Serious Question

When was the last time we had a president that was raised in a city? When was the last time that we had a president that had been a representative of a city? Obama has spent his life in Honolulu, Indonesia (presumably in a city), New York City, Boston, and Chicago. I can’t think of an example of someone with that kind of urban experience being president. Can you?

Scotty Wake-Up ! Or ? – Scott McClellan’s "What Happened"

Judging from the endless TV interviews I’ve  seen about this book , its contents and the author’s self described  “my eyes now see” comments I’ll offer my own  “my eyes now see” commentary on the book and why he may have written it .

In my view, Scott McClellan’s late to the party moral awakening is, at best, an attempt at self-catharticism and perhaps a little reputation rehab -in the process .

That is my more charitable take on Scott’s, Whitehouse vetted, book “What Happened”. My more learned real world experience in this hyper-profit driven society we’ve become , tells me that this effort from Scott,  amounts to yet more of – what is, at best, naive parroting of previously mentioned Whitehouse proffered war rationales . My PR instincts tell me that , at worst this is just more spin . Yet still more, calculated prevarication from Scott, a long time Bush loyalist, to keep discussion of the war’s true motivating factors off the table – a spin replete  with a concomitant chorus of “how could you Scotty”  that rivals anything we might hear on Sunday ,for its on key attributes and impeccable timing .

After all, given the choice, I’m sure the Bush Whitehouse would choose the taint of motivated by misguided ideology over that of callous war profiteers.Though the risk of that latter label being applied in the near term seems remote ,I suppose adding an additional layer of plausible deniability doesn’t hurt ,especially if you get a nice book contract for your efforts .

While Scott McClellan’s Book it is being heralded in the predictable corners – the same crowd that stood mum during the War’s build-up – as a revelatory  and a damning  “tell-all” about  Whitehouse manipulation of the people via the Press  .  He nevertheless, still attempts to peddle the fiction, of the altruistic motive of  “Spreading of Democracy  To The Middle East ” as the true and unyielding motive for Bush and company’s  taking this nation  to war .  

“Spreading of Democracy To The Middle East ” provides the Whitehouse quite the protective shield of “diminished laudability” among items on any list of  the War’s motives , most will agree .  A shield that while  open to debate and even criticism is nevertheless , quite literally and figuratively – unimpeachable.

“Spreading of Democracy To The Middle East ” – so posited . That done , I suggest that we add it to our list of “historical reasons for war fictions” ,  right after the “Domino Theory”   Viet Nam  War  connection .

In Scott’s view of the world, we should ignore the impact of , removing  the Iraq oil supply, from the world market and its related contribution to record oil company profits . In Scotty world , we should likewise cleanse from our consciousness of defense contractors raking in still untold billions ,in perpetuity, from the Iraq War.  Yea Scott, we buy all that -wink wink .

McClellan seems to think that just because war profiteering is still off limits ,as a topic , for the New York Times and Washington Post , that the American public does not understand that the Iraq War is first and last about making money for Oil and Defense industry interest . Were it not we’d never have lifted a rifle.

So, “spreading democracy to the Middle East “is Scott’s idea of revealing Whitehouse skullduggery?   If so , he might try  doubling or tripling   whatever stimulant has brought him to this stage of moral awakening  -clearly things are still quite foggy for dear Scott ,then perhaps his vision is quite clear.

Brava Donna Brazile!

Appearing at The Jaundiced Eye, the Independent Bloggers’ Alliance, and My Left Wing.

For making a point I’ve been trying to make since Hillary began her heroic struggle for  Michigan and Florida’s suffrage.

“My momma always taught me to play by the rules,” she said, adding that “when you decide to change the rules, especially middle of the game … that is referred to as cheating.” Ms. Brazile said fairness dictated that the committee should take into consideration Michigan voters who might have written in a candidate or stayed away from the polls on primary day thinking that their vote would not count.

Thank you!!

