Thanks to eeblet who pointed me to this site, we now have a simple way to understand the inevitable logic of the Clinton campaign. Here’s just a sample of the work of Coudal Partners, who have taken the Clinton message and converted it into simple parables for the average Jane and Joe:
See all the rest of these parables here. If you don’t become a Clinton supporter after viewing all of them, I can only assume you’ve drunk the Obama Kool Aid past the point of no return.
what’s going on Bill?
Bill Clinton’s tirade stunned some delegates
– San Francisco Chronicle
not helpful to the courting of super-delegates who speak with each other across states. These people are a closed club. That Bill has come undone is now public, – a snippet of them pondering what’s ahead. Wow!
Can you see BC as the Queen of Hearts? Off with their heads!
Gaawd awful, so sad to think this is a former president.
Win or loose, Bill’s demeanor in this campaign has diminished his standing among heads of Fortune 500 companies…and respect in the public places.
pure sleaze.
These shorts are quite brilliant. Thanks for the link. I enjoyed them all. Especially the cookie one.
That was pretty funny.
I loved the “Magician” one. Awesome.
Thanks for signal-boosting! As a designer, I’m so inspired by Coudal – one of the top design firms in the country, but one that doesn’t pander and BS. Their political stuff has been “controversial” but… they probably wouldn’t want to take any clients who had a problem with it anyway.