Obama is in on it.
Reuters headline:
Obama open to Clinton as possible running mate.
Read on below the fold for quotes from the article.
As far as I am concerned the fix has been in from the get-go.
Obama B.-Yo. Hil!!! First we get rid of that geek Edwards and then we run it down. Down and dirty; no punches pulled; may the best pro win. Whoever wins chooses the other as VP. Together we’ll save the world. Whaddaya say???
Hillary C.-I’m in, baby. I am in Let’s get it ON!!!
He’s a pro, she’s a pro.
Like the bullshit hype before a big boxing match or mixed martial arts bout…it’s all business in the end.
Watch ’em kiss and make up.
Money talks; nobody walks.
When money and power talk…then nobody REALLY walks.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Democrat Barack Obama on Thursday did not rule out selecting rival Hillary Clinton as his vice presidential running mate if he ultimately defeats her in a race in which he has an almost insurmountable lead.
“There’s no doubt that she’s qualified to be vice president, there’s no doubt she’s qualified to be president,” Obama told NBC News.
In a CNN interview, he said he had not wrapped up the Democratic presidential nomination, but when he does, he will start going through the process of selecting a running mate.
“She is tireless, she is smart. She is capable. And so obviously she’d be on anybody’s short list to be a potential vice presidential candidate,” said Obama, —snip—
Some Democrats are saying Obama and Clinton would be a formidable team against Republican John McCain in the race to the November election.
According to a CBS News/New York Times poll released last week, a majority of both Obama and Clinton voters say they would favor a so-called “Dream Ticket” involving both candidates.
Boy, y’all’s heads are gonna explode when you realize that alla this blah blah blah about how Ms. Clinton is such an absolute, James Bond level villainess while Obama is the second coming of Christ has been sheer, useless, extracurricular, meaningless leftiness masturbation while the real deal was businessing as usual under the table.
Or being consummated ON the table.
Bet on it.
Wake the fuck up.
The leftiness blogosphere.
The Oakland of the internet.
There’s no there there.
BWAH ha ha ha ha!!!!!
I’m fascinated at how people can see the exact same thing but come to different conclusions. I saw (and heard) Obama say those things in response to a question, but, from his tone and manner, got the feeling that he was being generous and gentlemanly but was absolutely not going to pick her as a running mate.
It will be interesting to see, certainly.
Karen in Austin
You are not alone … she’ll stay and fight (democrats) in Congress another day to hold onto political power. It’s not about democracy … just wielding power, political influence and lots of money. Watch the cowardly superdelegates wait, and wait before making public their choice for … a power House. Kennedy .. fallen, Bush .. fallen, Clinton .. fallen, Obama .. fallen (assassinated in June 2008). You watch! The establishment has their way of handling (peace) mavericks: John Kennedy, MLK, Robert Kennedy, Anwar Sadat, Yitshak Rabin, Benazir Bhutto, Ehud Olmert. Conservative order through chaos.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
She is a disaster. She attracts no one not already in Obama’s camp. She gives him no strength, only weaknesses on another front.
Obama needs national security creds. Hillary has none.
Obama needs foreign policy creds. Hillary has none.
Obama needs experience creds. Hillary has none.
Who has these missing bits? Jim Webb or Bill Richardson.
Obama needs middle-aged and older white voters who would otherwise vote for McCain.
Remember…every voter she takes away from McCain counts as plus two voters. One less for McCain, one more for Obama.
Mcain has 9 voters and so does Obama9? It’s a tie. And YOU know what happens in America with ties in presidential elections, right?
UH oh!!!
Take one away from McCain and give one to Obama? It’s 8 to 10. A 20 percent plurality. Harder to steal. Hmmmm…
And who would she chase away from Obama? A few obsessed leftiness shmoon with nothing better to do that complain no matter WHO runs.
No great loss. The Greens ain’t gonna be doing any election stealing.
Win win.
Come campaign time? Obama could float above it all with that beatific look on his innocent li’l face (He doesn’t have much of a dumb act, but his “Who? ME???” act is priceless!!!) while Ms. Clinton transforms herself one more time, this incarnation being closer to MadDag McClinton, political infighter than Ma Clinton, drinker with the weak and weary and long-suffering but nevertheless OH so loyal wifey..
After elected she can turn into the Virgin Mother Hillary McMary, Savior of Lost Children while Obama morphs into the next Abe Lincoln. “GOOD DEAL!!!” the DemRats will squeal as they rake in long-lost-to-the-RatPubs cash while the corporate caissons go rolling along on their merry way to Armageddon and beyond.
Wise up, folks.
The only thing that separates Clinton and Obama is hype. And that’s a GOOD thing, because we need a new set of myths. The old ones are wearing kinda threadbare.
So it goes.
Dance on.
wanna place some money on it, AG?
I’d like a piece of that action, too, AG – how much?
See my reply to Booman.
See my reply here.