Booman wrote a post today about the potential impact of Bruce Springsteen’s endorsement of Barack Obama on the PA primary.
I beg to differ.
Read on to understand why.
“White working men”, eh?
The last couple of years I have been driving fairly regularly into Bethlehem, PA. Right in the heart of the rust belt.
First of all, there ARE no “white working men” in the area.
Not very damned many, anyway. The smart ones left 25 years ago and the dumb ones are too busy drinking themselves to death to give a good flying fuck one way or another.
I would guess the population is more like 35% Spanish, 15% black, and 20% or more “white working middle class”. Merchants, teachers, students in the various colleges, etc.
Further…I take the temperature of any area through which I drive by listening to the radio. AM + FM both. Not much on of real interest to me, so I troll.
Springsteen? He’s not even on the playlists. You would catch five polka stations for every one that even MIGHT play a Springsteen song. Hard rock, soft rock, nostalgia, country, right wing talk radio, college stations that have a range of about 10 miles, endless preachers, sports and the occasional NPR-ish station that has enough juice to project its faux-lib bullshit outside of its urban/college-educated suburban area.
The Boss don’t mean SHIT in Bethlehem.
Bet on it.
Yer dreamin’.
He couldn’t help that lame Small K kerry, and he won’t be able to help Obama either. The image of Hillary Clinton hoisting a high hard one in what looks to be a VFW bar somewhere will garner her more votes than if Bruce came in person and sang at every damned Obama speech.
Bet on it.
Y’ALL like Bruce.
That’s cuz he sings to the choir.
YOU folks. The nostalgie de la boue crowd.
The people on whom the vote will really turn in PA?
He’d be better off with Aerosmith, Jimmy Sturr (a polka star), Vince Gill (country) and some Texas Hold ‘Em poker winner as his opening acts. Hard rock, country, polka + poker.
YEE haw!!! R’member thet there Charley Pride feller? I LIKE this guy!
Bet on that as well.
But Obama is too refined, too intelligent, too…reticent…to play that game.
Again…were I to have a choice, I would still choose Obama simply on the basis of symbolism of for no other reason. Plus he is one smart motherfucker who I think learns very quickly . But he is showing his weaknesses as this thing goes on, and I think that he may well get his ass thoroughly kicked in PA. He has alienated the machine vote in Philadelphia; he is NEVER going to be very big with the so-called “white working class”…again, not so much because of race as due to his own intellectual abilities and his patent inability to hide them…and the real rural folks are mostly Republicans who won’t be much involved in this primareyt anyway. Plus there are a LOT of 40+ women in many of these places with enough free time to go vote for their girl Hil.
Look for another Iowa “shocker”.
Payback is a bitch, and so is hubris.
And…FUCK the polls. They are either asking the wrong questions of the wrong people or they are tools of the right wing that is simply slavering to get its hands on Obama in a general election.
I think…I hope, anyway…that some of you might find a little dip into Joe Bageant’s vast pool of expertise in the area of “white working men” an enlightening swim.
Go here to read his latest.
Media Shit Storms and Heartland Reality
An excerpt:
I’m from Winchester, Virginia, the very kind of place and people Obama was talking about when the rotten tomatoes started hailing down. So allow me to say this: we white members of the sweating class have been working alongside laboring immigrants, legal and illegal, for decades and have not been killing them with our personal arms in a rage of antipathy, in so far as I know. The reason, near as I can tell, is that we do not give a happy shit one way or another because most of us do not have interest or knowledge enough to fester on the topic. Nor the time. When we fester on stuff, it’s about making car payments and trying not to default on our mortgages. Working two and sometimes three jobs per household does not leave much time to develop political opinions, much less informed ones. I’d be willing to bet there is not a working class person within four blocks of where I now sit who has even heard of this media manufactured Obama fracas. Yesterday Smokey, the apartment maintenance man next door, helped me haul a dead washing machine to the city dump. I asked him what he thought about the Obama thing.
“Huh?” he said.
He spoke for millions.
November is still seven months away. No normal person can stand, much less relish, seven more months of all this. But we will wallow in it all for the same reason a hog spends most of its life knee deep in shit. It has no other choice, it has plenty of company, and doesn’t know any other way of life.
One of these days, when it comes to the thundering non-controversy of Obama’s remarks, the blogosphere and the media may start asking the right kinds of questions. The kind Smokey asked me after I explained the Obama controversy to him:
“Who the fuck cares?”
Who the fuck cares?
‘Cept fer you intellecshuls, ‘a course.
Bored in the USA?
More from Joe Bageant:
Sounds like the leftiness blogosphere in all of its glory to me.
Bethlehem is in Northhampton County.
You said:
Even accounting for illegal immigrants that might boost the Hispanic population a few points, you are off by over 10% of your estimate of their population, 12% on the black population, and about 70% of the white population.
What this shows is that you are talking straight out of your ass.
You believe census numbers?
You do not think that there has been an absolute flood of Central American people into those small towns as the white population has both moved away and aged? It’s been nearly a decade since those 2000 numbers were collected in 1999. A busy little decade for functioning illegals.
Trenton North now.
You do not think that illegals…and people who feel criminalized simply by their skin color and/or accents and/or financial situation as well…do not even bother to answer the door when the census people show up? Census, social work, parole officers, policemen, ICE, La Migra??? They are ALL the cops to people who have been denied entry into Big Sleeple World.
You think census takers walk into black and hispanic neighborhoods as often as they do white ones?
You believe the GOVERNMENT!!!???
The same government that stole the last two elections and is well on its way to copping this one while y’all jerk off over Barack Obama and jerk off ON Hillary Clinton?
And then you say that it’s me who’s talking out of my ass?
Niuce Booman.
Wake up and smell the tortillas.
The only decent food that I could find in all of downtown Bethlehem was Central American. And believe me…I looked. I was there every two weeks during the school year for 4 semesters.
The first couple of times I went there I got turned around in the middle of town and had to getrr directions. No one spoke English. Not even a little bit.
NO one.
Not after dark.
I got yer “white working class.”
Right HERE!!!
Looking for work on the outskirts of Everywhere City, USA.
Bet on it.
P.S. The Census? The part about “In the county, the population was spread out with 23.30% under the age of 18, 9.20% from 18 to 24, 28.30% from 25 to 44, 23.40% from 45 to 64, and 15.70% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 38 years.”?
Betcha even if they got it right in the ensuing 10 years the under 18 percentage went down 20% or more. Old broke white folks don’t have that many kids. Betcha further that the 18 to 44 year old percentage dropped radically too as people moved away from the rotting hulks of our abandoned industrial infrastructure. 45 to post-65? The percentage grew. Outside of the college and the Spanish neighborhoods, Bethlehem was a late-middle aged city as far as white people are concerned.
Go out and see for yourself. It’s not that far. Less than 70 miles.
well, I thought we were talking about people who can vote, so I’m not sure how insisting you are right about the “illegals” changes BooMan’s point…?
Off Topic, a little Mr Gilroy.
As a reader of quite a few general knowledge subscriptions & also scientific ones, I came across a tidbit that might interest you.
The Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra, is mentioned in the “Jukebox” section of the May issue of Smithsonian.
Regrettably, the online version is not available yet, where one will be able to hear some pre-recordings (oxymoronic?) of some of the jazz performances echoing between the pyramids.
I, with my powers of deduction, am presuming then, that Lenny Foy, in the image attached to the article, must be one of your ‘confreres’, on that cultural exchange trip to Egypt.
Now, I`ll be checking in to the Smithsonian home page regularly till the current issue is on line, to listen in.
Is my deduction correct?