Bill Kristol used his space in the NYT’s op-ed page this morning to praise Hillary Clinton and carry her water over Obama’s decision not to debate her before North Carolina and Indiana. What’s funny about the column is that he sets out to say nice things about Clinton but never really gets around to it.
I normally don’t claim to speak for other members of the vast right-wing conspiracy. After all, we’re each nefarious in our own, individual way. Indeed, we often disagree with one another.
But I do think I can speak for most of my fellow right-wingers when I say this: We once looked forward with unambivalent glee to the fall of the house of Clinton. Many of us still do. But we also see the liberal media failing to give Hillary Clinton the respect she deserves. So, since we conservatives believe in giving credit where credit is due, it falls to us to praise Hillary.
But what does he praise? He praises her for winning the contests that she has won. And he suggests that at least some of the people that voted for her in Pennsylvania actually like her and voted for her, rather than against Obama. High praise, indeed.
Why are members of the Vase Right Wing Conspiracy so nice to the Clintons these days? Rupert Murdoch holds a fundraiser for her. Richard Mellon Scaife has lunch with Bill and endorses Hillary. Sean Hannity spends all day telling his listeners falsehoods about William Ayers and his connections to Barack Obama. Rush Limbaugh is trying to get all his listeners to re-register as Democrats and vote for Hillary Clinton. And Bill Kristol sticks up for her in the New York Times.
I’m just saying…
And Joan Walsh and Big Top Democrat sing in harmony with the Foxes. And eriposte embraces right-wing talking points for the greater good of Hillary.
It really is something, isn’t it?
Very very bizarre, makes one want to wash hands with bleach just in case this mindset is catching.
Rarely go to these days. Who wants to read Joan Walsh? Not I.
This man is the ultimate quack-quack. Hillary Clinton deserves respect, but her and her husband’s house still must fall. Only right wingers know who deserves respect and who doesn’t. And they give respect. They’re such nice groupies. Oh, how warm and cuddly.
“…he sets out to say nice things about Clinton but never really gets around to it.”
That’s pretty easy to figure. Kristol’s transparently self-serving and he’s following Scaife’s lead, here. They honestly can’t stand Hillary, I’m fairly sure, but it all goes back to the fact that they are legitimately and profoundly afraid of Obama as the Dem nominee. That trumps their likely visceral loathing for the Clintons, which was never really that ideologically rational to begin with. The DLC ‘Third Way’ was a big, fat nod to neocon hegemony-mongering on its face. You add in Clintonian welfare reform, etc. and you get something much more compatible with modern Republicanism than that which Obama seems to represent. And all the wingers know it.
It is self serving, but they know that even in the unlikely even the HRC wins the general they get to dig the 90s play book out of storage, take back congress and begin ‘impeachment 2 electric boogaloo’.
proof, the right-wingers think Hillary is a beatable candidate and Obama will defeat McCain. The more the hard right supports Hillary, the more I think she will lose or cause the Republicans to gain control of Congress and the Senate.
they would rather A) have clinton as the candidate because they think she’d lose to McCain or B) they think that clinton as president will be a bit more corporate friendly than Obama, given the clintons’ DLC/insurance/etc ties.
If I was a clintonista, I’d be embarrassed by this one, or at least have something to say about Billy K.
But instead, Not. A. peep.
I guess it’s not just right-wingers that can ignore uncomfortable facts.
Or b.1) They think that Clinton will be a lot more friendly to their hawkish pro-war agenda than Obama. This is a pretty safe bet. After all, she still refuses to admit that her support for the Iraq war is a mistake, and has enthusiastically supported the invasion of Iran. If they can get Clinton the Democratic nomination, it’s a win/win situation. No matter what, a Republican winds up in the White House.
yes, that too. I’m sure the notion of “obliterating Iran” led to a rather massive load of warmongering jizz in Kristol’s underoos.
You do such pretty things with words…and my gag reflex.
yeah, the word “Kristol” makes me pretty sick too…
Clinton’s leap into the genocide thingie, I believe, was just the kind of thing that gets hearts from the other side of the aisle. I’m not sure if she stupidly gave cover for Dubya’s next shock and awe or she purposefully did it.
Despite all the romance going on in Hillaryville, I suspect she probably has the same contempt for feminists as she does for blue-collars who didn’t stick with Clinton in 1994. Hell, she prays with the vast right-wing conspiracy.
Isn’t that book supposed to come out in May, the one based on the magazine article about Clinton’s creepy religious Family?
“Why are members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy so nice to the Clintons these days? Rupert Murdoch holds a fundraiser for her. Richard Mellon Scaife has lunch with Bill and endorses Hillary. Sean Hannity spends all day telling his listeners falsehoods about William Ayers and his connections to Barack Obama. Rush Limbaugh is trying to get all his listeners to re-register as Democrats and vote for Hillary Clinton. And Bill Kristol sticks up for her in the New York Times.”
Here’s why. Kristol is using the NY Times to give a wider audience to this piece by Richelieu at The Weekly Standard
I remember when republicans were telling all of us that it was going to be nothing but a long line of all republican presidents-and a republican majority in both houses. I’m still laughing.
But Obama’s a hypocrite for going on Fox!!!11!!!
Obama received a lot of praise, Brit Hume for one, Chris Wallace for appearing on Fox.
But I must say after Hillary’s Meritous service to the GOP cause, (see my link upthread) the polls find: via TPM
There is nothing more terrifying than a populist in office. Obama is leading a movement toward democracy, uniting the great unwashed hordes.
The country-club set is comfortable with Hillary, who is as far from socialism as you can get. If she loses, Dr. Zhivago comes home to find thirteen families camped in his mansion. We might lose interest in obliterating whole countries.
I think it’s the last throes of our capitalist system. The wealthy are seeing their future taking shape south of the border. We’re a banana republic now and are finding a better way.
The wingers need to turn this election into a contest of personalities rather than ideas, and it’s too hard for them to embrace (not to mention respect) Hillary.
They’re scared and divided. Yes we can: seize this moment and protect our republic.
I swear, 2012 is going to be Hillary vs David Petraeus or something.
And, dang it, I won’t have the proper papers to vote!