Weigh in with your observations about wardrobe, makeup, the height of the dais, the seriousness of the questions, the makeup of the crowd, or anything else snarkilicious that you can think to add to the very serious national discourse.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
but, most importantly, what would Jesus wear?
What color is Obama’s tie? Is that silver or blue?
So long as it’s not red! I hate when he wears red – that’s the color of second place. 😉 I’ll bet it’s a light blue but I can’t see it. No live stream to be found. It won’t air out here for another three hours.
Oops – just found the live stream!
let everyone know where it is.
Don’t let the Kossacks know, though. Might crash it if it spreads around the Intertubes.
Paste this into a URL line to bring up a standalone Media Player that you can adjust the size of:
You may have to accept a security warning, but it’s okay to launch the external application (Media Player.)
It’s weird that they’re holding this in the Kimmel Theater. It’s kind of an IMAX in the round theater and it must be claustrophobic for the candidates.
Hillary’s pantsuit is nice but it is a little bit boring.
damn it the live feed is not working
Let me know if you find a live video feed – I’m on the left coast (you too, I take it?).
I am in Texas but the live feed fro0m the philly station is crap and not working
works in explorer
Thanks – great!
I’m loving the focus group response with it.
I’m counting on you guys to fill me in. Every time I watch a debate, Clinton does well, and if I don’t want it but then tune in late, she stops screwing up. So I’m not touching this one.
They both gave opening statements that were not particularly interesting. Clinton plugged her website, which is a play for donations. They are going to commercial break after these opening statements.
I’d like closed circuit view to see if they look at each other or their fingernails.
From TPM: “8:05 PM … Amy Poehler’s Hillary is so dead-on that I can’t see Hillary speak without conflating the two in my mind.”
She got her fundraising plug in during the opening statement. Impressive.
“8:07 PM … Commercial break. A good time to point out that ABC is imposing a blackout on its debate footage until tomorrow morning. or trying to.”
Someone should get out a video camera and bootleg this debate!
Oh my god, there are opening with the Cuomo thing where they’ll commit to be the other’s running mate.
host is being argumentative.
I’m surprised Charlie Gibson could pull even that off.
He leads, she follows, on the first question, which she didn’t want to touch with a 10-foot pole, re will they pledge to take each other as newly wedded candidates post-August…
debate officially sucks after just 10 minutes.
Sen. Obama gets the bitter question.
That was fast. Ugh, no surprise.
Obama: I can see how people were offended…blah blah blah.
Obama needs a shot of adrenaline.
Hillary: Barack has the WRONG IDEAS about America.
How will he reply?
talking about Hillary beating dead horses. LOL
He brought up her 1992 “Home baking cookies” comment and how that’s what’s wrong with our politics, to talk about shit like that as if that’s what matters. And now she does it to him.
Philly station has 25 people watching and rating responses…all undecided the dial jumps high when Obama answering and goes down when Hillary talks. Bottomed out on question about Rev. Wright Crowd not happy
ugh people are liking this “i would not have stayed” BS
Obama should just say that Rev. Wright is a man of God. Whom society and I gave more leeway for error than the average man on the street is granted.
Come on Hillary. Tell us about your “elitist” church.
so far into this, that’s why people are turned off party politics. Pundit heads who focus on trivia.
Why the hell would you ask if the minister was as patriotic as Obama. What bull shit. who set up this panel of jerks.
So, so far this is a plea for money for Hillary and a grill Obama session…
No mention of her Tuzla lies and video.
Do you think it was smart of Obama to take the high road and be vague about “if Clinton were the nominee, there would be videos played”? He could have said sooo much there.
yes, don’t stoop to Hillary’s level..smack her down know with the Tuzla snipers in the offing
I want to slap this moderator. Talk about a whiny, annoying voice…
Hillary on the attack again what a jerk
She just brought up Farrakhan and Hamas.
I cannot believe she just pushed that.
Please look over me lying about Bosnia.
below the 50% mark from the 25 watching in the studio
Obama’s not at the top of his form, but my god Clinton is f***ing up big time.
She is just being herself. LOL
heh true
he’s doing OK. HRC is shameless. You think voters buy this crap – no policy related question, only trivia.