How exactly is fair to voters of either of those states that their primary was misrepresented to them? How many, who would have otherwise made the time to cast a primary ballot, did not because they were told it was pointless. Even Hillary said it wouldn’t “count for anything.” But, no. Those Michigan and Florida residents who assumed that rules were rules didn’t know Hillary Clinton, and the joke’s on them.
Hillary Clinton is a study in disingenuousness; pleading for voters in Michigan and Florida not to be disenfranchised like the poor people in Zimbabwe, as she disregards the votes caucus participants in Iowa, Nevada, Maine, and Washington state, which don’t provide vote totals as part of their usual process. She would also ignore the will of 40% of Michigan voters who showed up in a “meaningless” primary just to vote against her. Jonathan Alter explains:

This does not include Iowa (where Obama first broke from the pack), Nevada (where Hillary won the popular vote narrowly), Maine (where Obama won easily) or Washington state (another strong Obama state). Why? Because these caucus states don’t officially report their popular votes. But if we’re going to truly count all the votes, official and nonofficial, as Hillary advocates, you can’t very well not include caucus states.

. . .

Beyond not being official numbers, there’s another problem with counting Michigan in these totals. Obama wasn’t on the ballot there. You can say this was his own choice, but that doesn’t change the fact that had he been on the Michigan ballot he would have received a lot of popular votes. How many?

Try 238,168. That’s the number of Michiganders who voted for “uncommitted.” Were they possibly genuinely abstaining? Maybe a few hundred of them at most. The rest were clearly Obama supporters who launched a grass-roots campaign. Everyone in Michigan knew on January 15 that a vote for “uncommitted” was a vote for Obama.

As of this writing, the matter seems settled. Florida will have its delegates seated with half a vote each. Michigan will as well, with Obama receiving the delegates for those intrepid “none of the above” voters. Hillary’s minions, protesting outside, are right about one thing. It’s not fair. It couldn’t be, no matter how this debacle was laid to rest.

Obama Now Controls the Democratic Party

Well…a remarkable thing just happened. We just discovered that the Clintons no longer control the Democratic National Committee. They were unable to win a single argument today. The Obama campaign joined both the Florida and Michigan Democratic Party’s proposals, and both proposals prevailed. In Florida, the delegation was restored but given only half votes. In Michigan, the delegation was also restored, but given only half votes. But the Rules and Bylaws Committee (RBC) chucked out the results of the Michigan primary and instead used a formula awarding Obama all Uncommitted delegates plus four delegates the election results would have awarded to Clinton.

As a result, the absolute voting power of both states was halved. Clinton emerged with 19 net votes out of Florida, but that is offset by 4.5 votes that Edwards received. Her advantage out of Michigan was a mere five delegates. In other words, she picked up approximately 20 delegates today. In addition, the RBC did not recognize the validity of the Michigan primary thereby undermining any claim that the Clinton’s could make for winning the popular votes there.

During the vote over the Michigan proposal, Harold Ickes spoke for the Clinton campaign. He was furious and he accused the committee of ‘hijacking’ four of Clinton’s delegates. He informed the committee that he had been instructed by Hillary Clinton to tell them that she reserved the right to appeal their decision at the Credentials Committee in Denver. This evoked a very angry response from one of the black members of the Committee (I’ll update with his name) who gave a history lesson on the Mississippi Freedom Party and showed real moral indignation at the dishonest and insincere arguments that have been made by Harold Ickes and some other Clinton allies. The most important signal came from former DNC Chair Don Fowler of South Carolina. Fowler is very well respected and he is a prominent Clinton supporter. He sharply disagreed with Ickes. He said that he didn’t get what he wanted out of the negotiations but that he supported the Michigan proposal as the best and fairest solution available to bring about party unity. He praised Jim Roosevelt and Alexis Harman, the co-chairs, for running an excellent hearing.

Nevertheless, the final vote was 19-8. It was a 2-1 decision that was supported by the Michigan Democratic Party and the Obama campaign. The Clintons may reserve the right to appeal but they don’t have a leg to stand on. I understand that the Clinton campaign has also sent out a press release now reaffirming their right to appeal. So, we’ll have to see what the Clintons will do, but it is clear that their camp is angrier than a swarm of hornets.

