She’s killing her rep. Her husband’s too. She’s injuring Obama’s candidacy and the party at large. One really wonders what Hillary Clinton imagines she is doing. Is her image as a ‘fighter’ (her latest excuse) more important than the party or this election? Of course not. Her motivations are beginning to perplex a lot of people, but I think I understand what she is up to.
The number one reason Hillary CAN’T quit her campaign?
She and her Husband have promised too much to too many people to quit without pissing off the recipients of their pay-to-play promises. She can’t risk looking like she rolled over on these arrangements without trying every possible avenue to the nomination.
Consider Bill Bradley’s take on her candidacy’s weaknesses:
From his recent NewsHour interview:
“I think Barack Obama has a much stronger chance of beating John McCain in the general election. I think Hillary is flawed in many ways, and particularly if you look at her husband’s unwillingness to release the names of the people who contributed to his presidential library.
And the reason that is important — you know, are there favors attached to $500,000 or $1 million contributions? And what do I mean by favors? I mean, pardons that are granted; investigations that are squelched; contracts that are awarded; regulations that are delayed.
These are important questions. The people deserve to know. And we deserve, as Democrats, to know before a nominee is selected, because we don’t want things to explode in a general election against John McCain.”
Now, the good Senator is just speaking to her vulnerabilities, but it’s a revealing list when considering her motivations for remaining in a race she’s already lost.
she can’t quit b/c she’s broke. She needs to keep going …to raise funds…. repay her self loan and other creditors. The $11 million on hand for the general must be returned to donors.
mark May 7th. It’ll be OVER.
I’m sure she has lots of reasons, but this is one that will extend her beyond sensibility – a limit only reached when ‘enough’ of her promisees are satisfied that she gave it more than just a ‘college try.’ There may be a ‘date certain’ for withdrawal in this conflict, but I bet you it has more to do with FUTURE fund-raising viability than her current books’ balances.