Straight Talk Express Travel Advisory: Detours Ahead!


A spokesman for McCain’s campaign said he would be unavailable for an interview on the subject of his temper.

Last week:

I believe in giving great access to the press for three reasons. First, I much prefer long back and forths, where reporters have multiple follow ups and I have an opportunity to explain my views in greater detail….

Second, I think reporters are better able to meet their first responsibility of ensuring an informed citizenry if they are allowed to press a candidate for more than a gotcha quote or a comment on whatever the cable driven news environment has decided is the process story of the day.

Last, and most importantly, the responsibility of an informed citizenry is as much my responsibility as it is yours. I don’t believe in deceiving voters about my positions, my beliefs or how I would govern this country were I to have the extraordinary privilege of serving as President.

Reporters and pundits don’t seem to care very much that John McCain has flip flopped on torture, favors for lobbyists, and a slew of other issues.  

Maybe they’ll take an interest now that he’s flip-flopping on access for the press.

Originally posted at