We’re saturated here today. Clinton was in West Chester this morning and Obama will be in Paoli in about an hour, followed by Downington after that. So…whaddya think is gonna happen on Tuesday? Who is gonna win, and by how much?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I just saw him at the Wynnewood train station. Huge turnout. A Democratic event like that on the Main Line would unthinkable when I was a kid.
Yeah, I think I’ll mosey over to Paoli in a minute. Something quaint about a whistle stop.
I just got back from Wynnewood, too. Fantastic event! Barack was excellent, and he had solid support from his trainmate Bob Casey.
But it was H*O*T! Thank goodness they had water; I downed two bottles.
Clinton by 6 points. But the media will make it sound like a monumental win for her, and now the nomination is up for grabs, it’s a dead heat.
Roughly my take. I think Clinton by 8. The press will portray it as a great victory for a day or two, at which point they’ll move back to doing the math, and we’re on to Indiana and North Carolina. Obama will wipe out Clinton’s Penn gains with NC, while Indiana will be too close to move anything much.
haven’t a clue.
but if the anecdotal evidence, such as this…h/t idredit…he’s going to be VERY competitive.
without a blow out the clinton continues to lose ground, as well as stature.
the sd’s are getting a lot of pressure to put an end to this dismal charade of hers, maybe tuesday will seal the deal.
Clinton may squeak out ahead 2 points, but it may be a close-run thing.
I dunno. I think more than just us ObamaNationals were mightily ticked at ABClinton this week. The anger is still palpable three days later. When, when will these a-holes–Stephanopoulos and Gibson for starters–focus on issues!
WEll …. since Obama wants us to abide by the golden rule …. do unto others as you would have them do unto you … it’s time for ALL of US to flip HIM off:
Obama & (“Middle-Finger-Gate”) …. & WHY the MEDIA isn’t covering it:
Originally posted on: The Swamp website:
Just watch the videos. He did it twice, in the same day, at two separate events. He made the gesture at the same point in his speeches – the crowd understood what he meant. Actions speak louder than words. This man is not fit to be a US Senator.
First speech:
Second speech:
Posted by: james | April 18, 2008 3:47 PM
If Obama gets the nod it will be due solely to Black hypocrisy and White guilt. Great way to get a president! You think the last 8 years were a mess…just wait!
Posted by: Sandee Enriquez | April 18, 2008 5:30 PM
I’m still laughing at the nitwits who 1) think that a face scratch is an obscene gesture and 2) the liars who say that the media isn’t covering it. It’s been covered because the media peddles to the lowest common denominator.
But what kills me the most is that what he’s talking about is exactly this kind of thing and you weirdos, especially the bigots like you, are unable to hear it because the simple words Obama uses sails over your head.
But as you know: They’ll spend weeks griping about Flipoffgate, as a sure sign that Obama is an evil, mean, misogynistic darkie or something.
I can see the endless MyDD headlines on the RecList now.
Adding: It’ll be Snubgate all over again.
Elme, two different camera angles do not two events make. Your comment does make me wonder if are you actually stupid or if you are just lying. Here’s a third angle, though it won’t help your case at all so you may not want to spread it around. Maybe you could just say that it’s a third event!
now the middle finger come in fours and includes the pinky too?
even Ben Smith had the photos debunking the middle finger nonsense.
This is worse than willful ignorance; it’s a malicious smear of the kind we have become accustomed to see from the HillBots. No surprise, though, Hil sounds increasingly like a neocon (she and McCain should sing a duo of Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran) and her supporters take her clue; lie, smear and malign.
White guilt?
No, you fool. He’ll win because smarter people than you are voting for him.
I’ve had all I can stand of you INSANE Clinton supporters! This is the same speech.
Did you bother to look at the people behind him?
Are you going to tell me that he takes them on the road with him?
Thank you. I wish people would stop this nonsense about white guilt. Nobody wins the Iowa caucuses on white guilt. Enough with the excuse-making.
elme, if you listen really, really hard you will hear that when Obama says “my opponent” he cuts a fart. Really. Listen really, really carefully. If you listen to the whole speech over and over you’ll be able to find it. Good luck!
Prediction: HRC will continue to occupy the low road.
This is cool (slide show) – Obama went out and did some door-to-door campaigning in Pennsylvania this morning…. His campaign keeps coming up with fresh ideas and great strategies.
Clinton by 8.
And the effort comtinues.
In the back rooms.
I’ll be revising my PA predictions today and posting my final projections.
it may surprise, depending on where the Obama camp does best in the GOTV. They should be on the look out for last minute smear leaflets.
April 18, 2008 Rasmussen PA Poll had a 3-point spread.
-considering Obama started out with a 20-point deficit and that Clinton needs to win by double digits; that polls find little shift over the ‘bitter-gate’ I bet a cortland late stored apple that Clinton will be disappointed BUT
she’ll spin it that she won PA, the same way she spun winning Texas b/c her last ditch strategy for spite is the FL and MI delegates. The media will allow and aide her…to continue their ratings BD.
