You may not have heard, but some guy that is running for Larry ‘Wide Stance’ Craig’s senate seat changed his name to Pro-Life and got his name on the ballot. I think they passed an emergency law to put his old name in quotes so voters don’t think it’s a ballot initiative. In any case:
Learned reader Kyle Sammin recalls that Idaho’s Marvin “Pro-Life” Richardson has nothing on 1998 Tennessee State Senate candidate Byron “Low-Tax” Looper. Besides changing his name, Looper also murdered his opponent. Under Tennessee law, the names of dead candidates are removed from the ballot. So even though he was quickly charged with homicide, Looper nearly ran unopposed. The victim’s widow won a last-minute write-in campaign. Looper was sentenced to life in prison.
What’s frivolous in your life?
I had a truly decadent lunch of salad greens w/ warm goat cheese, pork scaloppini w/ mushroom creme sauce and pomme frites with two glasses of wine. I usually eat at my desk everyday, but it’s gorgeous outside after days of chilly overcast skies, and half my department is out.
So I figured, What the hell?
Doesn’t get more frivolous than that.
That sounds delightful.
The weather is so nice, I celebrated with a corned beef special on marbled rye and a Nantucket Nectars half and half (ice tea/lemonade) in the park today.
You know…I’ve never been there before. Hmmm…
we just kegged a marvelous German ale we kind of made up as we went along. The brew was generously hopped in the kettle and then dry-hopped in the secondary fermenter. I’ll be enjoying my first sip after work today.
If you guys are in Philly this weekend, give us a call for a quaff: I’ll be home by 3:00 PM Saturday and will be around all day Sunday, planting hops and working the garden.
I love the way hops look. At the LA County fair last year, they had a tunnel in the exhibition garden made with hops and it was so pretty. Where exactly do you buy hops?
I’ve always wondered that, too. I’m guessing there are supplier in Bavaria — hops being, I think, more a German-style thing — who one could get connected to here in the states.
The Windows Vista o/s on my recently purchased laptop certainly seems like a frivolous effort.
This is funny. “The Wounded-Courier:
Penn Leaves PR Firm to Work Directly for Satan” from MediaBloodhound.
Oh man, Byron Looper.
Believe it or not, lots of stuff happens in Tennessee that isn’t horrifying, bizarre, and embarrassing, but when something like that does happen, maaaaan, the national press corps eats it up. Feeds right into their narrative about how the South is nothing but a bunch of inbred hicks.
That said, I think our nutjobs actually are nuttier than y’all’s nutjobs. 😉
Ours are nuttier in the South, but I think they’re more entertaining, too. Sonny Perdue is my current favorite.
Believe me when I say, that the rest of the country knows that Florida has crazy locked up, particularly Dade County. If it’s a freaky sex story involving a cop, it’s in Dade County.
I think it’s more of a county sheriff thing than a Dade County thing. A lot of Florida cops are a special breed of crazy.
Actually, thinking about it, Florida is just a special breed of crazy. It’s like someone decided to experiment with the worst elements of North and South, and then add fruity drinks into the mix, tied together with Jimmy Buffet’s “Margaritaville” blasting in the background the whole time.
What in the world could be more frivolous than our media?
A little “John Kerry wind surfer” treatment for the Straight Talker??? Hard to believe they wrote this about a Republican.
The Old Codger doesn’t even know how to eat a slice of pizza??? John better read up on how to eat the regional cuisine before he gets to Texas. If not, then the next story we might see will be about him trying to crack rib bones like king crab legs.
I’m frustrated! The CA Democratic Party is working with the Obama campaign to set up caucus sites where delegates to the national convention will be chosen. There are separate sites for Clinton and Obama supporters.
But the locations have been a moving target!
The caucus for CD33 has had FOUR different addresses in three weeks. First it was up near Hollywood. Then it was at one spot on the USC campus. Then it was a separate spot far away on the USC campus. Now, the page shows the original USC location.
What’s up???
It’s hard to run for something when you can’t even tell people were to go to vote for you!
That list hasn’t been updated since April 3rd. All the emails I’ve received this week have mentioned the addresses that are on there, so it looks like everyone is comfortable with the list as it is. I’m still upset I have to drive all the way to Covina to vote for my friends. Why couldn’t they have picked a middle ground for my district?
Not true. Both the delegate list and caucus location changed last night. I called several people and they all saw for themselves. After I’d finished mailing all major lists, I wake up and see they set it back.
Someone contacted the Obama campaign re all of this and it was as I suspected – when they were going with the ‘shorter, approved’ list, they moved it to a smaller room. When they dumped that (DUMB) idea, they moved it back to the original, larger location.
Had you looked yesterday, you would have seen a different place listed.
And to be clear – I’m only talking about CD33. I can’t speak for other districts!
If I had nothing better to do, and no reputation to protect, I would change my name to “Free Beer” and run for office. Just to make a mockery of this sort of nonsense.
The bumper sticker and t-shirt possibilities for that campaign are endless…
Instead of dealing with dimwitted client who pretends to not know how to order work every single time–keep in mind we’ve been working with this twit for 2 years, I went to Ikea for the first time in ages. Granted, I had Senorita Talksalot (my 4 year old) with me, but it was worth it to see the new summer stuff.
It’s 86 degrees and it’s only gonna get warmer this weekend…I need stuff for a weekend of pool lounging and BBQing.
check out this guy’s ventriloquist schtick…
and as a bonus, there’s an appearance from perennial BT favorite, david hasselhoff.
i’m outta here…steady rollin‘ bob margolin’s in town tonight, playing w/ one our local heroes lionel young…
I have a good friend named Sherry Al Mufti who is an Iraqi born US citizen. She is very knowledgeable about all things in the ME. She is currently on a personal month long trip to the ME starting in Lebanon. She is sending me emails from her trip. With her permission I am going to reprint it here. If you like what you read let me know and I will reprint as often as I receive anything.
From Sherry Al Mufti
I am sending this from Beirut on a dialup connection, which is therefore very slow. It is late at night, too, I walked A LOT today (and had some small adventures finding my way around) and I will be touring Baalbek tomorrow, so I will not take time to comment. No comment is really needed here in any case.
Well, maybe one comment. DO take Joshua H.’s suggestion and make the Gorilla’s Guide’s blog a place you visit regularly if you are at all interested in an on-the-ground Iraqi point of view.
Can You spot the Difference Between These Two Wounded Children? (An Iraqi Mother Can’t)
By Um Thalit, Gorilla’s Guides
Posted on April 10, 2008, Printed on April 11, 2008
Thanks for the link keyman12.
We went running all over town late this afternoon looking for Obama, only to find he had gone here. IU grads will be intimately familiar with this spot.
My vice-precinct committee person caught his speech at Columbus East High School this morning. She was quite impressed with Obama’s organization, as well as the candidate. The speech was scheduled for 11:30 and actually started at 11:32.
OTOH, the Big Dog’s appearance several days ago was a couple of hours past the advertised start time. Sometimes its the little details that’ll get you.