In the same way some people watch auto racing for the car crashes, I read the Wall Street Journal for the Peggy Noonan. She has been totally unhinged by the unraveling of the Bush administration. No one in mainstream media can compare to her for rambling incoherence. Today’s offering, The View From Gate 14, should win a prize. It took me quite a while to figure out where she was going with her discussion of airport security. I never expected it to be related to Barack Obama’s depth of love for America. Let’s take a look at this garbage.
Main thought. Hillary Clinton is not Barack Obama’s problem. America is Mr. Obama’s problem. He has been tagged as a snooty lefty, as the glamorous, ambivalent candidate from Men’s Vogue, the candidate who loves America because of the great progress it has made in terms of racial fairness. Fine, good. But has he ever gotten misty-eyed over . . . the Wright Brothers and what kind of country allowed them to go off on their own and change everything? How about D-Day, or George Washington, or Henry Ford, or the losers and brigands who flocked to Sutter’s Mill, who pushed their way west because there was gold in them thar hills? There’s gold in that history.
John McCain carries it in his bones. Mr. McCain learned it in school, in the Naval Academy, and, literally, at grandpa’s knee. Mrs. Clinton learned at least its importance in her long slog through Arkansas, circa 1977-92.
Mr. Obama? What does he think about all that history? Which is another way of saying: What does he think of America? That’s why people talk about the flag pin absent from the lapel. They wonder if it means something. Not that the presence of the pin proves love of country – any cynic can wear a pin, and many cynics do. But what about Obama and America? Who would have taught him to love it, and what did he learn was loveable, and what does he think about it all?
Another challenge. Snooty lefties get angry when you ask them to talk about these things. They get resentful. Who are you to question my patriotism? But no one is questioning his patriotism, they’re questioning its content, its fullness. Gate 14 has a right to hear this. They’d lean forward to hear.
This is an opportunity, for Mr. Obama needs an Act II. Act II is hard. Act II is where the promise of Act I is deepened, the plot thickens, and all is teed up for resolution and meaning. Mr. Obama’s Act I was: I’m Obama. He enters the scene. Act III will be the convention and acceptance speech. After that a whole new drama begins. But for now he needs Act II. He should make his subject America.
I suppose the proper place to start is with myself. Where did I learn to love my country? Who taught me to love it? What did I find loveable? I’m not even sure of the answer, although my parents and my teachers and the programs I watched on television and the books I chose to read all played a part. I learned to love the Constitution of the United States. I learned to respect and admire the Founding Fathers of this country, despite all their flaws. I came to understand that our Republic was something new and fragile, and that it needed protection from both within and without. And I, of course, learned to love the area that I grew up in, and all the wonderful national parks around the country that I visited during summer vacations as a child. And I loved baseball and football, and mint chocolate chip ice cream. In other words, I learned to love my country the same way that Barack Obama learned to love it…by growing up here and learning a little history.
It’s hard for me to fathom why Peggy Noonan thinks that John McCain has love of country in his bones and I do not, or Obama does not. My father might not be an admiral, but he’s a veteran. My oldest brother was born in Germany while my father was stationed there. My grandfather was a Colonel in the Army during World War II. He was a physician that served stateside in Leavenworth, Kansas, healing the wounded soldiers that came back from the front. Barack Obama’s grandfather served in Patton’s army as they swept across France and into Nazi Germany. But who would have taught us to love our country?
I’ll tell you another thing. I don’t normally get my pride and my love off of the accomplishments of others. I do have pride and love for our Constitution and our system of governance, but my love of country has nothing to do with the gold miners that forced the Native Americans off their land in violation of treaties, nor with the Nazi-sympathizer Henry Ford, nor even with the enterprising Wright Brothers. I’m all for clean-running trains, planes, and automobiles, but I don’t love my country because of them. I wouldn’t die for my country to preserve the internal combustion engine. I’d die to preserve the Constitution. And by Constitution, I do not mean the Estate Tax, Peggy. Or whatever other supply-side economic policy you think made it possible for Americans to figure out air travel.
