Just because Katie Couric stinks doesn’t mean that Hillary stinks. In fact, the two have nothing whatsoever to do with each other.
Update [2008-4-21 22:14:58 by BooMan]: If you live in District 2 and you are planning on voting for Barack Obama, please make sure to select Josh Uretsky as a delegate. No one has worked as diligently to help Obama win in Pennsylvania. And he is a longtime Tribber.
Maybe Katie Couric can help her ratings by wearing a nifty flag pin.
I’m absolutely stunned Keith Olbermann was so weak-kneed with Her Majesty tonight. Not one hard question, and he didn’t call her on the “Iran is developing nukes” garbage until he’d escaped safely into the arms of token Brit Richard Wolffe. Another NIE report, dealing directly with a vote on war and peace, ignored by Hillary Clinton.
Iran’s nuclear weapons are about as real as Hillary’s Bosnian snipers.
Could anyone please explain the utterly psychotic idea of getting in the middle of a nuclear war between Iran and Israel? I really am tired of this “Fight everywhere ’cause America’s awesome and everyone else is stupid!” mentality. The Very Serious People, chief among them Hillary Clinton (and her increasingly amazing taste for war), must go.
actually, it was a good move not to call her on her “nuking” Iran statement. First, it makes her spend valuable time tomorrow explaining “what she meant to say.” Next, when she tries to explain what she “really” meant to say, it will remind the voters of her sniper incident at Tuzla.
He had the nerve to bring it up at all…no one else did. And he actually commented on it clearly. He did the hardest interview with her that anyone has done. Her Majesty has no clothes; he just suggested it.
Obama, Hillary and McCain will have taped appearances on Monday Night Raw.
“Wear your best wife-beater! President’s comin’.” /snark
Here is the actual video
I’m not sure what that was for but John McCain’s segment was funny. In a good way.
Maybe it’s just the fit of nerves I’m having counting the hours until the final vote count tonight, but that video just struck me as weird. I usually love anything satirical, but there was a strained quality to this video that just didn’t seem funny and made me wonder what the point was.
I want to fast forward two weeks, after the Obama blow-out in Indiana and North Carolina, and relax and watch him coast the rest of the way to the nomination. It can’t happen soon enough for me.
Uhoh, I hope The Rock doesn’t mind the B-dog borrowing his tag line…
Hillary on obliterating Iran…..
As I said above, this is just insane. And, as I asked on dKos: Am I the only one disturbed by this? Am I the only one who hears this and thinks WTF?!
No. It made me realize why Rupert Murdoch was an early donor to her campaign.
You aren’t alone. The two dKos diaries on the subject are now up to about 1900 comments–combined.
At a certain point, maybe around the time of the discussion of nuclear winter, the idea of mutual assured destruction took hold with the populace. It really was crazy to be talking about nuclear war. When Bush II’s people started talking about bunker-busting it was horror-provoking. Sane people just didn’t talk about blowing up the world.
Now Hillary is talking crazy shit about a nuclear war where none is needed. First, Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons and under best (worst) circumstances won’t for years. Second, Israel’s probably got at least 200-300 nukes. They can flatten every town in Iran that’s larger than a county seat. What would U.S. nukes do? Bounce the rubble again?
No, I think this is a purely political move by Clinton to motivate the farthest of the right-wing of eligible Dems to vote for her. Those who are looking for Armageddon! You know, after you appeal to the bitter gun-owners, bowlers and religionists, you have to motivate those who are waiting for the end of the world. Blow it up, start all over again on Tobacco Road. Whoa whoa whoa.
I’m surprised that Hillary hasn’t been rockin’ the Doctor Quinn look to pull in any stray polygamists hiding out in the hills of PA.
The author raised the tale of Couric as an allegory for the Clinton/Obama race–and then entirely dropped the allegory. In trying to figure what happened to that Couric allegory in the rest of the mish-mash writing, I discovered about eight reader comments like this one:
“Err.. It was CBS, not ABC. I would have thought you could have got at least THIS right (if nothing else)”
Apparently, the article was later corrected.
I don’t know anything about the quality of The Telegraph but that linked piece was one bad piece of writing.
Yet I couldn’t resist the link that said, “Read more Janet Daley” and I found this (wrong) prediction published on Feb. 2 … Kennedy’s kiss of death for Barack Obama. It finished with this other prediction:
I won’t be surprised if McCain flinches as soon as the first Obama/McCain debate occurs.
You select your delegates on primary day?
CA used to have the delegates on the ballot – odd. But last time around, all these Dean delegates were selected who then had nowhere to go, so the party decided to hold delegate elections after the election, when the exact candidates and proportions would be known.
Just in case you needed further encouragement, during halftime of the Cavaliers / Wizards game on TNT, Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley gave a shout out to Barack Obama and urged everyone watching from PA to get out and vote tomorrow.
MoveOn has just put up their 30 second Obama ads, in competition with each other. I’m enjoying them all! Here’s a cute one:
Goddamn, Hillary’s comments on Iran when she was interviewed by Olbermann are insane. Did she morph into Joe Lieberman overnight, or is she more hawkish than she’s been letting on?
More hawkish than she let on. That was my big fear, and the one point on which I’d make my choice if she were the nominee. If she turned out to be Hillary Clinton, Finally Right on Iraq, I’d hold my nose and pull the lever. If she was Hillary Clinton, Nutcase, I would stay home.
She’s not going to change on Iraq, and it appears she’s either worse than we feared or has no policy at all but accommodation. To get elected. To satisfy private interests. Which brings me to another fear. Bill’s foreign entanglements will drive her foreign policy.
After 8 years of Bush/Cheney, how the hell did we end up with 2 out of 3 candidates unapologetic hawks?
Please don’t stay home if she’s nominated. Work for and vote for congressional candidates. We will need the strongest possible Senate and HR if either she or McCain get in, a possibility I cannot face at the moment.
Well, yeah, I’ll work for and vote for the congressional and senatorial candidates, of course. I don’t mean, literally, “stay home.”
Good. We will work and vote for progressive candidates but likely take a pass on the president if it’s McCain vs Clinton
More hawkish. I’ve said to friends that it would be better to have someone else in office than her because when she would behave worse than Bush nobody would call her on it because she has a D after her name and she’s a woman.
b/c she needs to prove how tough she can be more tough than any guy….more wars than Bush that’s what we’ll get, more secrecy.
Like I said before, it may be a Clinton-Lieberman thing. Wow, what an item that would be, the anteroom of national insanity.
Hey, idredit, thanks for the help the other night, on the late night adult moment.
Wall Street Journal Managing Editor Said to Be Resigning – New York Times
No one could have predicted…
If you haven’t heard this yet:
I have a question, copied from my diary… I did several google searches to try to figure it out, but I figure the answer must be related to this “TV” thing some people have.
A nice lady I barely know overheard me raving about the PA elections, and said something like, “Well, at first I was a Clinton supporter, but then she went negative. Then I was a Barack Obama supporter, but he just seems like such a whiner. I’ll vote for whoever’s not McCain, but I won’t be happy about it!”
Obama’s a whiner? I’d seen lots of blog comments where HRC supporters called Obama supporters “whiners”, but no actual Obama whining. I could see thinking he’s arrogant or “weak” (of course if he was half as vicious as HRC or angry as McCain he’d be a terrifying angry black man)… but a whiner? Huh? Where the hell did this spin come from?