Insider Advantage (.pdf) has Clinton up by a narrow 45%-42% margin in Pennsylvania. This tracks with other recent polls that all show Clinton’s lead narrowing, if not disappearing (.pdf).
This combined with news of Obama’s $40 million haul in March is certainly creating a powerful narrative of inevitability.
…or of evitability, depending on your point of view.
And at the very least, ELECTability.
That is great news.
I don’t trust any of these polls. Don’t believe them. Lower expectations. Work like he’s 20 points down.
No, 20 points is too daunting. I say, work like he’s three points down and only whatever it is you’re doing will put him over the top.
that’s some catching up. love the narrative from HRC
so “we raised about $20 million in March”
and “No, I didn’t say that Obama can’t win.”
May 6th Waterloo in NC.
Booman, You’re on the spot. What does the political advertising look like? What’s the balance? Is Obama swamping her on the air waves?
Yes, but he’s got to change the background music on his PA ads. Desperately.
I like the gas pump ad…is there music on that one?
At this point, if pressure needs to be applied anywhere, it’s to Clinton’s big money donors.
“Guys. Get used to it. You blew your money on what u thought was a sure thing and lost. Don’t blame her. Tell her it is ok to quit and that you won’t hate her. Her campaign was legit. She just came up against a force of nature. Better luck next time. She’ll do well by you as a Senator when she can.”
The news just keeps getting better and better. Viva Obama!
“The more magical moments in life, the better.”
I think it’s important that it’s not just Hillary hanging on in this race. The whole Democratic establishment has a lot to lose if a people-powered insurgent candidacy like Obama’s can finally break through and win. All those consultants and advisors and marketeers and fat cats and political operatives stand to be marginalized if a whole new political dynamic can succeed. The conservative wing of the Democratic Party (which isn’t all that far removed from the Republicans in ideological terms) is freaked out and feeling threatened. Here in my little county in New England I know a bunch of local politicos who won’t know how to function if Hillary loses. They are small-time party appartchiks who have a lot invested in the status quo, and they don’t foresee a role for themselves if Obama wins. Boo-hoo…
That is even better. I have been working on getting my liberal Democratic Party back and could care less if the blue dogs or status quo get swept away.
No. I don’t agree. They bring out the vote, and they are in there day in and day out. Sure, they are shits and small-minded, and not our people; but they are democrats. You have to work with people you don’t agree with.
That’s the best part. Let those party insiders drown in their own greed and ineptitude. Make way for those who saw the Iraq war was wrong and impeachment was right to begin with.
the 64 dollar question for Hillary is how much of that 20 million can she spend for the primary election. Because her donors are fat cats who can only give up to $2,300 dollars for the primary election. If they give more it runs her numbers up, but the money cannot be spent until after the convention.
Here’s what I want to know. Who in the hell is donating money for her General Election campaign at this point? What are they thinking?
They might be thinking this:
as I understand it, any money raised for the general election has to be returned if you are not the nominee.
meanwhile couple days ago Hillary said she felt like Rocky. (it was pointed out Rocky lost). Today, she feels like
PaulRevere, no, make that Paulette Revere.Can someone make her stop??? Jeez…Paulette Revere?!?!?!
It strikes me that the Hillbots, who always decry Obama as being some sort of “messiah” are seriously projecting on Clinton’s behalf, because it is SHE who sees herself as some type of conquering hero. From the “send me” episode if a place was too “poor” or dangerous; to the Princess Tuzla episode and now “Paulette Revere”…it’s getting to be disturbing. She has this sick need to feel like she is “saving” people, but she needs to save her breath.
She’s been “sounding the alarm”? Please. She’s been positioning herself, because if she was really so dismayed by the Bush regime, she’d have done something about it when she had chance–save when the cameras were running.
Anyway, I’m going to go back to watching the CNN special, “Black in America” re: Dr. King’s assassination. Though I’m learning details I never knew, it still raises more questions than answers.
Warn Paulette that she better stop listening to Mark Penn.
I went out this evening to canvas the undecided voters. We hit approx 40 homes.
ONE person is voting for Hillary.
what county?
Allegheny in Western PA
NBC Evening News reported that Hillary will release her tax returns tomorrow, Bushie-style, hoping few people will be keeping track of the news over the weekend.
Ha. That just gives those who are inclined to do so an entire weekend to go over them with a fine-toothed comb and report what they find in time for tne news cycles next week.
She has to know that nothing she does at this point is going to escape scrutiny. Nothing. I’m sure there are people doing the same thing to Obama. I hope there are people doing the same thing to McCain.
Mark Penn proves himself an idiot one more time.
You would think she’s paying him enough that he would not take other gigs that conflict with hers.
I read that his bill is one that she hasn’t paid…in additon to the health benefits for her employees.
A man has to eat. LOL!