Anyone want to discuss what everyone else is discussing?
See, it’s a conspiracy. The New York Times waits to commit a really important and serious bit of journalism until two days before the Pennsylvania election, when we’re all gearing up and out-of-state houseguests are on the way for last minute canvassing and GOTV efforts.
I don’t have time to do an analytical piece on the unmasking of the military-industrial-media misinformation campaign to keep us in the dark about the clusterfuck in Iraq. So, maybe you all can tell me what happened?
I will say that Pat Lang told me about this three years ago, after he was disinvited to Pentagon media outreach events for being critical of the administration.
Go here:
for an article on the findings of the Church and Pike Committees in the 1970s about CIA-financed journalists and propaganda ops.
Nothing so new. Just that it’s so deliberate that it’s harder to deny.
who remembers “The manufacturing of Consent” 1980s vintage?
Chomskey? I do.
Bush’s greatest victory has been his subversion/coopting of the press. Starting with his claiming legitimacy in 2000, Bush & Co. have constantly been pulling the media strings.
Embedding reporters with troops during the Iraq invasion ensured a continuation of the video propaganda barrage concocted by every network.
Leni Riefenstahl and Goebbels would be proud.
After Jan, 20009 I have no doubt that the newly emboldened press will begin to unmask even more insidious manipulation of American public opinion.
One of the causes of my life is to get people to understand how completely controlled the major media are in this country. That’s an important battle, because you can’t change people’s minds until they realize most of what they thought they knew is BS.
Despite the fog, however, some people still do penetrate it and find the truth. A lot of people on this blog fall into that category.
And abroad, it’s no surprise Obama is widely favored. They don’t get the news filtered through Wolf Blitzer and National Pentagon Radio:
Reflected in these two must read articles:
– The Post-Gazette Backs Barack:Charm and “change” key to the steeltown daily’s choice
The Sunday Times, UK
Hillary Clinton’s ‘Republican’ tactics backfire in battle for Pennsylvania
For the last hour I’ve been phone banking PA. Hillary has lost supporters to Obama. Heard this more than once; “everytime Hillary hurled mud at Obama she turned me off. I can no longer vote for her”
your cause is the righteous cause. What the nyt report codifies is not so much the collusion of the “Experts” but the blatant willingness of the media to abrogate their responsibility to the citizenry.
I too have been decrying this disgrace.and what I find so distressing is the unwillingness of the Congress to openly rebut this blatant disgrace.
This reminds me of Operation Mockingbird when the CIA manipulated the media.
I wonder how many of those people are still in place?