Personally, I think we should treat them like a swarm of hornets and run for cover, because they’re capable of anything right now.

As for the New Math, the new magic number will be 2,117 or 2,118 (when Donna Edwards is elected, it will change the math slightly). Obama now has 2,053 delegates and so is 64 delegates short of the nomination. He will win approximately 42 delegates from the remaining three contests. So, I think we can say with confidence that he needs 20-22 superdelegates out of the remaining 205 superdelegates. In reality, between not yet awarded add-on delegates, Edwards delegates, the Pelosi delegates that will go to the winner of the pledged delegate war, Rahm Emanuel, Jim Clyburn, Donna Brazille, etc., Obama already has more than the 20-22 delegates he needs. He is now assured of winning the nomination and he can probably make that announcement official after the polls close in Montana on Tuesday night.

Let’s all take a moment to celebrate.

Societal Murder

Last night, as I sat at my computer, an unholy stench came into the house and offended my olfactory nerves.  It smelt of sewage, and something worse, but it seemed to come from outside.  We have skunks in the neighborhood, and raccoons, so I assumed one of them had died or otherwise made some kind of mess.  As it turns out. it was something far worse, and profoundly sad.

A few minutes ago I learned that Ernie, the crazy hermit who lived across the street, died some time between Wednesday and yesterday.  I’m betting Wednesday or Thursday, judging by the odor.  The coroner had to be called in after a neighbor called the police to check up on him.  Ernie had been a shut-in, one of those mental cases that collects shit, unopened mail, and assorted garbage over the decades.  It was likely Ernie’s corpse I smelled last night as the process of decay took hold–though according to my mother it was more likely the stench of Ernie’s collected feces.  Funny thing is, the coroner didn’t arrive until after midnight, and by then I was asleep.  I tend to be woken up by sirens and flashing lights, but I guess the sleep of ages had taken hold of me because I dozed right through it.  They all must have come right around the time I turned in for the night, which was after eleven.

I imagine this shall make the newspaper: “Crazy old guy dies in his own filth on Cleveland’s West Side.”  What a depressing train of thought.  This man, who probably should have been institutionalized decades ago, instead lived in the same house he lived in with his mother and became that most awful of social outcasts, the sort that just becomes the harmless yet deranged individual that maybe a neighbor treats with compassion and sympathy, but everyone else ignores.

How low have we sunk as a society to let this go on?  How many Ernies shall die, undiscovered for days, weeks, months–perhaps even years, having spent their entire lives in squalor and the hell of mental illness?  How long will the Ignored be forced to go without the care they need, before we wake up and start providing it?  They are the Outcast, the Ignored, the Least Among Us.  They are the people Jesus implored us to look after, for we are judged by how we treat them.  Jesus…what would He say to us if He were to return today?  This country, which lies to itself that it is a Christian nation, what would Christ Himself say of us?

But we’re not supposed to ask ourselves these questions.  We’re not supposed to acknowledge just how cruel, unforgiving, depraved, greedy, selfish, without compassion, apathetic, materialistic, and oblivious we are.  Because if we do, then we accept that at some point we must take responsibility for our crimes, and for those who cannot take care of themselves.

In the meantime, Ernie–and all those like him–go on, needing help but not getting it.  We let them die; we let them expire alone, unloved, uncared for.  We are all guilty of this form of societal murder.

State Department nixes Fulbright Grants to Palestinians

This interesting piece from the New York Times shows the extent to which the State Department is controlled by Israel policy and how Israeli policy is followed by the State Department. This is not Mearshirmer and Walt speaking here. This is the State Department confirming the thesis of overbearing Zionist control of American foreign policy.

Friday, May 30, 2008

GAZA — The American State Department has withdrawn all Fulbright grants to Palestinian students in Gaza hoping to pursue advanced degrees at American institutions this fall because Israel has not granted them permission to leave.

