And I mean that in all seriousness.  No lie.  As a matter of fact, I will give Mr. Gore and Tipper advance notice so there is no scheduling difficulties.  I’m sure Mr. Gore will jump at the chance, because I have worked so hard and passionately on his behalf and his mission.  I’ve gathered signatures.  I’ve handed out fliers at various events and movie premieres.  I had a party and handed out florescent light bulbs.  And I’ve held visibility events holding a banner I made with my own two hands.  So surely he and Tipper will come, because I have actually walked the talk, not just called him for advice.

Mr. and Mrs. Gore, the date is July 28.  I hope this advance notice will be sufficient time and I leave the restaurant choice up to you.

If Mr. and Mrs. Gore are unable to make it, I guess I can understand there position and schedule does not allow them this opportunity.  And surely it would be rude of me to continue insisting they attend.   And I guess it would be equally in poor taste if I were to continue using Al Gore and Tippers name to promote my Birthday party even if I knew there was no chance in them attending.  Do you think?

So why cannot Mr. Obama learn from his previous lessons of doing anything possible to associate himself with Al Gore, with hopes of that might garner him some more votes?   Really, we know he kept releasing press that he calls Al Gore regularly for advice on Global Warming.  First it was every 3 weeks, then it became every 2 weeks.  But Mr. Gore just held an interview this past weekend on 60 Minutes with Leslie Stahl, where Mr. Gore was asked about contact with the presidential candidates and he replied that he speaks with BOTH candidates.  So I guess he couldn’t continue that method of association.  

If only Mr. Obama would heed Mr. Gore’s many suggestions and advice on Global Warming, as opposed to name dropping.  You know, like Liquid Coal is REALLY BAD for the environment and would add so much more CO2.  Or maybe his call for a moratorium on Coal Fired Power Plants.  Also, he could increase conservation and require higher CAFÉ standards, you know, like even Hillary Clinton is calling for increases to 55 mpg.  Maybe Mr. Obama might join the other recommendation that Hillary also did of Mr. Gore’s recommendation to offer a Connie Mae for mortgaging GREEN Building technology in homes.

But if anything, maybe Mr. Obama would just acknowledge Mr. Gore’s own words on the subject and stop his continuing efforts to make people think he would get the Nobel Laureate and Environmental Crusader to align with him.  The last time Mr. Obama threw Mr. Gore’s name out as a position in his administration, Mr. Gore was asked that question specifically and stated THEN, the only way he would return to politics, is as President.

But he added: “You know, I haven’t ruled out the idea of getting back into the political process at some point in the future. Don’t expect to, but if I did get back, it would be as a candidate for president, not in any other position.”

So, isn’t this a bit rude to continue propagating a falsehood when the Vice President has already addressed this numerous times?  It becomes a bit embarrassing to keep repeating a tale that has as much chance as adding Albert Einstein to his science department.

Maybe David Axelrod didn’t tell Obama when he reused the same words in his latest comments and press release.