It’s been a full week now that Obama has held a roughly 9 point advantage in the national polls. Maybe we should do all the primaries over again now that people know both candidates a little better. Would that be okay with the Clintons?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I made an lolhillary.
Just wanted to share that.
where is that photo from?
Found it as part of a slide show here.
oh. my. god.
She really did shots?
To be one of the boys? Did she learn nothing in college? Or at least in law school?
btw – that Mayor McDermott looks like a guy who regularly convinces women to do shots. Notice that he’s not drinking. Just watching. And smiling. 😉
Not just shots. Wimpy Canadian Moose Urine Shots.
Who does hard partying with Crown Royal? If this doesn’t cost her Kentucky, it’ll be a damned shame.
heh. Excellent point. I would have chosen Maker’s Mark myself.
Isn’t Crown Royal Canadian?
Yes, Makers Mark would have been a better choice.
Maker’s Mark, Wild Turkey, Jim Beam, JD. Hell, Scotch would’ve been fine, if she’d wanted to do the sophisticated foreign thing. But not the watered-down Canadian stuff, for God’s sake.
LOL, Drew!!!
see what I mean?
Yep, he’s probably collecting his $50.00 dollars in bets with all his frat buddies..that he could get Hillary to shots..
I’ll drink to that.
Silly thought. Hillary Clinton is a reverse Fannee Doolee
Clinton’s are distributing “We’re not bitter” bumper stickers but “Bitters” is playing well in Obama’s favor.
Pass me a pint of bitters as the Brits would say. I like mine warm.
Political Scientist step forward: – TPM
Hillary was for it, Before She Was Against It
Good ol’ bitters. I miss having my daily pint “down the pub.”
Hillary losing her core supporters:
In that article Clinton’s campaign cannot counter Obama’s media barrage which may be a reference to her financial problems.
Yeah, as soon as she loses Edith Bunker it’s all over. (OK, Archie was almost certainly a Republican, but I’m betting Edith had her rebellious side once she was behind that curtain.)
Of course there was the episode of All In The Family where Archie went out to vote, only to find out that it had been so long since he voted that his name fell off the rolls. So I guess he was really a member of the Silent Majority. 🙂
DNC has gone to court, suing the FEC to force a decision on McCain’s decision to opt out of public financing’
The Compassion Forum (whatever that is) is on and Hillary has a lovely yellow jacket and scarf. She looks great in yellow.
Looks like Obama is wearing a purple tie. Interesting choice.
Anything happening to make it worth turning on the TV?
Obama just quoted scripture to show that ‘clinging’ to faith is a GOOD thing. That was a smart move.
Just saw that.
We were watching a Monty Python dvd with the kids, and just now turned on the forum.
I didn’t know that they would be speaking one at a time. I’m glad, though.
He’s doing well on these abortion questions, but I’m finding them annoying. Who cares if he believes that life begins at conception in the greater scheme of things?
I didn’t see most of Hillary’s segment so I don’t know what they asked her.
Apparently McCain was also invited, but declined.
That’s interesting. I wonder why. He must have thought it was a no-win situation for him. Interesting that the Republican doesn’t show up at a faith forum and the 2 Democrats do.
He cited scheduling conflicts, but his schedule showed no activity planned for tonight.
This crowd probably would have asked embarrassing questions like how he could be a Southern Baptist who hadn’t been immersed.
A torture question!
We have to be clear and unequivocal – we do NOT torture. That should be our position. That includes renditions. We don’t farm out torture; we don’t subcontract torture. Not only does torture not yield good information but it degrades the discipline and ethos of the military. Hard when you have 19 year old kids in Iraq making life or death situations and are being asked to operate within the law and then to find out that the government isn’t abiding by the laws we are asking them to defend, is indefensible.
We will lead not just with military might but with our values and ideals.
And did any of our lovely talking heads mention one damn thing about it? Nooo! More horse race, please.
Ok something was just became clear to me. Towards the end, in connection with a question on global warming, Obama said, as an aside, “And I think Al Gore won”. I couldn’t figure out why he threw that in.
Well in an earlier response, Hillary had said that Al Gore lost because he was viewed as elitist and out of touch.
It’s the whole thing about perception. Obama again showed that Hillary was operating with Republican perceptions. Gore did win. Bush stole the election with the help of a Supreme Court that stopped the vote-counting. But H. Clinton surrenders to Republican Reality. It’s like the story early in the race, where the Clinton campaign’s answer to the last eight years would be to send Clinton I and Bush I together on a world tour. The rose-colored glasses that Hillary wears in the duck blind are Republican glasses. That is all you need to know why Clinton is not your candidate.
Someone asked him to explain the “I don’t want [my daughters] punished for a mistake” thing.
Only some flippin’ wingnuts would fulminate about that–and then quietly take their daughter/wife/mistress to take care of things, because you know, their situation is different.
In the real world, loving parents wouldn’t want to see their daughters punished for a mistake, either.
The whole forum was bizarre. I mean … starting with the fact that Campbell Brown was the moderator. Why? Because she’s so compassionate? Doesn’t CNN have a Faith Reporter or somebody qualified? Then they get into the hypothetical sex lives of his pre-pubescent daughters? Did George Bush have to talk about Jenna and Barbara’s sex lives? Did the Clintons have to hypothesize about Chelsea’s sex life?
