Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
My little pocket weather thingy on my phone says it’s supposed to get up to 70 and sunny here in Seattle on Sunday. And then rainy and 68 on Monday again. Yep, you can tell when it’s summer in Seattle — the rain gets warmer.
I couldn’t get in to see Michelle Obama at NCSU last night. Well, I didn’t have the patience required to stand in line. If her husband comes, I’ll wait.
He was worth the wait. And it made me proud of my community to see so many of them there and so enthusiastic…and the high school kids were really cute about it too.
Could you please knock off the stupid “cult member” cheap shots at Obama’s supporters? It’s stupid, it’s trite, and it’s also untrue:
Speaking as a 38-year-old parent, homeowner and taxpayer who supports Obama, and who’s been voting for 20 years, it’s personally offensive and denigrating for you to describe voters like me as mindless cultists.
After eight years of a president who has gone out of his way to divide the country on partisan lines, including rallies at which only his most hard-core supporters are permitted to attend after signing loyalty oaths, and at which protesters are harassed by the Secret Service, you have some nerve describing Obama’s campaign as “a totalitarian cult.” The president’s political opponents are targeted by a politicized Justice Department, and you accuse Obama’s campaign of being like “Big Brother”?
What fantasy world do you live in?
Instead of simply parroting whatever the twits on “Fox and Friends” are ranting about this week, why don’t you do some research and earn that paycheck Brian Tierney pays you? Talk to people you’re reporting on instead of relying on stupid stereotypes. It’s not that difficult.
OTOH, I am not african american.
That was just snark, regurgitating the line about all the Obama supporters who don’t matter because they’re sexists or cultists or naive or elitists or…
A federal investigation has concluded that U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman’s 2006 re-election campaign was to blame for the crash of its Web site the day before Connecticut’s heated Aug. 8 Democratic primary.
The FBI office in New Haven found no evidence supporting the Lieberman campaign’s allegations that supporters of primary challenger Ned Lamont of Greenwich were to blame for the Web site crash.
Lieberman, who was fighting for his political life against the anti-Iraq war candidate Lamont, implied that was hacked by Lamont supporters.
“The server that hosted the Web site failed because it was overutilized and misconfigured. There was no evidence of (an) attack,” according to the e-mail.
A program that could have detected a legitimate attack was improperly configured, the e-mail states.
“New Haven will be administratively closing this investigation,” it concluded.
Ned Lamont’s Internet Director, Tim Tagaris, was, of course, curious about how soon he would get his reputation back.
“The sad thing is, Lieberman himself repeated the charge all day in an attempt to discredit his opponents and drive down Ned’s primary vote,” Tagaris instant messages to me. “It was broadcast on every cable news channel, and papers from The New York Times to the Hartford Courant wrote about it.”
“And he got away with it — who cares what’s reported today,” Tagaris continues. “He won the election based on a pattern of lies loudly repeated and dutifully stenographed.”
“Now maybe someone will run an investigation into Joe Lieberman’s repeated claim that no one wants to end the war more than he does,” Tagaris concludes.
Run home tonight and set your TIVO for all the evening talking heads, cause I’m sure the coverage on this will be as all encompassing as it was for Jackass Joe’s initial unfounded and now dis-proven allegations.
God, I can’t wait till the Democratic Party is able to hog tie Joe and throw him in the trunk of Mitch McConnell’s car so Mitch can drive him over to the other side of the aisle where he belongs.
Unfortunately, according to a diary that was on the recommended list today over at Big Orange, Joementum is scheduled to retain his chairmanship on the Homeland Security Committee next year (assuming of course that Democrats retain control of the Senate, which is likely).
This leaves us two options. Convince Harry Reid, at the top of our lungs if necessary, that he can indeed jettison Joementum, and in fact he should for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Or, find a way to unseat Redi as Majority Leader and get someone in there who will, you know, lead the majority.
I saw bits of the Obama event from “Malvern PA” today on the TV and at first, I couldn’t remember where I’ve heard of that city before. Then it occurred to me. That’s where Booman lives! So I wondered if you knew about the event and might actually be there. I’m glad you made it. I wish I had gone to all of the events when Obama, Edwards and Clinton were all here.
Is today really such a slow news day that MSNBC had to spend a couple of freakin’ hours this morning covering a fire at an assisted living facility in Michigan?
OK, so it’s news and may merit a mention. We’re talking about real people, many of whom probably have kids who are worried about them. But yesterday, as others have mentioned, we had Senator Biden blowing the “administration’s” cover on Iraq. We had Nancy Pelosi shooting down the latest so-called free trade bill. We have campaigning. There’s plenty going on in the world. How is it that a nursing home fire — especially one in which no one was killed or apparently even injured — merits more than thirty seconds on national TV, much less a couple of hours?
I swear, MSNBC is schizoid. For every Keith Olbermann special comment or Tweety pinning the tale on the elephant, there are three missing white girls, two specials about prisons, Joe Scarborough or Pat Buchanan saying something egregiously stupid and a non-story about a non-event.
Maybe I just don’t watch enough TV and don’t have low enough standards.
america’s standing in the world in tatters, half a trillion dollars down the rat hole, 4000 plus dead, and tens thousands wounded [not counting afghanstan], millions of iraqi refugees…a new surge in violence, and a curfew in effect…the list of failures is depressingly long…guess the flowers and chocolates have been put off another FU.
