As someone that lives in Southeast Pennsylvania it is near impossible for me to tell how the primary is going to play out next Tuesday. A look at the internals of the new Public Policy Polling (.pdf) poll released today will help to explain why.
Overall- Clinton 42%, Obama 45%
Northeast PA- Clinton 57%, Obama 28%
Southeast PA- Clinton 33%, Obama 53%
South Central PA- Clinton 41%, Obama 46%
West Central PA- Clinton 48%, Obama 39%
Southwest PA Clinton 52%, Obama 37%
Where I live, Obama is up by twenty points in this poll, while up by Scranton/Wilkes-Barre he is down by twenty-nine points. As should be obvious, the Southeast and the Northeast have vastly different demographics and different cultures, as do the eastern and western parts of the state. So, while in these parts it is plain to see that Obama has all the momentum and people who do support Clinton are often embarrassed to admit it, there are other parts of the state where the reverse is true.
With a poll this close but regions at such odds, turnout is the key. If the Southeast turns out at higher rates than the Northeast and Southwest, then Obama can take the state. Also, while it’s nice to see a poll that shows Obama ahead, this poll remains a relative outlier. So…keep plugging away.
Well, I’ll be a spider’s aunt.
Hillary has been airing an ad with offended voters in PA. Supposedly. She just can’t be trusted.
The Swamp Clinton’s Offended PA. Voter. NOT
Majority of Voters don’t trust Clinton.- Wapo citing polls.
I’m not surprised by the numbers for the Southeast at all. South Central is the Harrisburg area?
Looks like things aren’t moving much in one way or another overall, though.
Those are pretty solid numbers if they hold up. Obama definitely has to clean up in Southeast PA to win.
Those young foolish voters may just be insulted enough to tuck it away for Obama.
Young and foolish. You never can tell what they’ll do, eh. And yet, they maybe just too savvy.
Just saw this at TPM, and I thought there was an interesting relationship between these poll results and Hillary’s negative ad buys:
I guess the question is: which came first, the pol results or the ad buys? She’s running only the negative ad in the areas where she’s ahead, and a 50/50 split where she’s behind. Trying to shore up her margins in in the western and northeastern parts of the state?
If she plays true to form we’ll see the negativity play through the weekend with some sort of poor victim me by Hillary herself showing up Sunday night. It’ll be interesting to see just how negative Rendell is willing to go when faced with diminishing returns on his numbers forecast.
Did I miss it, what happened to the 100 mayors that were supposed to step up the plate for a Hillary endorsement?
Me bad, just saw over on her site that they are listed as of yesterday. Sorry.
All of those mayors had already endorsed Clinton before yesterday. It was just a staged event. But on the upside, Clinton has gotten one whole new superdelegate. I believe that’s the first one in over a month.
I can’t wait to see which Hillary shows up at tonight’s debate.
She’s going to have to go after credibility tonight, the negativity isn’t playing well anywhere.
Just saw this endorsement, plays particularly well for Obama going into tonight’s debate
We were just discussing that…the thought is if she wants to maintain her lead in PA, she can’t go too negative and make people angry (she’d be better off bringing congenial Hillary to the debate), and if she wants to continue telling people she has a chance at the nomination she has to go hard negative.
Given those widely diverging regional poll results from PPP today, she has a tough line to walk.
And Obama can’t get too cocky.
First- hey Boo- instead of “northeast, southwest…”- how about a quick description of the major potential voter bases. ie- population centers.
Second- the TPM report is re Reuters-ZOGBY. Now, given Zogbys growing movement towards a gop supporter, a few grains of salt are worth including when viewing any zog poll.
Sorry, to hyperventilate off topic. TIME-DELAY?!
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Sorry (again). Drank some orange juice, calmed down & got more links:
ABC Restricts Debate Clips to 30 Seconds; Cable Channels May Cite `Fair Use’ via TPM article: Monetizing the Public Square.
Hope someone in the Eastern time zone is gonna liveblog it.