Is Peggy Noonan too lazy and stupid to be a racist? What kind of racism is it that is so stupid and lazy? Who would have taught Barack Obama to love his country? She seriously asked that question.
Check this out- A big defection from the Clinton camp. Since HRC is so good at coming up with new and creative metrics for measuring who is in the lead, how about we start a new one? We’ve seen a whole lot of defections, and they are all one-way; Clinton to Obama.
Let the superdelegates ponder that….
Big HRC fundraiser defects to Obama
Friday, April 25, 2008 2:18 PM by Chuck Todd
From NBC’s Chuck Todd
One of the things that both Dem campaigns are always nervous about is defectors. In particular, Clinton is more vulnerable to this problem since she’s the candidate that is trailing. Well, NBC News has learned that a major fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, former Amb. to Chile Gabriel Guerra-Mondragon is leaving the campaign to join up Barack Obama’s campaign. Officially dubbed a “Hillraiser,” Guerra-Mondragon raised nearly $500,000 for Clinton’s campaign, according to some estimates. He has been informing people inside Clintonworld this week in what’s been described as some tough conversations. A formal announcement of a role for Guerra-Mondragon on Obama’s national finance committee will be made next week. Guerra-Mondragon was appointed Amb. to Chile by Pres. Clinton in ’94 and served until ’98.
Among the reasons for Guerra-Mondragon to defect, according to one informed source, was he was uneasy with the tone of the Clinton campaign and was beginning to worry about what this would mean for the general election.
It’s unclear if this defection will lead to others; the Clinton camp has been particularly effective at getting folks to keep their powder dry. For Obama, this comes at a time when his campaign is trying to re-convince insiders that the math indicates he has the nomination virtually wrapped up. In addition, Guerra-Mondragon’s defection could serve as a tipping point with some key Hispanic Democratic leaders that Obama is ready to start making a bigger effort to court Hispanics
Don’t ya know BooMan. Anyone who was not born on the mainland – the 48 contiguous states – is a naturalized American. If you’re born in Hawa’ii or Alaska it does not count, you’re a furreigner b/c you’re from a psuedo state.
With all the challenges we face, as we leap into the Greater Depression, an economy ruined, the cost of two wars; and all the media mavens can discuss is flag lapel pins.
So before 9/11 there were no patriots. No lapel pins, as a symbol of loyalty. Remind me what did we do before 9/11?
McCain was born in Panama. He must be some sort of Manchurian Candidate for the Panamanians. Must.
No, he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. Now think about that for a second. What else has canals? Mars! John McCain is a Martian agent!!
And if he weighs the same as a duck . . .
I love this game. No wonder the GOPbots are always smiling…the mental gymnastics does wonders to those brain cells.
Really? I always thought it was because they were the people Dorothy Parker wrote about:
See the happy moron
He doesn’t give a damn.
I wish I was a moron.
My God! Perhaps I am!
yeah. two months ago the NY Times raised the issue of McCain’s eligibility b/c of his place of birth.
Yep. We’re staring a depression in the face and the qualifications for leadership are lapel pins, views of your pastor, and whether or not your middle name means you’re a Muslim sympathizer or an actual full-blown terrorist.
Actually I’m not sure how much McCain learned at the Naval Academy, given his 894 out of 899 class rank.
One thing that he learned is that obeying the rules is not necessarily the best…or the only…way to dominance.
After reading your previous (VP) thread, I was drawn back to an old 2004 article on Brian Schweitzer (Gov-MT) by David Sirota on how they won the office.
Now Crazy Peggy’s article makes the case for why Obama needs someone like Schweitzer. This is a weak spot for Obama and he could be really strengthened by it. In fact I would love to see a response letter to Crazy Peggy written by Schweitzer. He would tear her to pieces and show her to be the elitist snob that she accuses Obama of being.
Didn’t Schweitzer offer to teach Obama to fly-fish? Maybe it’s time they spend a little time together. Maybe he could also teach him how to bowl.