Jewish Voice for Peace was so appalled by this action that it issued this plea:

Today the news reported that the U.S. State Department has withdrawn the prestigious Fulbright grant from seven Palestinian students who live in the Gaza Strip because Israel will not give these students exit visas to leave the country. The Fulbright grants – which are funded by our tax dollars and issued through the State Department – would enable these students to earn advanced degrees abroad. The Israeli government controls Gaza’s borders and sees all Palestinians as threats to Israel, including these students; as yet, the United States government has not used its leverage to demand that Israel release just a handful of exceptional students from the prison created by the Siege on Gaza.

One student who lost the Fulbright because he was denied the visa, Abdulrahman Abdullah, was quoted in the New York Times saying “If we are talking about peace and mutual understanding, it means investing in people who will later contribute to Palestinian society.” “I am against Hamas. Their acts and policies are wrong. Israel talks about a Palestinian state. But who will build that state if we can get no training?”

Even some Israeli lawmakers are disturbed by Israel’s actions. Rabbi Michael Melchior, chairman of the Knesset’s education committee, said, “This could be interpreted as collective punishment…This policy is not in keeping with international standards.” Further, he invoked the traumas of Jewish history, saying that Israel’s actions are not in line “with the moral standards of Jews, who have been subjected to the deprivation of higher education in the past.”

We can learn from the past; this tragedy can still be reversed. The Fulbright grants are controlled by our State Department. Condoleeza Rice said today she would “investigate” this issue.

The latest from Reuters indicates that Rice may be pressuring Israel to relent:

U.S. presses Israel on Gaza students’ exit visas

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States pressed Israel on Friday to let seven Gaza Strip Palestinians travel to the United States to study on coveted U.S. government Fulbright fellowships and Israel said it was working on the issue.


The U.S. State Department this week told the seven that their Fulbright grants had been withdrawn and it has taken steps to be able to direct the money to other Palestinians in the West Bank because of the trouble getting the exit visas from Gaza.

However, after The New York Times published a report on the issue on Friday, U.S. officials said they were redoubling their efforts to get the Israeli exit visas for the students.

Let’s hope that this happens. In the meantime, if you have the time and inclination, please email Condolezza Rice by CLICKING HERE.

Encourage her to insist that Israel issue the necessary exit visas so that these students can receive the opportunities they deserve. This is also one small but important way to open a window into the prison that Gaza has become. Condi along with Bush failed to bring peace to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Let’s see if she can at least handle this smaller detail of getting a small group of outstanding Gaza based Palestinian students into the US on Fulbright scholarships. It is, after all, our tax money.

MSM still dropping the ball

For starters, I only use “MSM” in the title because “corporate media” or “infotainment media” wouldn’t fit. That being said, the sad irony of the press corps which once again shows how out of touch the village idiots are with reality is that, despite all of the huffing and puffing about how Scott McClellan wouldn’t let them do their jobs, they still are falling flat on their faces at every turn.

I’d use the term jumped the shark (hyperlinked for those who don’t know what it means) to describe them and their role in the whole “reporting the news and professional journalism” thing that they clearly have long given up but I think the term “jump the shark” has kind of jumped the shark…

When news reporters say that their corporate bosses pushed them to take out their “America, Fuck YEAH!!!” pom poms, that is bad enough. But when the same reporter complains about how unfair McClellan was being to criticize them was not only the same one to share a stage with traitor Rove in one of the most eye-burning dances ever and is STILL, to this day the NBC News Chief White House Correspondent, and is not doing the job that McClellan accused him of not doing, well, sorry, I have no sympathies there.

And when someone like Tom Brokaw is shocked, SHOCKED, that his profession were either dumb or complicit or unfit to do the jobs they are supposed to do, it is time to not only call him on this, but to push back forcefully.

When Brokaw says that “all wars are based on propaganda”, he misses the point. Propaganda means the spreading of ideas or rumor to further your cause or to damage an opposing cause. This was not propaganda. It was lies.


Hell, even Speaker Pelosi calls it a lie, although that apparently is still not grounds for impeachment.

What makes this worse, and what all of the whiny whiners are missing is that regardless of whether McClellan is right about them not pushing back hard enough or even, as my friend thereisnospoon says, what they reported after he stonewalled them (although it is an excellent point), is that there are still so many abuses and lies and stories that they should be reporting on and are not.