Actually I don’t do coffee of any kind, although I think my son’s girlfriend makes up for my non-participation by keeping a couple of Starbucks in our immediate vicinity in business. I get my caffeine the way $DEITY intended — from Diet Coke.
I’m sure there must be some reason why I’m an elitist, other than my lack of proper attention to the TV. Give me time to think of it.
Looking out the window here today, I’d say give it about 36 hours and it will be winter there once again.
My little pocket weather thingy on my phone says it’s supposed to get up to 70 and sunny here in Seattle on Sunday. And then rainy and 68 on Monday again. Yep, you can tell when it’s summer in Seattle — the rain gets warmer.
I couldn’t get in to see Michelle Obama at NCSU last night. Well, I didn’t have the patience required to stand in line. If her husband comes, I’ll wait.
He was worth the wait. And it made me proud of my community to see so many of them there and so enthusiastic…and the high school kids were really cute about it too.
For once I don’t have anything sarcastic or snarky to say.
Glad it went well. How was the response from Levittown and Bristol? Good turnout? Enthusiasm? And Republicans converted?
Levittown is up next.
I was in the sweatshirt repossession school district.
Btw, congratulations.
I’m surprised it got printed. They didn’t even give me the customary confirmation call.
Of course this means I’m a sexist elitist cultist naive African American student, but whatever.
Heh, you and all our neighbors. Wait till you see what these cult members look like. 😉
Like this guy?
You’re American?
Where’d you think I was from?
Of course this means I’m a sexist elitist cultist naive African American student, but whatever.
Just checking the American part. Carry on.
OTOH, I am not african american.
That was just snark, regurgitating the line about all the Obama supporters who don’t matter because they’re sexists or cultists or naive or elitists or…
you get the picture.
Yeah, I know, I was just echoing the old gag about . . . well the way they did it in The Empire Strikes Back:
To paraphrase Condi:
Why, no one could have anticipated incompetent system administrators crashing computers in those buildings!!!
Ned Lamont’s Internet Director, Tim Tagaris, was, of course, curious about how soon he would get his reputation back.
Run home tonight and set your TIVO for all the evening talking heads, cause I’m sure the coverage on this will be as all encompassing as it was for Jackass Joe’s initial unfounded and now dis-proven allegations.
God, I can’t wait till the Democratic Party is able to hog tie Joe and throw him in the trunk of Mitch McConnell’s car so Mitch can drive him over to the other side of the aisle where he belongs.
I guess Joe’s limited bandwidth couldn’t handle all the page views of his devoted fans.
Unfortunately, according to a diary that was on the recommended list today over at Big Orange, Joementum is scheduled to retain his chairmanship on the Homeland Security Committee next year (assuming of course that Democrats retain control of the Senate, which is likely).
This leaves us two options. Convince Harry Reid, at the top of our lungs if necessary, that he can indeed jettison Joementum, and in fact he should for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Or, find a way to unseat Redi as Majority Leader and get someone in there who will, you know, lead the majority.
It’s probably not possible to be a bigger asshole than Lanny Davis.
that’s why I wait the day when Davis and Clintons are put to bed or out to pasture.
I saw bits of the Obama event from “Malvern PA” today on the TV and at first, I couldn’t remember where I’ve heard of that city before. Then it occurred to me. That’s where Booman lives! So I wondered if you knew about the event and might actually be there. I’m glad you made it. I wish I had gone to all of the events when Obama, Edwards and Clinton were all here.
Is today really such a slow news day that MSNBC had to spend a couple of freakin’ hours this morning covering a fire at an assisted living facility in Michigan?
OK, so it’s news and may merit a mention. We’re talking about real people, many of whom probably have kids who are worried about them. But yesterday, as others have mentioned, we had Senator Biden blowing the “administration’s” cover on Iraq. We had Nancy Pelosi shooting down the latest so-called free trade bill. We have campaigning. There’s plenty going on in the world. How is it that a nursing home fire — especially one in which no one was killed or apparently even injured — merits more than thirty seconds on national TV, much less a couple of hours?
I swear, MSNBC is schizoid. For every Keith Olbermann special comment or Tweety pinning the tale on the elephant, there are three missing white girls, two specials about prisons, Joe Scarborough or Pat Buchanan saying something egregiously stupid and a non-story about a non-event.
Maybe I just don’t watch enough TV and don’t have low enough standards.
Your standards are egregiously high.
Yeah, you’re just saying that because I’m an elitist.
the 5th anniversary of the fall of baghdad.
and how’s that worked out?
america’s standing in the world in tatters, half a trillion dollars down the rat hole, 4000 plus dead, and tens thousands wounded [not counting afghanstan], millions of iraqi refugees…a new surge in violence, and a curfew in effect…the list of failures is depressingly long…guess the flowers and chocolates have been put off another FU.
FU, indeed.
peace…what a concept.
shoulda been an open thread gen’l comment:
and l challenge your claim to elitism, omir…l don’t think you own a volvo. the latte drinking, given your in seattle, is probably a given.
Actually I don’t do coffee of any kind, although I think my son’s girlfriend makes up for my non-participation by keeping a couple of Starbucks in our immediate vicinity in business. I get my caffeine the way $DEITY intended — from Diet Coke.
I’m sure there must be some reason why I’m an elitist, other than my lack of proper attention to the TV. Give me time to think of it.
Man runs after torch, woman too. The world gets torched.