Just in case the media forgot that they gave Obama crap for three straight weeks over his choice of church and that maybe making up tales of false heroism might be a bigger political liability:
Oh, and Trent Lott is still a wanker.
Just in case the media forgot that they gave Obama crap for three straight weeks over his choice of church and that maybe making up tales of false heroism might be a bigger political liability:
Oh, and Trent Lott is still a wanker.
When Bill freakin’ Clinton keeps bringing it up AND lying about the lie. Honestly…it’s bad enough the man has almost no credibility anyway, but to blatantly lie (again) about a lie is so pathological. And the excuses/lies he gives for the Senator’s lie makes you wonder just how much he doesn’t want her to be president:
It was 11pm. Yeah, even though she told the store repeatedly over 5 months at various times of day and the time it caught up with was in the morning. That also makes me even less comfortable that could take a 3am call.
She’s 60 and forgets. Really? And we’re supposed to think that means she should take the 3am call?
Shit…do they even talk to each other? Hasn’t he been watching the campaign the past few weeks?
I think Bill sabotages her deliberately. Misogyny begins at home in that family…
see my comments below CNN defends Obama.
I just watched the video of CNN and they have it right. Hillary and McCain are so out of touch reality that it is scary.
we now see why Obama has out-campaigned the Clintons
Masterful all within a few hours.
That is fantastic — thanks!
I’m not much of a judge, being a pointy-headed intellectual myself, but I thought he made his points very clearly, and they seemed to ring true with the Indiana crowd… Compare that to the Clinton clips (down thread from idredit), where yes the folks do cheer, but she’s not just mincing words, she’s slicing, dicing, and papier-mache-ing them onto some clearly fake creation.
Okay I’ve been sick of her pandering for a few years now, so I’m biased, but the teens with signs in that clip sure look like they’re going “oh, yeah, I get to cheer now!” more than anything… The Indianans here are not always tracking but it sure looks like there were a few, “yeah, I feel that way myself!” comments between watchers…
and do add the most recent flap today over Pennsylvania small towns. Obama speaks truth and he’s said to stumble as Clinton distorts what was said
A MUST READ, A MUST SEE – CNN defends Obama.
Sam Stein, Huffpost: Obama’s Pennsylvania ‘Small Town’ Comments Draw Fire from Clinton and McCain.
Clinton sends out emails enlisting quotes from two Republicans Grover Norquist and Ed Rollins.
It backfires.
hold on to your keyboards, protect your screens
CNN’s pundits – Blitzer, Borger and Toobin – defends Obama.
(can’t believe I wrote that)
*Watch the videos
Video CNN pundits defends Obama (HT Huffpost)
Wow. That was…amazing.
When he’s on his game, ol’ Jack Cafferty can really knock’em out of the park.
Totally amazing. I guess that’s what you get for being an entitled congenital liar.
Obama’s response was wicked-good, too. That was the Barack Obama I voted in hopes of getting. More, please!
It’s pretty amazing when CNN is laughing at Clinton.
I just saw over at Huffpo that the Clinton campaign is e-mailing around “harsh comments from two Republican pundits”: Grover Norquist and Ed Rollins.
Grover Norquist? Grover Norquist??? She’s using Grover Norquist to try to bring down Obama???
If this is true she should be expelled from the Democratic Party. I’m serious. The woman has seriously crossed the line.
in my original comment, I posted the link to that piece at Huffpost. HRC is in the sewer with the VRWC. do anything.
Hillary has come full circle. She released her tax returns exclusively to Drudge…so he diseminated. Drudge is her channel…so we may conclude that photo of Obama in native ceremonial garb came to Drudge from the HRC camp.
Can’t wait to see the Clintons defeated, repudiated.
And, in the meantime, if that response from O is what we have in store for the general…well, all I can say is St John had better move it real quick.
tough candidate Obama…and he has already laid down the line that he’ll not allow himself to be swift boated.
See, I know she’s way over the line when someone a hell of a lot more cool-headed than me, like you, says that. Well said.
So much here. First, thanks for all the videoes, folks, they are priceless.
Second, the Tuzla rendition reveals HRC to be delusional, devious, deceptive, demonic, perhaps, all four. Yes, deinitely, all four.
Third, using Grover Norquist as a tool to “bring down Obama” – thanks Mary – is both pernicious and pathetic.
When, or when, oh lord will we be free of the political witch of the west? And, can the Democratic Party survive the death throes of her primary campaign?
Code Red: a Clinton ahead.