I can see having an interview with a candidate about faith. Or even a forum that’s just questions from the audience. But the whole gotcha aspect of the CNN moderators seemed completely out of sync with a forum on faith and compassion
You know, I swear sometimes he says that sort of thing just to have a little fun with the wingers. It really drives that small group that’d never vote for him absolutely insane.
He is so good. God I love to hear him talk about the world in non-black and white terms. I’m so sick of those false dichotomies.
Btw – lost my election bid to be delegate, but I did phenomenally well for someone who joined the campaign “late” (January) and has mostly participated in small volunteer events where few people have met me.
We had 30 seconds each to make our pitch. Whatever I said – and it’s truly a bit of a blur – I brought down the house. Several people said they’d vote for me after that. Other candidates came and shook my hand, as if I’d be someone to know. And some guy from the state Democratic party gave me his card and said something about having to loop me into some committees or something. I was too tired to parse this, and I’m way too tired to write it up now, but the whole experience was fascinating and very positive and after I recover, i want to share!
I’m sorry you lost, you would have been a great delegate.
Thanks much, Mary.
If you spoke like you write, then you must have given a damned good little speech.
Here, again, as I said with my comment below: He’s just having a little fun with the wingers. You just know somewhere in Hell Jerry Falwell’s losing it, now convinced Obama is a flaming homosexual.
Actually, I think he wore it to match the United Steelworkers banner in the Annie Oakley video and then didn’t change it for the forum.
But did she really say that her Dad taught her how to shoot, and then when a reporter tried to follow up, she dismissed it and said she’d talk about it later?
And did she really say, when asked about church attendance, I attended church on Easter, so?
Ohhhh…so she’s a “CME Christian”: Christmas, Mother’s Day and Easter.
Heh. But seriously…she just HAD to open her mouth, right? Dumb ass. Who is she, Mitt Romney?
no Romney shoots rodents and keeps dogs in a carrier on the roof of his car. totally different.
Oh…right. I must remember.
So varmint did shoot ’em up Hill practice on?
First sniper fire, now she’s a hunter. Please make it stop.
Looking for something else, I found this over at CNN’s Political Ticker:
Do you suppose that applies to attacks on fellow Democratic candidates? Hmmmmmmmmmm?
I’m going to start calling her campaign the ‘Memento Campaign’ after that cool movie-where the hero had a medical problem in that he could not remember from almost one minute to the next what he had said/who he had just met, etc. Looks like Hillary is just saying stuff with no rhyme or reason as to what she may have said previously and starting to sound more and more like bush in that respect. She seems absolutely tone deaf to her own remarks.
Did she really say that, well yeah but she can say tomorrow that she simply misspoke, move along everyone and onto the next misspeak.
Hey if we started over they could include Michigan and Florida. And could we put at least Richardson and Edwards back in?
Annie Oakley. I love it.
that was an amazing performance.
I’ll say. Listening to this guy is like a cool drink of water after a walk across the desert.
After the primaries. I suppose Obama will be the nominee. How will the Clintons react and act? Will they really just turn around, smile and pat Obama on the back after all the nastiness, increasing nastiness we’re witnessing? It’s hard to imagine that they could sincerely wish the Democratic Party well. They give me (I get) the feeling I had about Karl Rove, still do: there is still a rabbit which will be pulled out of the hat. Maybe I’m paranoid, at the least fearful. This morning the BBC World Service told me that Clinton and/or Obama was asked if it was god’s will that they become president. Interestingly, according to the report, they were both hoping to do god’s will. God has an opinion about the U.S. election? Is that in the bible somewhere? Is all this monumentally stupid and vain, arrogant, or am I just an ignorant moron? You tell me.
They will take their pity party and go home. After the nastiness of the last couple of months, does anyone want Bill or Hillary on the campaign trail? NO!!!
Christians believe that God is concerned about and involved in everything. Consider:
That does not constitute or even imply anything close to a theocracy:
Even though we understand His concern to extend to the government:
So it is only natural for a Christian – or someone who wants to appeal to the votes of Christians – to say that they hope to do God’s will.
Quentin, I lived through the 60s and 70s. The moral of those decades was if you couldn’t assassinate populists then assassinate their character. It seems that the H. Clinton campaign hasn’t been able to assassinate Obama’s character even after trying to assassinate the character of everyone around him. I would just warn Barack to be careful when driving past duck blinds where that woman in camo is knocking back shots of Crown Royal.
Great. Now I can rest assured that either Clinton or Obama will accept the will of god and then god’s will will will the presidency of McSame. And any one who might not be satisfied with god’s will will be wrong. It is because it is. That’s what I’ve always thought anyway, so I can now close up shop.
I add: I’m a U.S. person living in Europe. Probably a majority of politicians here would consider themselves christian if asked directly. They don’t generally go around gratuitously volunteering the details of their private lives. Mr. Blain is a major exception. I would be hard put to imagine many of them saying:
‘So it is only natural for a Christian – or someone who wants to appeal to the votes of Christians – to say that they hope to do God’s will.’
There’s nothing natural about it, which doesn’t mean I find it unnatural.
I keep hearing conflicting information on the dinner that Bush is having while the Pope is visiting. One the one hand I read in various blogosphere locations that the Pope is snubbing Bush by not attending the dinner in his honor. But coming in to work today and ABC news report said that it’s customary for the Pope to not attend state dinners.
Which is it? I’m not really a follower of the Pope’s itineraries when he has traveled in the past.
Is it a snub or not?