So Obama’s opponents tut tut over his comments about the bitterness of some voters in Pennsylvania. And Obama hits back hard. Check out the video — he totally nails it at the end.
This is why I’m supporting this candidate. Because when the clowns who rule the airwaves think the most important issue of the day is whether a candidate orders coffee or orange juice, we need a leader like Barack Obama who has the ability to cut through the stupid chatter and make real points about real people and real problems.
Regardless of who the Democratic nominee is, the media and the Republicans will make every effort to drum up fake outrage at every opportunity. We need a candidate who can hit back with charm and power and common sense at the drop of a hat in a YouTube friendly way.
The media and Obama’s opponents would much rather debate the appropriateness of the term “bitter” than discuss McCain’s torture flip flop or McCain’s possible breaking of campaign finance laws or McCain’s failure to support the troops.
But Obama seizes the issue, turns it around, and rubs McCain’s face in his failure to respond to the mortgage crisis.
The trick is making sure that folks are able to actually see and hear Obama’s words. So feel free to spread this video around — particularly to friends in Pennsylvania.
Hat tip to SusanG for the video link.
This post was originally published at
I just saw this clip on another blog and have to say he impresses me more every day!!! I am thrilled to be an Obamacrat!!!!
this three-way, but…
Do you really think that people who were going to vote for Obama will change their minds because of this statement?
I don’t.
Those who “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations ” are ALREADY anti-Obama.
The truly interesting thing about this latest set of maneuverings is that McCain and Clinton are now clearly courting the same demographic. If they could get away with it, should Hillary Clinton lose the Dem nomination a McCain/Clinton ticket would be a BIG winner.
Washingtoon Post:
A noun for the times?
Are you now seeing Clinton as a potential Lieberman?!
She is nuts but but that not that buts. If she were to try and run as an independent, she would kill herself for all time politically. Her campaign is hurting the party-IMHO- but she would never leave the party.
More morality-driven, less sheer snake.
And MUCH more intelligent.
But it’s already happened, tampopo.
Driven ever further centerward by Obama and by the left’s kneejerk hatred of her, as McCain has been driven more centerward by the right’s distrust of his position and history.
A match made in heaven.
She can use it as a weapon. I can imagine the sotto voce conversations now.
“Y’know…Hillary IS awfully close to McCain. It would be a…shame if she had to run as a centrist against this upstart Ombama. You KNOW he can’t win anyway, don’t you?”
Many slips yet to come twixt this cup and the winning lips.
Many hustles yet to be run.
Ain’t politics grand?
Just wow!
If she joins McCain’s ticket then I’ll do a river dance in a kilt.
Toi tell you the truth Oscar, if she realizes that she simply cannot win for losing in this Dem race…and I have a suspicion that she does realize this…that if she did win by pulling off a backroom coup over Obama it would doom her candidacy, then her continued presence in the contest IS a form of “joining McCain’s ticket”.
As I have said over and over again here, promises WILL be made. And deals will be cut as well.
The best hustler will win.
Maybe not the Presidency.
But something.
The media-promoted fiction that the electoral process is what chooses candidates in this system as it currently stands is simply full of shit. That’s just the surface of this sea. Below, where the big fishies swim? Where earthquakes cause mountains to fall and create tidal waves?
THAT’S where the real action goes on.
Betr on it.
Stay tuned.
She has already displayed symptoms of that disease.
And while AG has an excellent point, I’ll break it down even more:
Accusing Obama of elitism sure provides a convenient cover for good old fashioned racism, doesn’t it?
I’m still not honestly sure he’ll be allowed to get the nomination. I’m even less sure that McCain will be defeated in November.
Should Bush hit Iran, all bets are off.
Accusing Obama of elitism sure provides a convenient cover for good old fashioned racism, doesn’t it?
You just hit the nail on the head.
CNN’s Blitzer, Borger, Toobin and Cafferty defends Obama
A must read and see. You’ll be glad you did.
Text and Video:
CNN sets the record straight on Obama’s small town comments
Video only
my informal survey of non-political junkies here in PA indicates got the reaction of “Of course we’re bitter and angry – look at the mess we’re in! He’s just telling the truth.”
And that was from someone who is supposedly in Hillary’s target demographic.
Obama’s standing ovation in Indiana confirms people agree he’s telling the truth.
CNN and MSNBC are both covering it as a “major gaffe”–no surprise, they ignore the issues.
Obama is absolutely right. He knows that people are angry and has the chutzpah to tell the Empress she has no clothes.
The media (uncluding the modern sophists, the TV professional bloviators) is too stupid to understand Obama’s political message.
They understand it, they simply intend on countering it in order to keep Obama from becoming too strong…
It’s so strange to see a Democrat standing up to criticism.