Turns out Mr. Changealot may be a happy sheep of Douglas Coe, the leader of the secretive ‘Fellowship’ ministry. Reading that made me vomit in my mouth a tiny bit. I don’t want it to become a campaign issue, but I’d really like to hear him explain this one a bit.

full story

This one goes a long way in destroying Obama’s image as an agent of change in my mind (being given to conspiratorial thinking).

Coe’s group, “The Fellowship,” reportedly shuns publicity while focusing on ministering to those in power in the United States and around the world.  In Washington, D.C., Coe sponsors a weekly Senate prayer breakfast and an annual National Prayer Breakfast regularly attended by U.S. presidents.

more on The Fellowship, aka The Family

So far as I’ve heard, his campaign has only confirmed his attendance at Coe prayer meetings. I suppose that is a bit different than being totally Koolaid drenched.  

Reverend Wright I had no problem with. This makes me want to vote for Gravel. It’s not a deal breaker, but I’m entering a lesser of evils scenario unless he can turn this into another ‘teaching moment’. Not sure how you can be apart from an establishment that you are secret cult prayer meeting pew-mates with, but I’m sure willing to listen despite the fact that prostrating yourself at the alter built for the prayers of the American War Machine, anointed in generations of blood and pseudo-Christian inspired misjudgment, is a pretty funny thing for The Changinator to be up to.