Month: March 2008

Progressives (and Z Net) for Obama?

Barack Obama is part of the problem. Anyone who votes for Barack Obama is part of the problem.Every four years, much of the (so-called) Left gleefully drinks the Democrat’s Kool Aid. Such liberals spend three years droning...

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On the Ground in PA

Not a bad move for Obama to hang out with Pittsburgh Steeler legends Franco Harris and Jerome Bettis. This is probably good politics, too, although it kind of makes me cringe. “The truth is that my foreign policy is...

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Nutter in the Gutter

I know Michael Nutter and I like him very much. Which is why I find it so painful to see him pimp himself out to the Clintons in an utterly lost cause. That he would be a party to the attempted political race-assassination of...

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Carville’s Brand of Loyalty

I kind of admire James Carville’s loyalty in a way, but I have a problem with a guy who writes letters of recommendation for Scooter Libby explaining the merits of stickin’ with his friends. There’s well...

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