Here’s a YouTube speech by Schweitzer. This is a progressive Dem who “gets” the regular guy low-information voter crowd. Very impressive.
I really like Schweitzer. I agree that it’d be nice if Obama spent some time with him, maybe while they’re on the campaign trail in the leadup to the Montana primary. Schweitzer has a couple of positions I disagree with that nonetheless are good positions for a Montana governor to take — for instance, he supports research into deriving gasoline from coal, which is at best a short-term solution (and we really should be getting away from coal altogether) but sounds pretty good to the folks who depend on the coal industry down around Hardin and the southeastern corner of the state. But that doesn’t mean I don’t support him overall or that I don’t think he’s doing a good job for his constituents.
I suspect the Democratic folk of Montana feel the same way about Schweitzer that we Seattlites feel about our governor. While he’d be a good cabinet pick (Interior, perhaps), they’d probably like him to stay right where he is.
Well, then call me a snooty lefty because I don’t play her shallow litmus-test patriotism game. Obama certainly shouldn’t.
Why do we have to love our country, Peggy? Why should I waste my love that way?
She hhoit the nail onm tthe head, acctually.
What nail?
The one that Senator Obama must al least hit a glancing blow if he is to be the next President.
You think she’s stoopid?
Then all the people that read her unquestioningly must also be stoopid. I will nit argue the relative truth or falsehood of that “stoopid” idea because it does not pertain to the nail upon which I am about to hammer.
Alla those people vote. AND THEY DO NOT LIKE PEOPLE WHO TRANSPARENTLY CONSIDER THEM STOOPID. Much like many of y’all don’t like it when tell you that you are acting…temporarily, I hope…in very stoopid ways regarding this Dem nomination thing.
Senator Obama has indeed “been tagged as a snooty lefty, as the glamorous, ambivalent candidate from Men’s Vogue, the candidate who loves America because of the great progress it has made in terms of racial fairness.”
His fault?
He ASKED for it.
Abnd then he did nothing to change that perception.
Meanwhile the professional shape-shifters…errr, I mean big-time pols…have morphed like a MOTHERFUCKER.
Nasty ol’ Hillary Witch has become Ma Clinton, downing shots with the boys, and sick, old, wasahed-up McBomb has dropped 30 years and is spoiling for a good fight.
She smells this stuff.
She’s GOOD at what she does.
Being just smart enough tpoo give voice to “The Stoopid”.
Who’re what votes.
Obama better realize this and quick.
He can’t get elected as the darling of the leftinesses. He will just be a more photogenic Kucinich.
Scant reward for failure.
Is this post supposed to be meaningful? Why don’t you use “Spellcheck”. Perhaps, then, you could learn how to spell. As to your powers of ratiocination, I guess that will take several more lifetimes to develop.
You people are not worth the time it takes to spell check, most of you.
I spell fine, and I have done so for several years on these blogs.
I think pretty well, too.
Like or lump it, I care not.
I have taken care for years, and y’all still do not get it.
Why bother?
Arthur, are you drunk or stoned?
“She’s GOOD at what she does.” And what she has always done is kiss GOP ass.
She kisses the ass of those that are like her. Only stoopider.
They just happen to be Ratpubs.
And y’know what?
They are so fucking stoopid that they have consistently kicked the left’s…no, make that the center’s AND the left’s…asses since Nixon was elected.
Batting about .800 they are.
You? .200.
Who’s stoopider?
And you know what else?
Against all odds and all the evidence…they are about to do it again.
Good work.
Stoopid is as stoopid does.
Wake the fuck up.
Good God, someone actually pays money for this demoralizing drivel. I swear Noonan has slipped a few mental gears, her neurons are mismatched and somehow firing out of tune. We judge love of our country by this ridiculous mishmash of history? And, McCain has it in his bones. Has what? A knowledge of how to evade the sanctions of the law as he demonstrated in his days with the Keating Five or his ability to rhyme
principles of foreign policy.
I respect my brain too much to parse out Noonan’s vapid thoughts. Gosh, what a ditz. She represents no threat whatsoever to the robber barons who are trying again to dominate America stealing its wealth and treasure. I doubt if she even knows they exist.
