AG’s style of writing, I don’t think that was the point.
I persist in staying on this site because it’s kind of a home to me even tho I often disagree with the consensus opinions.
I recommend a lot of stuff that I don’t agree with just because I find the dialog between opposing views interesting. And AG is nothing if not interesting :o)
personally I find little to be upset about in how the left blogs are performing more and more like their red counterparts and the cable entertainment news shows.
If anything, they’re providing me with much amusement as they hurl themselves at one another over two of the least progressive candidates to come down the poli-pike in a while. I wish we could get this kind of passion behind a real agent of change. But it looks more to me like the majority are content with mediocrity and status quo nothingness.
I will admit though, that i’m starting to feel a little protective of Clinton, not that she needs protecting. I think she’s dealing with an inordinate amount of vitriolic spite and hatred. But Obama’s starting to get a taste of it as well. I say let them rip themselves to shreds. neither has me in mind and neither gives much of a damn about Iraqi children growing up in a holocaust of American napalm and missile fire.
And if I find these candidates useless I sure as hell ain’t gonna get upset over a bunch of flying keyboard monkeys raging away in insignificance while the world burns all around them. And maybe you shouldn’t either.
Blogs aren’t worth a strike, AG