Where to even begin here? Even equating McCain’s total cluelessness about the troop levels and the violence in mosul with Obama’s minor “gaffe” (if it can even be called a gaffe) about a personal story that happened to be accurate in every meaningful way is a great disservice to what Americans should know when judging who should be their next President. Or the way that the Wright/Hagee/Parsley stories were reported – if they should even have been covered at all in the first place.

And it doesn’t stop there, of course. There are real serious things – things that should be covered and reported to the American people that we deserve to know about. Things that are imperative – things that are both accurate but ignored and things that are inaccurate yet covered non-stop as if they were gospel.

Things like the number of troops that are committing suicide and have PTSD. Things like telecom immunity really being about protecting Bush and his illegal programs. Things like the GAO report that shows how unprepared we are to deal with the Taliban and al Qaeda in Pakistan. Things like the Pentagon propaganda campaign. Things like FISA. Things like fake “evidence” that overblows the threat that Iran is to the United States (or Israel for that matter). Things like the continued devastation in the Gulf Coast, almost three years later.

Things like Rove and Miers ignoring Congressional subpoenas for no good reason. Things like the hundreds of thousands of disenfranchised voters from voter ID anti-voter laws and other voter suppression tactics. Things like the same voting machines that were unreliable in 2002, 2004 and 2006 are still being used, despite many not being certified. Things like asking what exactly happened to the millions of dollars in cash that were “lost” in Iraq. Things like why the US was arming both sides of a civil war in Iraq, or exactly what the role of our troops is or the desired end game is in Iraq or the reason we should still be spending billions of dollars every month there.

So many more things. Even things like why Cindy McCain gets a pass when Teresa Heinz Kerry didn’t. Or why McCain still calls himself a “straight talker” when he is either lying, stupid or just losing it. And even bringing it back to McClellan’s bubble bursting smack in their faces, why they STILL aren’t saying that they were lied to.

All the handwringing and finger pointing and blame gaming in the world won’t change the fact that McClellan passed along (either willfully or not) lies and they were not challenged or questioned at the time. And nothing will change the fact that the independence and integrity of those who are in the corporate media were sacrificed to become “buddy buddy” with the very people that lied and destroyed national security secrets and pissed all over the Constitution and made them out for the damn fools that they proved to be.

Regardless of whether it was their choice or the choice of their corporate puppetmasters bosses.

But instead of this “woe is me” nonsense, how about a bit of reflection and actually using it as a learning experience. There is so much that needs to be reported, so much that needs exposing, so much that a bit of research can lead to a huge story that the American public will be interested in.

The sad thing is that instead of doing the job that McClellan said you didn’t do a few years ago, you choose to keep crying that it just isn’t fair.

Message to NPR’s Scott Simon: McCain Flipflopped on Immigration

National Public Radio I find Scott Simon, host of NPR’s Weekend Saturday, something of a wet noodle.

This week Gebe Martinez from had to set him straight when he served up the standard MSM myth about McCain’s stand on Immigration:

Scott Simon [2:30]: Is Sen. McCain entitled to say, ‘Look, I stood up to my own party on the Immigration issue when it was considered to be political suicide’?

Gabe Martinez: No, he’s not entitled to say that because in fact when it got to be a treacherous political issue for him, he backed away from his immigration bill.

Let’s review history a little bit.  In 2006, he had his name on the McCain-Kennedy Comprehensive Immigration Bill.

In 2007 as his primary campaign got more difficult precisely because of his stance for [the] Comprehensive Immigration Bill, he backed away from it…

Obama Gives Clinton Win on Florida

The Obama campaign, through their spokesman Rep. Robert Wexler, has joined the Florida Democratic Party’s challenge to the Rules Committee’s decision to strip Florida of 100% of their delegates. They placed no conditions on it. They flat out joined the challenge. They even acknowledged that seating 50% of the delegates would give Clinton up to 19 net votes. So, they’re not even making an argument for halving the delegates (which would lead to a narrower Clinton victory). It’s a total concession.

But Michigan is up next and there will be no easy concessions there.