John McCain goes to a Baptist megachuch but has never been baptized. No wonder James Dobson doesn’t believe he is a Christian.
Oprah finds out that endorsing candidates isn’t the best move for a celebrity.
Brendan has some advice for an old friend.
I know Iraq has lots of needs, but who is noz to say that a Heavy Metal band isn’t one of them. Okay, so it’s a matter of priorities. There is something kind of off about a Heavy Metal band that is too scared to wear their Heavy Metal t-shirts in public though. I thought that was a musical genre for tough guys.
Another thing I find a bit discordant is being lectured about Tibet by a woman with this name for a site. Not that she doesn’t have a point.
Deep thought of a friend: “I can understand why John McCain keeps getting the whole Iraq-Iran Sunni-Shi’ite thing screwed up because it makes absolutely no sense that we propped up a pro-Iranian Shi’a government there.”
I knew there was a Bush Kangaroo named Skippy, but I didn’t know there was a Rude Penguin named Badtux.
Why won’t Europe elect Americans?
The Stupidest Fuckin’ Guy on the Face of the Earth is on my TeeVee talking to Tavis Smiley.
Smiley is talking to himself again?
I can understand why John McCain keeps getting the whole Iraq-Iran Sunni-Shi’ite thing screwed up
LOL! Did you see this?
“It gives me pause to learn that our vice president and some members of the Senate are aligned with al Qaeda on spreading the war to Iran.”
–Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Odom testimony in Congress
technically, if McCain was raised Episcopalian, he was almost certainly baptized as an infant. He just hasn’t been baptized again in his new church. Jesus probably would call this good enough, but I understand that this does matter to Baptists; don’t call yourself a member until you’ve been in their pool.
I remember my mom saying she’d been baptized 3 times: as an infant, then when her parents switched churches (that time was total immersion Baptist), then in the Catholic church when she converted years later.
Speaking of snark (well, snarky penguins), some things that needed to be said.
I’ll admit to being slow and easily confused.. since i thought he was Episcopaleon.
The quote you are referring to is of Sergei Schmemann: Europeans
The funny thing is, Schmemann was born and raised in France, his mother language is Russian, and his father was a prominent Russian priest and theologian.
And yet even someone from such a non-American and strong cultural background has been able to drink the American Kool-Aid, and let it do its work upon him, so that he can come up with this nonsense. My guess is that what explains this in his case is that, given his Russian émigré background, he equates being anti-Soviet with being a booster for the American empire. In any case, his remark illustrates the extremely primitive nature of the Russian religious establishment.
Clarification PLEASE!
What is meant by- pausing the US Troop withdrawl for fourty five days and then a assement of the situation that will take as long as it takes??????????????
What the hell is that all about????????????????
‘Pause’ is here a genteel euphemism for ‘suspension’, prim and imprecise. ‘Pause’ implies that the drawdown will continue after 45 days, which is not guaranteed. Petraeus is not one to call a spade a spade. In fact, he’s more one to call red green, white black.
Yep, pause is code for “We intend to drag this thing out as long as possible, so the next president can take the blame for Bush’s disastrous war, and he can leave office thinking he’s a winner.”
I’m in the mood for fluff this morning so I’ll dive into the whole Oprah thing. She’s been wildly popular, that’s for sure, but she’s done some weird things that have more to do with her dropping popularity than endorsing Obama. The scandal with her school in Africa did a lot of damage. Her show of late has dealt less with substantive issues (yes, she used to do those kinds of shows) and more with celebs and sideshows (the pregnant “man”)….then she branched out into primetime with that Big Give thing which is just stupid. Last week she apparently did a whole tearful tribute show to her dead dog….sad event, yes, but why do a whole show about it?
Wow. No wonder I haven’t watched that show in a long time.
I haven’t watched Oprah for many many years but I’d say that reading about her promotion of that hideous book ‘The Secret’ should have destroyed any credibility she had…unfortunately it didn’t.
Chris Matthews’ asininity is the subject of an upcoming NYT mag piece: link
He is such a pig.
hey thanks for the link!
i wasn’t really trying to say that iraqis shouldn’t be in a heavy metal band. i just meant that when i watched the film “heavy metal in baghdad” i wasn’t sure whether i should admire those guys for risking their lives to play, or think they were fools for doing it. i mean, of all the things to risk your life over, playing a concert isn’t one i would pick.
the film is running again on thursday night, if you are interested in seeing it. i thought it was really quite good.