John McCain was on Don Imus’ radio show this morning. I guess you can associate with a guy that thinks it’s funny to call student-athletes ‘nappy-headed hos’ but somehow a problem to go to church with the people in your neighborhood.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
according to this interpretation of the testimony before the senate armed services committee of army vice chief of staff gen. richard cody there’s only three things that can happen:
and they’ve also got a poll up about st. johns mental stability…
not a pretty picture.
My new nephew (by recent marriage to my niece) just shipped out to Afghanistan. I hope he knows what he’s signed up for.
BTW, as to the early wearing out of equipment, it’s interesting that Spirit and Opportunity are still running strong on Mars long after they were intended to cease to function, in what I would assume to be a much harsher environment.
l hope he comes back unscathed.
as for nasa…those people, other than the BushCo™ appointees, know what they’re doing…and there aren’t any ied’s and people shooting at the rovers.
The Mars rovers don’t actually do very much or go very far, and the only thing that’s really harsh about Mars — from the standpoint of a machine, anyway — is that it’s cold and dusty. It’s a safe bet that neither would last long on the streets of Baghdad. War is just tough on gear by nature. That’s not to say that the manufacturers couldn’t do a better job, but even under the best of circumstances, stuff will wear out quickly.
I hope your nephew comes through his adventures in Afghanistan with minimal wear and tear.
I read an pretty interesting article this morning in the LA Times about a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee that set themselves up in Second Life:
If they keep doing that and they spread through gov’t, I just may have to get an SL avatar going.
I just found this in my inbox.
in streaming and downloadable form, for those interested in the topic.
*the first Hillary fear mongering 3:00 AM Ad, has been approved by Rove as gutsy..”this was the way to do it.”
here’s the new version – directed at McCain
note the new Hillary look…just can’t keep up, it changes every Tuesday.
low on cash they are… and embarrassingly they had to dub out the young Obama supporter.
The topic – foreclosures – does not fit in with a 3:00 AM call now, does it?
she took 2 ambien and thinks it’s a hallucination.
Don who?
What do you guys make out of this?
Murdoch’s daughter hosts fundraiser for Obama
Elisabeth and Rupert are said not to get along well. Rupert ditched Elisabeth’s mother for a thirty-year-old trophy wife, and there’s a fair amount of tension regarding the inheritances of Elisabeth and her siblings.
Sounds like Elisabeth is trying to get a rise out of Dad.
Trifecta of a day for Obama
Really? Now what’s that sound that I hear?
Drip. Drip. Drip.
What? Obama’s announcing an endorsement every other day?
Yeah, Hill…keep on following advice from the wingnuts.
he peeled off a union too.
Really? Which one?