The opinion meter is going down into the negative zone while she explains away her mis-statement about Tuzla.
NICE! Obama is taking the high road and comparing Clinton’s errors to his own. Wow, smart.
and the meter just went way up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heh, and went way down for the moderator and then further down for the STUPID flag question
some clinton stooge asking about the damn flag pin
ABC seems oblivious to Obama’s call for substance.
Substance doesn’t sell ads.
over 30 mins and no policy related ???S
It’s like watching the National Enquirer on teevee, only with politicians.
And now the William Ayers bit. This is incredible.
yes, indeed.
Did I mention how much I fucking hate Charlie Gibson. And no, Charlie–the glasses do not make you appear smarter. Only that you are a lightweight who needs a prop.
I tuned in just in time for the guilt by association question.
Oh, and did i mention you have mail? 🙂
These questions are so asinine.
infotainment. ABC will lose for this.
Wow the studio audience loves it when he calls out the question for being asinine.
The MSM is slowly making itself irrelevant. Within a decade, it’ll have choked on its own intellectual pollution and disappeared.
while were on being Patriotic..lets look a a few flag violations..like W standing on the mat
ABC News is now the National Enquirer
Amen!!! I cannot believe this crap.
viewers are tuning, out turning off.
this is a total waste of time…what a farce.
l can’t believe the direction this has taken. absolutely incredible…way to go abc…ya think the hrc campaign had any input re: this content free, mind numbing blather?
nah … /snark
Obama is hitting it out of the park on that one…calling out the media on their bullshit is brilliant.
abc west coast tape delay = :-þ
We are going to need to flood ABC with calls.
haalfway thru the debate. Trivia. Is this Jeopardy we’re viewing?
UGH, Clinton is down in the gutter flinging poo. This is gross.
here we go with Hillary being Negative again and the meter went way down. What a b–ch
Fuck Hillary. Fuck her.
I am so fucking pissed at her shenanigans.
This is so stupid. We’re going to spend 2 hours talking about anything anyone Obama ever came in contact with ever said?
ABC is so full of shit!!!! This is worse than the compassion one by 100%.
I came in late, but this is ridiculous. So far, it’s been nothing but crap.
You’ve missed nothing.
Forty-five minutes of total unmitigated bullshit.
Charlie and George are unmitigated assholes!!! They both should be thrown off the air as of today
I suppose Stay-on-top-of-this is just following orders. Charlie is just plain dumb.
40 minutes of non-stop bullshit. You know this is warmed over tripe when even Wolf Blitzer would be an mprovement.
not journalism. kills the appetite for future debates.
not a single policy question. Can someone get to these two guys?
Good for Obama to mention Bill clinton’s pardons.
Hillary’s smug is making me gag.
ABC seems to be doing everything they can to TRY to help Clinton win PA. Like all media, they want to drag this campaign out to the end. But it ain’t working. Obama is calling them out and the audience is getting upset about the bullshit “issues.”
Anybody hear Snuffilufigus get all antsy and go “bu-bu” while Obama was hitting the ball out of the park a while back? (The Ayers question, I think.)
I swear this is more entertaining just watching the moderators fail at their hit-job.
this is not playing well in most circles. Gibson and George look like the assholes they are.
this debate will have huge backlash for ABC
uh, did anyone else get dead air after the gross “inside the sect” promo?
I think that was time for local station break (commercials)
Ooh, I think Hillary lucked out getting the first reasonable substantial question
52 minutes of shit
They ask her a real question..surprise surprise. what a f–ing set up
Clinton was disgusting as a smear merchant. Fuck her, fuck Bill, and fuck her entire campaign apparatus.
fucking shit
Ooh, they gave him a real question but it’s a sucker-punch: the Iran/Israel question is MUCH harder than “what would you do in Iraq”.
ABC SPORTS. no decency or dignity
at least this is a serious question.
This whole debate is a total set up or seems like it.
Wow, she’s already kissing Saudi & UAE ass. How predictable.
Her cackle makes me violent.
George is an idiot. Any candidate who say read my lips no tax increase will lose.
Or is he showing the loyalty demanded that Bill Richardson would not?
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how many educators and firemen make $92,000 a year where the SS cap kicks in?
$97k, actually, I think. None make that much unless they make it to chief or principal.