They were at it again last night, chasing Jean ValJean through the same stinking sewer with their same phoney patriotism. This time they planted a lapel pin,a whisper of Hamas, and an old land mine Sean Hannity wired up.

Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos, sharing the role of  Javert, the obsessive police inspector, stirred the waters to roiling. But last night, Senator Obama was sick of running through their muck. He was tired of playing Frederick March to their Charles Laughton.

As for HRC, she’s no Annie Oakley, but she knows how to swim with the sharks. She knows it’s better to hunt than be hunted.

As she put it, “everyone has rummaged in it [her baggage]  for years.” She made out that she’s cleared customs, but Obama needs a body cavity search.  

Nothing Obama says will satisfy his inquisitors. If they won’t take a character reference from the likes of   Kennedy, Casey, Richardson, Dodd,   Durbin, Kerry,Leahy, and Tom Daschle! From Rockefeller,l Bradley, Hart, Brzezinski! Susan Eisenhower not good enough?

Not good enough the stellar array of military officers, city mayors, governors, 100 + newspapers, Harvard Law school, keynote speech at Democratic Convention in ’04, miles of paper trail from state and U.S. senate, oh no! We need to know how Reverend Wright really feels about America.

Two best selling autobiographical books, a host of interviews,  press conferences, endless debates and stump speeches, a few “historical” speeches before the entire nation thrown in, but we gotta grill Obama some more on what he thinks about race, Reverend Wright, and his grandmother. Nash McCabe! Get over here now and find out why this Taliban disguised as a fellow democrat doesn’t wear a flag pin!

Mais oui.  Must be something he’s hiding in that carry-on.

Monsieur Obama, Arretez! Eet iz a matter of zat leetle loaf of bread you steal twenty year ago…    
When words are not enough

Obama has something more convincing, a much bigger flag than he could possibly find room for on a lapel. He’s got the widest and deepest and perhaps most dedicated constituency of any politician in American history. He’s got us.

Who are we? We are  steel workers and teachers; anti-war protestors and Vietnam Vets; Muslims and Catholics, Protestants and Jews, atheists and Zen Buddhists.

We are white, latino, black, Pacific Islander, Asian. We are Italian and Irish and Polish and Hispanic and Anglo Americans.  We are ivy-leaguers who drink budweiser and truck drivers who prefer Manhattans.

We are young men and old women; from  small towns and big cities; immigrants and Native Americans; republicans and democrats; of  all socio economic groups, from all fifty states.

Last night, MSM and HRC insulted, demeaned, and stereotyped a huge swath of America.  Still chewing on Obama’s clumsy but well-intended analysis of the political  mind-set of some traditional voters n PA, HRC  goes after a vast cross section of her fellow Americans with a baseball bat and her elitist corporate-media pals.  

Last night, WE were treated like thieves in our own house. WE were accused of stealing the silver candlesticks WE have paid for.      
Citizens, it’s we who are chased through the sewer; we who are made suspect; we who are called guilty by association with our choice of candidate.

To the barricades!

As General Pershing said when he landed in France:  Obama, we are here.