Dear Martin,
Thanks to your incredible support, we are airing ads across Pennsylvania. I wanted to share one very special ad you helped us get on the air. You’ll see a new side of Hillary that you might not have known about before.
Click here to watch our new ad, “Scranton.”
This ad and others like it are up thanks to you. The race is close, but I know we are going to win because of what you have done for Hillary. Your support makes the difference every single day, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all you do.
Terry McAuliffe
I don’t know…it just made me giggle.
Grainy footage of Hillary running around her back yard in Scranton.
Another “Meet Hillary” round of ads. Someone want to let Terry know we’ve already met her and, you know, don’t approve?
Is everyone on her staff deranged?
This has been another edition of Simple Answers to Simple Questions.
That ad was up there with McCain’s funereal website. That didn’t look like a getting-to-know-you ad, that was something to play at her wake.
Was her ad like this one?
Speaking of political ads, have we all seen this new McCain ad from MoveOn? It’s really good.
Needs more cowbell.
Bill Clinton ‘splains it all to us.
“A lot of the way this whole campaign has been covered has amused me,” he said. “But there was a lot of fulminating because Hillary, one time late at night when she was exhausted, misstated and immediately apologized for it, what happened to her in Bosnia in 1995. Did y’all see all that. Oh, they blew it up. Let me just tell you.
Bill, you’re not as good at the Jedi mind trick as you think…
He’s still got the hand-wave thing down, it’s just that there aren’t as many simple-minded fools to be tricked any more…
What. An. Ass.
Not that I should give him free advice, given his tax returns and who I support for president, but he should just shut up. Why bring Tuzla up when the truth is on tape?
Damn…would it help if he thought of it as incontrovertible as DNA?
well in all honesty, Hillary is 60 (+) and when she spoke at 3:30 in the afternoon, it is like 11:00 p.m. if you wake up at 4:00 a.m. just shows she’s not ready on day one.
Here is documentation of Hillary’s multiple lies about Bosinia-
Your incredible support. lol! Yeah, it’s incredible.
Making the difference. Every. Single. Day.
When is the next debate? It’s springtime. Maybe Hillary will wear a springtime pantsuit. Something to look forward to.
And it’s not like I gave them money or signed something supportive. I helped her out on a bill she co-sponsored 15 months ago.
Trust me. I never dreamed you gave them money or signed anything supportive. π
A video for Hillary. LOL
And biting all rolled up.
Made you giggle?
That’s a LOL e-mail if ever there was one.
Besides, giggling is not very manly…
Are you questioning the manhood of the BooMan? π
Not even remotely. π