Bush is the most unpopular president in the history of polling. He’s more unpopular than Nixon on the day he resigned.
What’s on your mind tonight?
Bush is the most unpopular president in the history of polling. He’s more unpopular than Nixon on the day he resigned.
What’s on your mind tonight?
The Edword
My Values: Universal HairCare + Jet Skis: Kawasaki 800SXR!
Why can’t we end poverty in 30 years? Bush ended the Middle Class in 8.
Pretty darn good rf – thanks for posting.
my pleasure.
I saw Edwards on Colbert and my first thought was:
This man is not just in Philly to be on the Colbert Report.
I’m thinking an endorsement is in the offing. Any scoops on this?
Not that I have heard.
Obama on Colbert Report
Manufactured Political Distractions: You are Officially ON NOTICE!
I think this debate will prove to be the thing that sends Obama over the top in PA. Everyone can recognize when someone is being ganged up on. Most people are good people who come to the aid of such person.
Flag pins? Seriously? I loved Obama’s response – I show my patriotism by taking care of veterans, not by wearing a pin.
Reminds me of Christians who wear a cross rather than loving thy neighbor.
Speaking of Christians, does the Pope really deserve the coverage he got on MSNBC this morning? I mean, I used to be Catholic. I used to enjoy spectacle. But seriously. I wanted to hear about news that was going to affect me, and instead, I got people singing and playing harp (albeit beautifully). But MSNBC? I’d expect that from Good Morning America. MSNBC????
I was happy to see Obama nearly tied in PA in some poll today. I so want to see him win in this state which she long ago claimed as “hers.” Oh please, hit the phones, people, and help us put him over the top there this weekend. I’ll be calling for about 4 hours each on Saturday and Sunday, and I HATE being on the phone. But I love the thought that with a little sacrifice, we can help this amazing man become president. It’s worth it!
I had to wonder about that too. Last I looked Roman Catholics were the largest religious denomination in the country, numbering about a quarter of us. (I don’t know how they count those statistics — presumably anyone on the Church’s rolls. Maybe even still you.) So someone should be covering the Pope’s visit. But MSNBC? C’mon, Catholics have their own cable channel, for heaven’s sake. Show it there.
As near as I can figure out, MSNBC is actively trying to avoid reporting on substantive issues on their morning show. I get in to the cafeteria at work every morning at about 8:30 and stop for breakfast. MSNBC is on most days. Their coverage is all over the place. They’ll have stories about the weather, nursing home fires, school bus crashes, rape/murder suspects being caught in Mexico. All of it is news to someone, but none of it is news to everyone worthy of being carried on a national channel. It just seems with all the important news out there, especially with their line about “the place for politics” they would carry news that affects the whole country, not breaking stories about a car jumping a barrier and ending up on the steps of a New York courthouse.
U.S. persons are still suckers for European folklore. No where in Europe would the pope have got the attention he’s now getting in the U.S. The man knows on which side his bread is buttered, be sure of that. The subject of BBC World Service ‘Have your say’ is today: should the pope have been given a presidential-style welcome in the U.S. Try to get such a discussion going in the MSM. He now passes for a ‘social critic’ among talking and writing heads. Imagine that! They probably mean that he moralizes. Which presidential candidate is a social critic? Did the family Bush traipse out to the airport to welcome the Dalai Lama?
Someone please make the stupid stop.
MediaFreeze must have brain freeze to actually have posted that diary. This is me: “Oh wow…so that’s what the “imbecile” looks like. My IQ bottomed out reading that diary. It was like a YouTube commenter learned some new words beyond bitch, fuck and gay.
There are those that will insist staying in the alternate universe whatever the evidence says. Delusions and living in denial will do that to you.
…how difficult it will be to totally overturn our big money-driven election system in the fall. I actually believe Obama has only a sliver of a chance. Clinton is still in the race because big money, realizing how bad McCain’s position actually is, felt she was the most practical compromise. She has big money backers who won’t let her quit.
But “yes we can” T shirts won’t do it. It will take a lot of that shoe-rubber (no one wearing leather any more!), starting in Pennsylvania. Skipping a class to go to a rally won’t do it.
Witness how the corporates at ABC tried to trash Obama’s lead in Pennsylvania this week.
It’s not just the young voters pounding the pavement for Obama here in PA. When I go to the local HQ, there are people in their 40s and upward who are volunteering for Obama’s campaign, and saying that this is the first time they’ve ever done something like this. And that they’re having fun doing it.
Has been the same all over the country. The medium age of volunteers in the office in Texas was about 35. We had volunteers as young as 12 and as old as 80 working before the primary and up till the county conventions.
The Fall Out;
My take away was that Clinton’s beat up of Obama was aimed at super-delegates..”see, see he can’t in”
Did.not work. She lost. They’re tired and have been to decide NOW one way or the other.
Superdelegates unswayed by Clinton’s attacks
clueless, abc freak show
clueless Clinton
that the only thing a vote for Clinton can accomplish now is prolonging the agony? I think that’s the main argument to make this weekend.
nixon never slept more soundly than he does now.
covering politics is hard work so we do this instead
pair of articles from Philly’s Citypaper done by ‘undercover’ reporters:
I was a Clinton volunteer
I was an Obama volunteer
those were a stark comparison. Thanks for the links.
Clinton lost another and this is a biggie:
former Clinton first Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich to officially endorse Obama
Note: Reich and Bill Clinton go way back to school days – 40 years. Guess Craville adds to the column
the flood: HRC will need to be pushed.
AP Ongoing nomination fight hurting Clinton more than Obama
as we view stock charts, the chart graph with that AP piece shows Clinton in a downtrend -since November, 2007. WOW.
From the politics/strange bedfellows file: Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama has won an endorsement from Republican and former Nixon Watergate figure William D. Ruckelshaus.
Ruckelshaus was serving as deputy attorney general in 1973 when he made history as part of the infamous Saturday Night Massacre. He and his boss, Attorney General Elliot Richardson, were fired after they refused Nixon’s order to dismiss the independent counsel investigating the Watergate break-ins.
The former Nixon FBI director and secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency hopes to help Obama defeat Democratic rival Sen. Hillary Clinton in the May 6 primary in Ruckelshaus’ homestate of Indiana. The state has been a longtime Republican stronghold in presidential politics.
after bopping around the blogs this AM, I can safely say the Clinton camp has gotta be having a tough day.
The negative ads haven’t swayed the superdelegates toward Clinton, Obama’s up in a big way, and Robert Reich is endorsing Obama instead of Clinton.
Ouch. Just ouch.
Bill Maher talking about Flag Pins
And a diary about Mad Libs
On the original question here, I’d been thinking back and mumbling something along the lines of Nixon wasn’t all that bad…hah!, that’s good news for Nixon’s legacy that he’s finally gotten up off the floor thanks to another Rep.