Barack Obama’s father was Kenyan and his mother was a white woman from Kansas. Bill Richardson’s father was a white banker from California and his mother was a Mexican, named María Luisa López-Collada Márquez. Barack Obama spent part of his childhood in Indonesia. Bill Richardson spent part of his childhood in Mexico City.
It shouldn’t be any surprise that Bill Richardson feels a certain kinship with Barack Obama. Nor should it surprise anyone that Gov. Richardson might take offense at the sight of Howard Ickes going around telling superdelegates that Obama can’t win because he attends a black church (which, in fairness, is what the Rev. Wright flap really amounts to).
Bill Clinton should have thought about these things before he let the campaign go into the racial gutter. I understand that he is outraged because:
“Five times to my face (Richardson) said that he would never [endorse Obama].”
But maybe Richardson’s broken promises are a result of a broken heart. I don’t think he would lightly break his word. I can imagine that Richardson is picturing a situation where he, rather than Obama, was leading in the delegate race and Howard Ickes was saying that he can’t win because his mother was a Mexican. If you think the situations are not comparable, they’re still more alike than not. Remember, it was Hillary Clinton herself that made it a point to implicitly criticize Obama for attending his church when she said that she would not. Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter went out and said the same thing, even after he was attacked for his choice of church in his recent successful primary election.
In the end, most pundits hailed the campaign as an issue-driven race with few attacks based on any particular candidate’s religious and ethnic background. They did occur, though, particularly on the last Sunday before the primary, when flyers were distributed at Catholic churches in several neighborhoods, claiming that Nutter had left Catholicism and become a Baptist for political reasons, and that Brady had greatly exaggerated the extent of his church attendance.
The same flyer claimed that Knox was the only practicing Catholic in the race.
Nutter’s response at the time?
Nutter called his closest rival, Tom Knox, a white millionaire businessman and a churchgoing Catholic, a “low life” and “scumbag” and accused him of being behind the flyers. The racial subtext was not hard to see.
Disgust doesn’t even begin to describe my
estimation of Nutter’s hypocrisy. Somehow, I doubt Gov. Richardson is impressed either. Which is why Bill Clinton’s sense of betrayal rings so hollow. And he isn’t winning any friends with performances like the one he gave at the California Democratic Convention.
In fact, before his speech Clinton had one of his famous meltdowns Sunday, blasting away at former presidential contender Bill Richardson for having endorsed Obama, the media and the entire nomination process.
“It was one of the worst political meetings I have ever attended,” one superdelegate said.
According to those at the meeting, Clinton – who flew in from Chicago with bags under his eyes – was classic old Bill at first, charming and making small talk with the 15 or so delegates who gathered in a room behind the convention stage.
But as the group moved together for the perfunctory photo, Rachel Binah, a former Richardson delegate who now supports Hillary Clinton, told Bill how “sorry” she was to have heard former Clinton campaign manager James Carville call Richardson a “Judas” for backing Obama.
It was as if someone pulled the pin from a grenade.
“Five times to my face (Richardson) said that he would never do that,” a red-faced, finger-pointing Clinton erupted.
The former president then went on a tirade that ran from the media’s unfair treatment of Hillary to questions about the fairness of the votes in state caucuses that voted for Obama. It ended with him asking delegates to imagine what the reaction would be if Obama was trailing by just 1 percent and people were telling him to drop out.
“It was very, very intense,” said one attendee. “Not at all like the Bill of earlier campaigns.”
When he finally wound down, Bill was asked what message he wanted the delegates to take away from the meeting.
At that point, a much calmer Clinton outlined his message of party unity.
“It was kind of strange later when he took the stage and told everyone to ‘chill out,’ ” one delegate told us.
“We couldn’t help but think he was also talking to himself.”
When delegate Binah – still stunned from her encounter with Clinton – got home to Little River (Mendocino County) later in the day – there was a phone message waiting for her from State Party Chairman Art Torres, telling her the former president wanted him to apologize to her on his behalf for what happened.
