New Jersey Republicans are almost worthless. What’s going on in your neck of the woods?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
You guys think you’ve got a rough life? Hillary Clinton is my Senator. Imagine living under that dark cloud.
I’m being lazy today. Did a little campaigning for my spot as a delegate last night at an Obama fundraiser, and am now just tired. Made these delicious boiled cookies and am eating a couple before they even cool.,1710,151180-230200,00.html
Hi, I happened to click on comments and saw yours, followed the link to the cookies and I think that’s what we used to call haystacks. I was so happy to find the recipe as I had lost it and it was a family favorite for a long time. I printed it and will make it soon.
They’re soooooo good. Like candy. But you can pretend it’s healthy because of the oatmeal and peanut butter. I don’t really want to know the real calorie count…!
Those sound great. I’m doing my taxes. Maybe I need to reward myself …
I finally got my taxes done. Feels great. DO reward yourself – it’s worth it!
My co-workers will love me tomorrow.
anybody watch the FAA hearings?
Did they talk about the successive flight cancellations of three different carriers last week?
interesting poll, which may help explain the record turnouts during the primaries and caucuses:
change…and hope…it’s what people want…with the exception of the 28% dead enders who still think chimpy’s doing a hellava job.
is that why Condi Rice is eyeing VP spot on McCain’s ticket?
weeks ago, Rice was interviewed by Norquist and on ABC’s This Week, Dan Senor, GOP strategist leaked:
I’ll wait for the denial.
there’s that song Dems would be singing….
A McCain-Rice ticket, all together now – wouldn’t it be loverly. LOVERLY, loverly.
picture this: that photo of the McCain-Bush hug and help mate Condi Rice to remind us of Bush years. Piece a cake to put the GOP into the wilderness.
McSame as Bush. one electoral vote. One.
talk about the kiss of death. are these people insane?…rhetorical question.
l read these polls, talk to people who don’t live in the bastion of liberalism l call home, and then l see the tracking polls where st. john the decrepit is tied, or leading clinton and/or obama in a heads up match.
l know these daily tracking polls are bs at this stage of the game but…and it’s a big butt…wtf?
who are the pollsters talking to?
the only plausible explanation l can come up with is that so many people no longer have land lines, that the sampling is compromised, and therefore, not a viable snapshot of the situation on the ground.
l just cannot see the d‘s losing this election unless they take a dive…but then, defeat snatched from the jaws of victory has been the norm, rather than the exception since 2000.
quite the conundrum, eh.
I would love to see a poll that figures out what percentages of Dems, independents, and Repubs have only a cell phone for the phoneline. Of course… how would you do that poll? E-mail? 😉
I’m 27, and all of my friends who are around my age and live in cities have only a cell phone. I can only imagine that it’s more true of those younger….
I think that the thinking is not only is she
stealing my thundera two-fer–black female–but she also has the proven conservative creds that McCain lacks.Look at it this way…If the Dem. nominee is Clinton, with Rice on the ticket they have more than enough ammo against Clinton using race against Obama that they would almost ensure black people would vote for McCain. If Obama gets the nomination, it nullfies his blackness, even more so because he’s only half black (not that Condi is all that black, after all Dave Chappelle managed to give her away in the Racial Draft.
I went to the Missouri Jefferson Jackson Dinner last night. It was strange to hear speaker after speaker get up to fire up the crowd and try to avoid talking about the presidential race. So Jay Nixon go a LOT of attention – he’s the one candidate everyone agrees on.
Two things struck me last night. First, I hadn’t focused before on how Missouri has some high powered political women these days. And it was great to see them all take the stage. We had, of course, a speech from Claire. We also had a speech from Jean Carnahan who was honored with an award. She really is the key ‘old time’ Democrat that is respected statewide, now that Tom Eagleton has died. We also had speeches from Susan Montee, the state auditor, and Robin Carnahan, the Secretary of State. Both of whom I fully expect to go on to higher office (I truly hope Robin can take Kit Bond’s seat).
All of those women are either directly supporting Obama or, in the case of Robin Carnahan, are “intentionally neutral” (which is a good stand for a Secretary of State to take, at least for the time being). But since Robin’s mother and brother are supporting Obama, I feel certain that when it comes time to vote she’ll head to Obama too. The only Dem who got up to speak that is a Hillary person was Dick Gephart and he only talked about how bad George Bush was and McCain would be more of the same.
The other thing that happened was that the head of the Mo. Democratic Party (who, while a superdelegate, is ‘intentionally’ staying neutral for the time being) gave a long speech about the youth vote and how important it was. There were Dems there from all across the state and he made it clear to them that they needed to go back to their counties and reach out to young people and LET THEM GET INVOLVED. Then he announced that two of the delegates that are going to the Convention in Denver are currently in high school.
This emphasis on youth leads me to believe that the state party is gearing up for Obama to be at the head of the ticket. There are still Hillary supporters in the State but it looks like the Party itself is planning for Obama as the nominee.
here is Kos in NEWSWEEK
Mark Penn is no longer Clinton’s ‘chief strategist’.
I was just reading about the STRESS of being a full time blogger. Digital-era sweatshops!! Toiling under great physical and emotional stress!!!
But wait! Before we panic:
Gee. Ya think?
So after reading this I thought to myself … “Self, who is the most likely blogger to read this NY Times article and immediately write a self absorbed reflection about the stress of being a full time blogger?”
And I was right.
I know he’s your friend Boo, but my god he is whiney.
Heh. Seems we both had the same guess…