Hillary is so good, so great, that she just makes me frantic with affection for her great goodness. What I can’t believe is the hordes of Obama mamas and dadas who don’t see how greatly good she is.
So, I’m going to take a big step.
I went out and got a cute little dog. His name is Patches. He’s about 6 weeks old, and is black with little white patches all over, hence the name.
Here’s the catch: If you don’t vote for Hillary in PA on April 22, I’m killing this dog. I know that some of you are not PA residents, but I expect that you will find a way around that minor hurdle. After all, you want to keep Patches from an undeserved fate, right? So FIND A WAY TO VOTE IN PA FOR HILLARY.
I’m serious, in a snarky and sarcastic manner.
Vote for Hillary or I’ll kill this dog.
No dogs were harmed in the production of this snarky little bit. No dogs will be harmed, now or in the future.
Brought to you by the Jonathan Swift for Vice President Committee.
though not unexpected
collection of National Lampoon magazines, and stole this from one of them. Clearly you have a source too.
If you don’t vote for Hillary, this cat will shoot you.
Umm, this kitty wasn’t anywhere near the grassy knoll, right?
Oswald couldn’t hit the side of a barn, let alone get off three shots. Totally bogus.
…in every way. Congrats for getting on the rec list.