Watch out for the familiar; it’s addictive.
I get the impression she wants to be hired to write speeches for him. Now there’s a bizarre thought.
“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”
(Samuel Johnson)
Peggy Noonan take note: “Boswell assures us that Johnson was not indicting patriotism in general, only false patriotism.”
The good, old fashioned American kind. After all, Americans like to gloss over the fact that while the Wright Brothers lived in a country that allowed them to go off on their own in North Carolina and change everything circa 1903, the brown brothers lived in a country of Jim Crow – especially in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Americans like to celebrate the liberation of Europeans from the clutches of tyranny on Omaha and Utah Beaches, even while Americans of a darker hue were living in the clutches of tyranny in Myrtle and Daytona Beaches here in America on June 6, 1944. Americans love to celebrate George Washington and his wooden teeth, but it probably didn’t occur to most Americans that there’s a reason why there are a lot of Blacks with the surname Washington – massa had a lotta slaves. Americans rarely remember that the reason why the losers and brigands who flocked to Sutter’s Mill had to push their way west was because the indigenous people of them thar hills were defending their homes from the losers and brigands who were invading their homeland.
Yeah, there’s gold in that history.
Americans like to be reinforced, to be told how right and good they are. Self-examination simply isn’t American – self-glorification is. American racism is, in fact, an offshoot of White Supremacy – the idea that Whites are supreme or, kinder and more gently, that non-whites are somewhat lacking or lesser in certain regards. It was OK for prospectors to go get the gold because it was just a bunch of savages out there anyway who didn’t have any use for the gold. People make too much out of all that Jim Crow stuff way back then anyway. Nobody’s owned slaves for a hundred and fifty years – get over it already. Americans have a lot of defense mechanisms to keep cognitive dissonance at a distance, to avoid any stain of guilt from the actions or inaction of their forefathers. Americans have next to no desire to face the ugliness of this country’s history intermingled with the glory of this country’s history, because much of the good that has come from this country is muddled with a good deal of bad.
It’s much like the Church – we the people have rarely lived up to the ideals upon which this country was founded, but that does not excuse abandoning the relentless pursuit of those ideals. We love this country in spite of its faults – and they are many – because of the ideals of this country. It is the United States of America that declared that all men are created equal. It is the United States of America that declared that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. It is the United States of America that declared that the authority to govern is derived from the consent of the governed, and that taxation without representation is an abomination. The United States of America was founded upon some lofty ideals, but this country has frequently neglected or openly rejected those ideals – much like the Church – but we love this country because of those ideals. We remain in this country because of our fidelity to those ideals. We fight for this country because we believe that this country can and should live up to those ideals.
It’s easy to love when everything is rosy, but true love endures the good and the bad, for better or for worse, in good times and in bad. It does not misrepresent the bad as good, the worse as better, or sickness as health. True love tells the truth, and then true love works to transform the best that is possible into objective reality.
That’s what I mean when I say, “I love America.” It’s a patriotic thing – Ms. Noonan probably wouldn’t understand…
There are a lot of incredibly eloquent people who write and post here and this is one of the very best examples. Obama should hire you as a speech writer Oscar.
My 91 yo dad came to this country in 1939 illegally (I know- bad person). He worked and saved for 3 years, hired a lawyer, and attained legal status. In 1946, my Mom and brother (seven yo then) came over. They all became naturalized citizens within a few years. He and my mom (now deceased) voted in every election (local, statewide, and national). My brother, who served 2 years in post war Korea, has always been civic minded, and involved in his community. Nobody ever questioned my Dad’s (and many of his friends who had similar experiences) patriotism because he has always been a good American citizen. Who the f**k is Peggy Noonan to decide what constitutes “loving America”? In some ways it mimics the idea that only birth mothers who breastfeed are cabable of truly loving their kids.
Really, if the discourse continues along this path of preying on the ignorance and stupidity of some of the electorate, we are doomed to a repeat of 2000 and 2004. God help America.