This divisive campaign has gone on too long. This is why the Clintons need to be soundly defeated and then ushered to the door.
Those folks are going to make me hate them.
This guy thinks Obama has it.
More than 130,000 Pennsylvanians joined the Democratic Party in the days and weeks leading up to our March 24 registration deadline.
I wasn’t one of them.
I’m still a Republican, and while I won’t have a vote in the battle between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, like everyone else, I have an opinion as to the better of the two.
It’s Obama.
I’m not a big fan of Smerconish for obvious ideological reasons, but his prediction on Penn does leave me doubting my prediction. My sense, after listening to him a few times on MSNBC, is that he has a much better feel for the state outside of Philly than Matthews, who’s forever mired in the ethnic and machine politics of yesteryear. After listening to Smerconish predict Obama by two points, I’m thinking I may just not see what’s coming.
Come sit by me. 🙂
I’ve gain some respect for Smerconish since he started to question the war.
His eyes are now open.
As far as I know, Matthews hasn’t lived in Pennsylvania since he left high school. His knowledge of Philly is very stale.
Smerconish may know Philly–I dunno; I avoid him on TV, etc.–but he wouldn’t know anything past the Main Line.
Here in a very red central PA county, in a suburbs-exurbs-rural area, I have seen 1 Clinton yardsign, no McCain yardsigns, and half-a-dozen Obama yardsigns. Yeah, it surprised me, too. My husband said he saw “5 or 6” Obama yardsigns on a road we’d door-knocked for a state rep candidate 4 years ago and found hardly any Democrats; just about all of them must be for Obama.
It’s a hopeful sign, but I don’t think the yard signs are a great indicator. Clinton probably came close to even with Obama on yard signs in my part of Northern Virginia, but she lost 2-to-1.
And then, of course, there are the Ron Paul signs.
too bad McCain ended his “it’ll be a respectful campaign” pledge.
wouldn’t wanna a buy a used tire from him.
McCain is toast. All we have to do is keep reminding people that he said people in economic distress have psychological problems.
Clinton by one percent.
well, I’m on lunch break in th WA State convention in our county and this morning’s dust up came from Clintons supporters who said they represented precincts that voted for Obama but they personally were for Clinton and they wanted to run as state delegates. Almost slipped through too. A bit of a hullabaloo.
Now on to the resolutions…
So…Obama was able to hold onto his fair share of delegates, I hope?
now that I don’t have people looking over my shoulder, yes, Obama held onto ALL the delegates but it was very contentious and despite the Obama people trying to get the Clinton people to stay to help with resolutions and to participate, they left.
I tried to get our state chair to commit to Obama, kinda got the impression he favor Hillary, but was alarmed to hear him say he wasn’t going to decide until he was on the glide path into Denver. Hope the other supers don’t follow his lead.
Between 6 – 9 points. I just can’t see Obama winning this thing no matter the paper endorsements or crowd sizes. The news media has spent the last 2 weeks talking about how much Clinton’s huge lead has dropped and have been pointing to how she needs the large gap. I’ve seen articles where they mention that no matter how small she wins, she’ll spin it as huge for her and devastating for Obama.
I’d mention that she’d move the goalposts, but she did that last month when she said June 3rd.
They’ve been moved so many times that the goalposts aren’t even in the stadium anymore.
They’re playing the same sport!
I have no predictions, only prayers. Please, Great Spaghetti Monster, please help Obama win so all the remaining Supers will come out for him and SHUT.HILLARY.UP! And her little fiends, too.
Safe bet? Clinton less than 10.
I was watching Surf’s Up just now (for the 4th time!) & noticed a line in the New Radicals song: 4 a.m. we ran the miracle mile. The song is You Get What You Give & plays at the end of the movie. Seemed fitting. btw, Roger Bannister broke the four-minute barrier on May 6, 1954.
Obama by three percent. Shades of Harry Truman and his whistlestop campaign in 1948. Don’t underestimate the power of ordinary people when they get moving at last. And they are moving now. Just look at the size of the crowds turning out to see Obama as he rides on by.
Thank-you, Vassili Arkipov, for my life and the lives of my loved ones.
I predict Obama by 1% and Hillary still tries to claim a victory.
Hi, I am new to this site. For the past few months I have been a lurker. I really enjoy this website. I read this at Marc Ambinder and this is what he wrote:
It’s endearing, actually. Earlier in the day, Clinton’s state director, Nick Clemons, told reporters that a win was a win was a win — and that because Barack Obama was outspending Clinton by a ratio of three to one (a Clinton later later upped the ratio to four to one), the race was really close.
I’m glad Rendell is on the Clinton team…he’s consistently off message and never seems to get the memo that everyone else did.
Welcome to BT!