I actually hope Bob Barr does run for president as a Libertarian, and not only because it will help Barack Obama get elected. I think it is very important that conservative-minded people have an avenue other than the Democratic nominee or staying home, to express their discontent with the neo-conservative foreign policy that has come to dominate the modern Republican Party.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
will Barr select Ron Paul as his VP? They both press the same issues. Btw, Ron Paul has not closed down his campaign.
So the Libs will have a hot primary between Barr and Gravel and maybe Paul? Life is strange.
I can probably never forgive Barr for his rabid and (to put it as mildly as possible) disingenuous attacks during the Clinton impeachment dramas, but since retiring he’s been a champion of civil liberties — moreso than most elected Dems. I don’t suppose he’d get any airtime even if nominated, but real Libertarian ideas — as opposed to the crap spread by the likes of Norquist and Krystol — need to be kept alive. The most optimistic scenario would be Barr and Obama ganging up on McCain over the war, military spending, domestic spying, Bush’s record deficit and bureaucratic metastasis, and the phony war on terror. That’s the kind of realignment I’m looking for.
stop it Boo! You are happy as a pig in shit if Barr enters the race. You don’t need to waste our time spinning.
If Barr drains off mcliars votes, it will help the cause. Be Honest like you always have been.
Boo essentially conceded that he’d be “happy as a pig in shit if Barr enters the race” when he said:
If he’s happy about the rest as well then good for him, but nobody’s discounting the good that it could do for Obama. Personally, I think it would be better if Barr didn’t run and the libertarians were merged into the Democratic coalition. Probably smoking something, but it’s a (pipe-) dream.
I’m about to fall out of my chair laughing.
For the record, I’d be happier than that pig, too. Oink! Oink! Oink!
Actually I’m fine if they stay home. It would help all of the downticket races.
Anyone notice this ad on that link? I get pissed when I see this sort of stuff.
One of the many benefits of Mozilla Firefox is that I don’t see ads. I do highly recommend it.
I agree – Firefox is great.