Back at the end of February I wrote a piece about the challenge race poses for Barack Obama, called ‘What’s it Mean to be Uppity?‘. I was criticizing several members of the press for saying that Obama was too ‘show-offy’ or arrogant. But I was also criticizing former Black Entertainment Television president Bob Johnson for his obnoxious remarks comparing Obama to Sidney Poitier’s character in the movie Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. In the movie, Poitier plays a young, attractive black doctor, of outstanding character and from a good family, who wants to marry the white daughter of a powerful San Francisco family with professed liberal beliefs.
Poiter’s character is perfect in every way, except the color of his skin. He didn’t ‘sound’ black and he didn’t ‘act’ black. And that is the whole point of the movie. A liberal white family that supports equal rights for blacks in the abstract is confronted with treating a black man as an equal in the starkest way possible…the marriage of their daughter. Of course, maybe electing him president would have been nearly as stark? Maybe so.
Bob Johnson was calling Barack Obama a phony black man. He was saying that he had stripped himself of all black identifiers in an attempt to ‘pass’ for white. He also, in the same comments, made reference to youthful drug use to make the opposite insinuation…that Obama was just one of the kids on the corners in the Hood.
Johnson received a lot of criticism for his remarks and was quiet for a long time. But he is back.
The Charlotte Observer reported on its Web site Monday that Bob Johnson, one of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s top black supporters, was commenting on remarks previously made by Geraldine Ferraro, another Clinton supporter.
“What I believe Geraldine Ferraro meant is that if you take a freshman senator from Illinois called ‘Jerry Smith’ and he says I’m going to run for president, would he start off with 90 percent of the black vote?” Johnson said. “And the answer is, probably not.”
“Geraldine Ferraro said it right,” Johnson added. “The problem is, Geraldine Ferraro is white. This campaign has such a hair-trigger on anything racial it is almost impossible for anybody to say anything.”
Ferraro, a Democratic candidate for vice president in 1984, stepped down last month as an adviser to Clinton amid controversy over comments she made to the Daily Breeze newspaper in Torrance, Calif. “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position,” Ferraro said. “And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”
Obama didn’t start out with 90% of the black vote, he got those kind of numbers because of remarks made by people like Bob Johnson! I don’t know what kind of world the Clinton supporters live in where it is just impossibly too easy for a black man to get elected president, and where Obama is the elitist, when Hillary lived in the White House for eight years. Johnson and Ferraro’s argument seems to suggest that Obama has no other merit than his race, like he an affirmative action ‘quota’ candidate. Why the Clintons’ surrogates keep saying something so patently false and so boorishly insulting, I don’t know. I wish it would stop, but it’s probably too late to change the damage they’ve done to their legacy.
My, we must be feeling mighty desperate.
Stupid ass. Just go away.
Last night Jon Stewart questioned the idea of “elite” as a bad thing. It was brilliant. He asked, don’t we want to elect a president who is elite, who’s educated, powerful, better than us in terms of being able to steer this country, face down danger, etc.?
As for Bob Johnson’s comments: Where’s the recycling bin!
Well, I know I want a President smarter than I am, about running the country anyway. I have all these grandiose ideas about what I’d do if I were President, but you know, most of what I would do is probably wonder how to get myself out of whatever mess I had most recently gotten myself (and the country) into.
Video of that segment here
that will certainly boost turn out…given our dislike for HNs. And Bob Johnson is Hillary’s HN.
Thank you Bob. We won’t forget ya…playing the divide the slaves to conquer their aspirations.
Never mind your millions and all, guess it’ll be alright if U.S. Rep. Geoff Davis called you Boy.
Can I get an AMEN!
Somehow disputing which of our candidates is more disadvantaged by their “victimhood” just doesn’t strike me as a winning strategy…Mrs. Clinton.
Incredible that the Clinton campaign, with it’s cries of “Oh, the misogyny”, chooses Bob “Pimps and Hoes” Johnson as a surrogate.
Words always tell you far more about the person that has used them than they ever do about those they describe.
Johnson, Ferraro, Penn, the Clintons and their ilk have been writing their own obituaries throughout this campaign.
A friend called me the other day to tell me that all the talk of Obama being arrogant, smug and now elitist is code for he’s an Uppity Nigga!
I agree.
I fixed the anchor tag before “obnoxious” so your link doesn’t light up two whole paragraphs. 🙂
I really, really, really can’t stand Bob Johnson. I wrote on this interview last night and caught the lie that Obama always had black support:
Damn…Bob Johnson must be seriously craving a Shelby Steele award.
I hate to say it, but my God…Shelby Steele would be a step up.
Is it even possible for this man to degrade himself any further? A billionaire Stepin Fetchit. SMH…
“you have mail”
Kewl. Heading over now…
Bob Johnson
Owner, NBA Charlotte Bobcats /WNBA Charlotte Sting
Robert L. Johnson made history as the first African-American to become the majority owner of a professional sports organization when the NBA Board of Governors granted him the expansion Charlotte NBA franchise on January 10, 2003. Johnson also immediately assumed ownership of the WNBA’s Charlotte Sting.
Johnson is a graduate of the University of Illinois and holds a master’s degree in International Affairs from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.
You forgot that part. 🙂 Also, IIRC, the Sting no longer exists and you forgot to mention that he has also inflicted us with ghettoized caricatures of black people on his soft-porn cable channel.
The IIRC is on point – thanks And “spot on” again , his BET legacy is a despicable one .
That’s the thing that nobody seems to get. Obama is not a black man. He is, like most Americans, of mixed ancestry. He just happens to be about 50/50. He is as much a white man, whatever that may mean to anyone, as he is a black man. And if you consider his upbringing, he is in fact more white than black, although to suppose that that means he is somehow “not black enough” is equally in error. He is in the end just a man, no more, no less. He is an American, and like all of us, of profoundly mixed provenance. All those who focus on his absolutely beautiful natural tan and imagine that is enough to define him are at least a century out of touch.
And btw, the exasperation is directed at myself as much as anyone. I don’t know about you, but I know I oughta know better.