I keep hearing the Clintonistas saying that Clinton only trails by one percentage point and 110 delegates. That’s some pretty fuzzy math because Real Clear Politics had Obama ahead by 2.6 percentage points and 164 delegates (131, if you include supers). I don’t think making shit up and wishful thinking is helping us in Iraq and I don’t think it is helping Bill Clinton make his case. He is their own worst enemy. Maybe Bill Richardson did promise five times not to endorse Obama. But he shouldn’t have had to ask that the Clintons not attack their opponent for the church that he attends. Sometimes a broken heart is worse than a broken promise.
Also available in orange.
glad to see you front paged this piece.
I’m saddened to see that the Clintons fooled so many; including moi. …but the scales have fallen from my eyes. To think how ardently I defended them.
I’m saddened b/c I was defending sleaze.
Did you see this article in WaPo:
Sounds like Hillary went ballistic too.
This whole thread has given me a respect for Richardson that I never had before. I hope Obama has a job for him, although the Big Dog will probably call it “30 pieces of silver”.
I can only speak from my own experience, but I went from just not liking Hillary Clinton very much to active loathing and being unwilling to vote for her in the general election on the basis of what her campaign has done and said over the last four months or so. The Clintons showed a side of themselves that I had not seen before, and I was obliged to reevaluate my stance on them. Perhaps Richardson did the same.
That said, we have only the word of Bill Clinton and Bill Richardson to go on here. I don’t know if Richardson is a liar, but there’s no doubt that Bill Clinton is.
In any event, being publicly denounced by James Carville is, at this point, a badge of honor in my opinion.
I certainly hope Richardson gets a lot of netroots support whenever he’s next up for election. He seems to have been the straw that broke the camel’s back, as it were. He’s going to draw a lot of fire from the Clintons’ DLC hacks over this.
Obama is bowling well today: Lee Hamilton endorses and
AP: Wyoming governor endorses Obama
Drip-drip-drip go the super delegates, slowly but inexorably to Obama’s side. Hillary must be suffering a sort of political water torture as week after week her last bastion of support (the super delegates) migrates away from her. And, then, there is husband Bill, forgetting that honey attracts more bees than vinegar, flailing away at wavering delegates. Gosh, when is BC a bigger cross to bear? When he is geting a blow job from an intern or when he is trying to salvage a faltering campaign?
“Relax! Rejoice! Go barefoot!”
The “Big Dawg” is so far off the reservation that I can’t imagine him ever getting back on.
I can’t imagine wanting him to.
Richard Mellon Scaife and Drug Rush can have him.
I wrote a while back that Billary and right wing are in this sick, symbiotic relationship…that they need each other. I didn’t know how right I was.
when i first saw that Nutter comment about Obama’s church, it stuck in my craw not just for how offensive it was, but because I knew Nutso had been attcaked in the same way. I couldn’t place the incident and now I can.
Our new Mayor is certainly being a dick. Glad I voted for the socialist.
In Clintonian speak what Bill is saying is “never trust a Mexican.” When the truth is never trust a Clinton.
I’m inclined to believe Richardson’s assertion that he never promised to endorse Hillary. Bill Clinton’s association with the truth has sometimes been “loose”, at best.
The fact that Clinton endorsed McCain may have influenced Richardson’s decision as well, not to mention the poll numbers.
Consider, however, that Clinton keeps harping on about her and McCain’s presidential credentials, which she has to lie about. But her main criticism against Obama, the reason why he lacks presidential credentials, appears to be that he attended a Black church.
what’s it with Chris Matthews? Show hands if you’re a regular?
that’s gooood.
maybe this was an April Fools joke:
Matthews suggests African-Americans and people who have college or advanced degrees aren’t ‘regular people”
looks like Chris MAtthews was just told Obama is a good black player – at basketball…”this gets very ethnic”
just wondering if Obama will cancel the Hardball series of University debate