It’s war plan time again at the Pentagon, and once more our favorite target is …
Joint Chiefs Chairman Says U.S. Preparing Military Options Against Iran
By Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, April 25, 2008; 1:51 PMThe nation’s top military officer said today that the Pentagon is planning for “potential military courses of action” against Iran, criticizing what he called the Tehran government’s “increasingly lethal and malign influence” in Iraq.
Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said a conflict with Iran would be “extremely stressing” but not impossible for U.S. forces, pointing specifically to reserve capabilities in the Navy and Air Force.
“It would be a mistake to think that we are out of combat capability,” he said at a Pentagon news conference. […]
Mullen’s statements and others by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates recently signal a new rhetorical onslaught by the Bush administration against Iran, amid what officials say is increased Iranian provision of weapons, training and financing to Iraqi groups that are attacking and killing Americans.
In a speech Monday at West Point, Gates said Iran “is hell-bent on acquiring nuclear weapons.” He said a war with Iran would be “disastrous on a number of levels. But the military option must be kept on the table given the destabilizing policies of the regime and the risks inherent in a future Iranian nuclear threat.”
Something tells me Our Dear Leader doesn’t like not being the primary focus of our 24/7 news cycle anymore. Time for one last hurrah? Go out with a bang? And maybe this explains the big fuss the Bushies have made about an Israeli attack against an alleged Syrian nuclear site that happened last September, well over seven months ago. I was wondering why Syrian nukes were suddenly back on the front pages of our corporate media propaganda pamphlets, even though the evidence of any actual nukes is thinner than the gruel served to a young Oliver Twist.
Can’t wait to see what Iran gets blamed for next, can you?
And I’m sure today’s sail-by shooting in the Persian Gulf of course was just a coincidence.
Q) If you’re President Bush, at a historically dismal disapproval rating, the country’s headed for a terrible recession if not depression, and your party is heading for the dustbin of history in a massive ass-kicking in November, what’s the best way to rally the country around you and your party again?
A) Change a ‘Q’ to an ‘N’.
Sy Hersh debunked that Syria nuclear reactor site months and months ago. Kinda curious it should raise a passing glance. There was a video, and then there was no video.
Maybe bin Laden erased it.
But Cheney is feeling lonely, as in the last throes – months of the administration – maybe he gets to throw a few grenades.
Someone on NPR was claiming that he had seen footage of equipment for a nuclear reactor and Korean faces (not clear whether there were Syrian faces as well). He was also claiming that the fact that the Syrians had bulldozed the site immediately, had refused to allow inspection of the site and had erected another structure immediately were suspicious.
still trying to provke a casus belli, and cheney on the loose…iraq, recycled.
nobady ever said these guys weren’t stupid?
and the demoRATs sit on their hands with one thumb up their asses and the other in their mouth.
Why doesn’t China put a stop to this, I mean, are they going to lend us money to attack Iran?
Well, living in California, one has to brace for another vicious red flag season (wild fires). Add false flag to that list now.
When will this madness end?
And in building a case for war against Iran, expect a liberal helping of bellicose quotations from one of the remaining Dem candidates.
Can’t wait to see the right trot out Hillary’s “obliterate” quotes from this week when the bombs start to fall.
Hell, I expect Clinton to be on the front lines of the propaganda war, cheering on the troops and calling for escalation. What I’d honestly be the most worried about in terms of Iran is Obama winning in November. Bush, McCain and Clinton can do a lot of damage in the two months between the election and Obama taking office…
Will America allow the White House to lie them into another war?
The American Heritage Dictionary
WHO is hell-bent??