If you haven’t signed up to do something for Obama’s campaign, you should do it here. You can sign up to make phone calls here, even if you don’t live in Pennsylvania. You can call other states, too. You can sign up to volunteer here. Just tell them what your skill sets are and they’ll find a use for you. Above all, don’t just sit on your buttocks and the world come to you. Go change the world.
But, in the meantime, pithy comments in this thread are welcomed.
My skill sets ARE sitting on my buttocks and waiting for the world to come to me.
heh. we’ve got to work on that 😉
I thought that was FM’s territory.
I’d love to make calls, but I hate unsolicited calls a whole lot.
I filled out that volunteer form, but apparently they’ve already got enough web & graphic designers (um, duh!). Do you know of any local needs in PA for some immediate web or graphic design work?
You would be surprised how easy phone banking is. I refuse to take telemarketing calls but have never minded calls about elections or had many rude people when I phone banked. It is a good way to help turn out the vote and make a difference and is all scripted.
Are these all people who are registered Democrats? How are the phonees determined?
With PA, it would be registered democrats. Most states have a data bank that is available to national campaigns to buy into and the campaigns usually call double(voted Dem in Last two primaries) and triple(voted Dem in last three primaries) D’s to turn out the vote.
I made some this morning and again this evening.
Please are pleasant. Not difficult to do.
I made about 60 calls this afternoon. I HATE, with a purple passion, talking on the phone. I love in person or by email, but have never liked being chained, one way or another, to a phone. But I did it.
And I’m not even feeling well – spent much of yesterday pulling something together for something I can’t talk about yet, and was utterly exhausted. But I hauled myself down to the call center where I was the sole caucasian caller among many African Americans in the district. By the way – one of my district’s delegates was there, calling for Obama. I was really happy to see that. Lots of people stop volunteering once they become a delegate because they make it about them. She continues to make it about Obama, which made me feel good about losing to her! 😉
We were calling undecides. I noticed that most of those who had recently decided went to Obama, but not by a huge margin. I have a bad feeling that those who haven’t moved to Obama by now aren’t going to, barring some really horrible move on Clinton’s part (a distinct possibility!)
I feel like I can hardly breathe until this guy has the nomination. We have such an incredible opportunity to turn a corner in our country on so many levels, perhaps most importantly because he is truly the first publicly funded candidate to ever make it this far. A whole world of possibilities opens to us if he gets to the White House, because he’ll go there with the fewest ties of anyone in recent history.
I hope you all took BooMan’s advice and hit the roads or phones today as well..!
Thank you all for the encouragement! I just worked a 12-hour day, but maybe I’ll see about some last-minute calls tomorrow.
Sorry about the 12 hour day! Yikes. Even 5 calls tomorrow reaches five more than we might not have otherwise. Make the calls!
Amy Goodman and her brother David came this morning to speak to 400 of us in our tiny town of 5000. They are on a book tour and making a special effort to visit towns with a community-supported radio station that runs Democracy Now. Really inspiring pep talk about how change starts with each of us, courage appears in all kinds of places. Which is the theme of the new book, “Standing Up to the Madness.” They videotaped any of us who wanted to speak about our own activist activities. Naturally I had to tell them about 3 organizations we founded because we saw a gap and a need: Central Colorado Humanists, Central Colorado Coalition on the Iraq War and the Chaffee People’s Clinic.
What a great day. We left so uplifted and encouraged. YES WE CAN!
I like my politicians like I like my coffee: black and bitter.
spewing w/ laugher: good excuse to clean computer monitor.
Once ya go black….
Black and strong, not bitter.
any one caught Frank Rich NYT Op-Ed on the ABC blind mice crusade?
via Huffpost: Shoddy! Tawdry! A televised Train Wreck
An Obama worker dropped by my house this afternoon, to chat and (hopefully) convince me to vote for Obama on tuesday.
(this is Chesco, eastern suburbs of West Chester, the district has 2:1 GOP to Dem registration, but it’s changing)
I’ve never had anything like that happen before. But sorry, I’m STILL undecided.
What are the key issues on your mind?
Whatever you can do, please help out. I will be spending as much time as I can the next 2 days (unfortunately, I still have school obligations to attend to) volunteering from the University City office.
I have no (useful) skills.
Hah. Maybe you should get some practice doing portraits because we’ll be needing a few soon.